Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democratic Party...
The first upload is a 28-minute episode titled "Why I'm leaving the Democratic Party," where she details her entrance into the Democratic party as a young person, "inspired by Democrats who stood up against the war in Vietnam" and those who stood up for plantation workers in Hawaii.
Oh yes, inspired by those who protested against the Vietnam War ..
And that's why she later built her legend, myth and image as a veteran of the Iraq war. Where the upper limit of the victims was estimated at 1.6 million people. And the mess is still there.After all, that's less than 2 million in Vietnam....
What a consistency.
Maybe it was inspired by the Butler Brothers when they hung the Vietcong flag at the University of Honolulu. Oh, they couldn't because she wasn't here yet ...
For a simpleton from Poland (Bolanda) - cheap sh*t.
Pax Bolanda! Or anything else...