Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: August 11, 2020 06:23PM

Thanks Valma!

That explains why M. Soham would delete negative comments from under his posts about Tony Moo. He would know about all the negative commentary that Moo receives.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 11, 2020 09:44PM

I put this into the google search slot.

"soham" "mooji"

Here's what came up. Check Google Images too before things get scrubbed.


Kissed From Within

€8 – €12

Sahaja Sat-Songs. The latest offering from Omkara, Soham and musicians from the heart of Monte Sahaja. A beautiful variety of music and prayer including more from Mooji himself and two newly recorded voices. This album takes you inward and shares all the colours of devotion which resonate in the heart.
(This album comes with a beautiful lyrics booklet.)

Kissed From Within quantity
Category: Music

Additional information


Thy Kingdom is Here – Prayer by Mooji

Beloved Father

Who dwells within the soul of my Being
Whose name is
I Am

Veneration to your holy name
Thy kingdom is here

Thy will prevails throughout the earth
as it does in the heavenly realms of my soul

You open your hands
and satisfy the hunger of all living beings

You heal all hearts of sorrow
So that they in turn may show forgiveness
to those whose minds
are shrouded in ignorance of the Self

Beloved Mother

Who imparts to all the sense of choice
so we may finally come to choose
who are Truth
and thus find everlasting freedom

Glory to your name
Oh Truth

For yours is the kingdom of existence
of peace and love
All power and glory emanates from
You alone
Who imparts to all
the wisdom the light, the love and courage
to refer to themselves as
I Am

Amen Om

Tracks & Samples

01. Thy Kingdom is Here – Mooji (2:50min)
02. Let Go – Samadhi (3:51min)
03. Kissed from Within – Jyoti (6:16min)
04. Until Only I Am – Shivali & Soham (5:02min)
05. Eye of the Storm – Samadhi (5:13min)
06. Replace Me – Soham (4:23min)
07. Mahadeva Shambo – Omkara (5:14min)
08. Soham Gita – Soham (4:32min)
09. Shree Lord Shiva – Shivali (3:26min)
10. Be One with This – Soham (5:08min)
11. Beloved – Samadhi (4:45min)
12. You – Krishnabai (5:00min)
13. Om Arunachala – Omkara (3:42min)

14. It Is Done – Mooji & Sangha Choir (6:16min)

More about Album & Lyrics

Google Images


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Soham - Unplugged - YouTube › watch
Video for "soham" "mooji"
Soham Unplugged. Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is ... Heaven Is My Home - Duration: 3:51. Mooji Mala ...
Apr 10, 2013 - Uploaded by Buhani Spears

Mooji Sangha - Open interprété par Soham - YouTube › watch
Video for "soham" "mooji"
Mooji Sangha - Open interprété par Soham. Silence Within. Loading... Unsubscribe from Silence Within ...
Dec 15, 2014 - Uploaded by Silence Within

Soham - Untold - YouTube › watch
Video for "soham" "mooji"
Soham - Untold [] ... again later. Published on Apr 10, 2013. Soham - Untold ...
Apr 10, 2013 - Uploaded by Buhani Spears

Mooji music. At my Father's feet - YouTube › watch
Video for "soham" "mooji"
By Soham. From the satsang: Home Sent You Here for Me to Tell You You Are Home [] ...
May 30, 2018 - Uploaded by Sofia Pushkareva

Rise - See (Soham & Samadhi) - YouTube › watch
Video for "soham" "mooji"
Rise - See (Soham & Samadhi). Buhani Spears. Loading... Unsubscribe ... Heaven Is My Home - Duration: 3 ...
Sep 12, 2016 - Uploaded by Buhani Spears

Mooji music. Om Namo Bhagavate - YouTube › watch
Video for "soham" "mooji"
By Tara and Soham, performed by Tara and Omkara News and Schedule: [] Full library of ...
Feb 14, 2019 - Uploaded by Sofia Pushkareva

Mooji Sangha - Until Only I Am- interprété par Shivali et Soham › watch
Video for "soham" "mooji"
Mooji Sangha - Until Only I Am- interprété par Shivali et Soham. Mooji en français - Mooji in French. Loading ...
Nov 19, 2014 - Uploaded by Mooji en français - Mooji in French

Soham: In Your Presence › album › in-your-presence
released April 11, 2013. Written and performed by Soham. Additional vocals on "Replace me" by Sri Mooji and Omkara Additional vocals on "Be One With This" ...

Into the Deep Blue – Mooji › music › into-the-deep-blue
02, Open Soham · (Lyrics), 03:43. 03, The Unborn Omkara · (Lyrics), 04:57. 04, I Am of the Nature of Truth Kalima · (Lyrics), 06:37. 05, A Rose from Your Garden

Kissed from Within – Mooji › music › kissed-from-within
Soham, Shivali · (Lyrics), 05:02. 05, Eye of the Storm Samadhi · (Lyrics), 05:13. 06, Replace Me Soham, Shivali · (Lyrics), 04:23. 07, Mahadeva Shambo Omkara .

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: August 14, 2020 06:59AM

Henri Jolicoeur's latest Youtube offering about Moo:


At 1.20 Henri mentions that he has received a letter from the parents of of one of Moo's followers who committed suicide.

He then goes on to mention the threats of legal action he has had against him for speaking out about the Moo cult.

Henri later challenges Mooji to a debate about Advaita philosophy - now that I would like to see!

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: snapping-out ()
Date: August 22, 2020 11:05PM

hi everyone,

came across a new video on YouTube called : 'Moojibaba's dancing joy'. A slick piece of advertising. Trying to sell people the image of a man supposedly spontaneous and in some spiritual bliss. When all you see is a guy waving his arms and walking around. Like you and me would. Difference being we probably wouldn't hang a big picture of ourself in between images of Christ, Papaji, Ramana and Anandamayi Ma.

Then I found the next one called : 'the making of Moojibaba's dancing joy" interview with Sanoja and Krishnabai. Very revealing to hear them making all these projections about the man and the situation. No sense of reality. Or distance. Just the blind adoration of the image of this false guru.
Having been there myself I recognise the mindset all to well. Very sad to see that all they are doing is worshipping a person and his actions.

And the story about how this video came about. Hmmm...

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: August 23, 2020 03:38AM


The woman says: "I saw him in front of this Sahaja landscape just by himself. It's hardly ever you see him moving around so freely."

So he doesn't move around freely normally? And when he finally does, they immediately start filming him like he's some kind of Zoo animal, and turn it into Youtube views? Seems odd to me.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: stefa ()
Date: August 23, 2020 04:05PM

Namaste fellow beings in search of Truth, the greatest of teachers will only clear the smokescreen and allow you to experience your true self, not talk in mystic terms and leave you wanting for more, like a drug eddict chasing the drug, giving up your your family, love ones and even your flesh.

For those who still have problem turning your attention towards yourself, just use a mirror. Or buy yourself a mirror. When you look back at yourself through the mirror, through your eyes, it's equivalent to holding attention on the I feeling, which will melt away in no time. When you know what it is like, you can remove the mirror.

It's that simple. No need to give up everything in life and stay secluded with a half-baked teacher and giving him everything he asks of you. When I learnt that he charges for one to one meeting, I was so disappointed. It's exploitation in the highest and purest form. Should be no charge because it is our original nature, there is nothing to realised, we are already realised. Just pass the light and lift the veil, and be a light into yourself.

Please, go use a mirror. It's that simple. It's instant. Ramana doesn't want you to give up caring for your love ones, just be earnest and conscientious every day, every hour, minute, moment.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: August 23, 2020 07:35PM

Hi Stefa, interesting idea to use a mirror as a device for self-inquiry. I can imagine it can lead to the same perspective as meditatively inquiring "What observes the observer?". The latter is one of the things I picked up from Mooji that I still find useful. I think both types of inquiry can lead to a pure experience of "seeing sees seeing", disentangled from the usual habitual ideas we have about what we are and what we want/reject.

Sorry if the rest of this post is too much of a rant but I think it's important when talking about "holding attention on the I-feeling" to see that this "I-feeling" is not personal. A practical identification with the bodymind is useful (like you identify with your character in a video game when you're gaming), but that's different from existential identification. When you quit gaming and delete your gaming account, you know this won't kill you because you're not existentially identified with your gaming character. That would be delusional. Self-inquiry can help you recognize that existential identification with the bodymind is no less delusional.

"Satcitananda" (existence, consciousness, bliss) describes the truth of what we really are. It's not just the non-personal observer (consciousness), it's also the observed (existence). Division between observer and observed (or any division at all) isn't fundamentally real and the recognition of this fundamental absence of division equals bliss.

Neuroscience leads to similar insights as Advaita*: there is no entity present anywhere in the brain that is the subject of experience. There is just experience. If a true subject of experience would have to be pinpointed, that wouldn't be a personal I-entity (since that doesn't exist), but existence itself. Only existence itself can be the ultimate observer of any experience and knowing yourself as that is bliss. Existence=consciousness=bliss.

*e.g. the book "The Ego Tunnel - The Science of the Mind and the Myth of the Self" by Thomas Metzinger

I think Advaitic inquiry leads you to two stages of insight:

1. What I really am is not the bodymind but the observer of the bodymind and its experience (perceptions/thoughts/feelings). So what I really am is not present in space-time and therefore I am free from it.

2. The observer has no form, no boundary. So it can't be separate from anything and there can't be anything separate from it. There is nothing other than it. I recognize that what I really am is what everything and everyone really is. All is Self. This leads to a natural unconditional love for everyone and everything.

I've seen it so often that people take the Advaitic path but get stuck in stage 1, that I felt compelled to write about this again. Maybe all this is superfluous, but I think it's better to overemphasize than to neglect this point. Getting stuck in stage 1 is getting stuck in dissociative escapism. It's a pitfall many Mooji followers seem to find themselves in.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: stefa ()
Date: August 23, 2020 09:43PM

zizlz Wrote:
> I've seen it so often that people take the Advaitic path but get stuck in stage 1, that I
> felt compelled to write about this again. Maybe all this is superfluous, but I think it's better
> to overemphasize than to neglect this point.Getting stuck in stage 1 is getting stuck in
> dissociative escapism. It's a pitfall many Mooji followers seem to find themselves in.

Namaste Zizlz, thank you for sharing. Stage 1: Awareness watching awareness, is something that most of his followers don't arrive at. You see, when teaching comes from a half-baked who still has the mind, whatever comes out from his mouth will still be mind stuff. Even if he knows it, selfishness will prevent him from sharing. So his followers will still be searching for some mind-thing using their mind. And the result would be? Answer: Going around in circles and still "stuck" after many years, like a monkey chasing after its own tail in frustration, until some poor souls decided to end their lives. Hint hint: This may also be an indication that the guy does not have the authority to teach i.e. he is not there yet.

waiver: i am also not there yet, but i cannot stand it that multitudes are seemingly being misled and used by one claiming to be there.

When devotees sat around Ramana, in the presence of pure Self, their mind had no choice but to "shut down" or "melt" temporarily, and they experienced the Self. And what did i experience when once a devotee and attended the cow's satsangs? Answer: Confusion.

There was this poor lady in my local moo-sangha group, who have been listening to his satsangs, trying very hard to get it, was so confused and frustrated, and one day found her in tears after online satsang. i asked her "from the time you were a child, till now as you are in your middle age, what has not changed?". She wasn't so sure so i asked her again "before you parents were born, what did you look like?" And she got it. And she asked me "is it so easy?" and i told her "yes, is so easy". And she was a happy bird.

Grace was kind to me, because while i was following the fat clown, teachings of Ramana frequently appeared in my Facebook pages. These teachings were so crystal clear, so unlike the the confusion coming from the cow's mouth. Still remember the time ... very excited and telling my local moo-sangha group leader that i identify more with Ramana than Mr. Cow. that leader ignored my excitement about Ramana and continued to divert my attention to cow jumping over the moon.

When you are inside the sphere of "influence", it is very hard to escape, because you are continuously and subtly pushed towards it. Find a way to break out, Grace will help you.

> Hi Stefa, interesting idea to use a mirror as a device for self-inquiry. I can imagine it can lead
> to the same perspective as meditatively inquiring

it is revealed for the benefit of those who are still following the cow and desperately trying to get it through the tornado of word salad spewing from the cow's mouth. they ought to know that it is not the end of life just because they cannot get it, that they don't have to chase after him and give up their everything to gain the Truth. Grace will lead them if they just make an effort to break out. Just pack up and leave, Love (Grace) will find a way.

Be As You are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi by David Godman is a good start. You learn more in the book than slogging 10000 years in a cowshed.


waiver: i am not a friend of David Godman or related to him. just read the book and thought that it was a good authority on Ramana's teaching and considering that he spent almost his whole life there in Tiru at Ramana ashram.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: August 23, 2020 10:26PM

Well said, Stefa. You might be right that many of Mooji's followers don't even reach Stage 1. I think the Ramana book you recommend is an excellent reading tip. A more traditional explanation of Advaita is also worth looking into. I think these three talks by Swami Sarvapriyananda are a good intro: one, two, three.

I feel I should add one thing to my previous post: Realizing the oneness of all sounds nice and blissful, but it also entails oneness with all sorrow and suffering in the world, which is of course deeply painful. And I'd also like to make it clear that I'm not pretending to be awakened or whatever. I just think I have a clearer view of the mountain than I used to in my Mooji days; that doesn't mean I have climbed the mountain.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: stefa ()
Date: August 24, 2020 10:21AM

zizlz Wrote:
> A more traditional explanation of Advaita is also worth looking into.
> I think these three talks by Swami Sarvapriyananda
> are a good intro:
> one,
> two,
> three.

Enjoyed all 3 videos. These would have saved me four years satsang-watching time when I first started trying to figure out cow-talk. Thank you very much dear One.

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