Totalistic gurus like to know everything.
Note: Rajneesh, after his public disgrace, took the name Osho.
Google Rajneesh bugged
Rajneesh wiretapping
Gurumayik (Muktananda's successor) was also alleged to do this.
There are hidden video cameras in various places around the ashram. Many guest rooms and public areas are bugged, with hidden microphones picking up the conversation while Gurumayi and her assistants listen in. These areas include the Amrit, the Global Communications Office, the Meditation Hall, the Programming Office, public in-house telephone areas, and reception desks. In addition to this surveillance by microphones and cameras, the ashram staff know they can gain favor with Gurumayi by reporting any and all gossip to her at once, whether about visitors or about each other.
Grateful on November 9, 2013 at 12:01 pm
You nailed it:
“I also saw that most devotees didn’t seem fulfilled or have a sense of confidence. They lived for the guru but the guru wasn’t living for them. The gurus live for their own agenda which involves power through massive deception and mind control.”
Damn, I drank the Kool-Aid and kept trying to change myself, but the truth is that Amma doesn’t care jackshit about the individuals under her charge, much less the poor and needy. She wants everyone to be detached when it comes to their own health and money, meanwhile she funnels huge assets over to her relatives and for-profit enterprises from funds raised in the name of charity. Amma’s detachment goes out the window when it comes to what anyone is saying about her and the ashram, or if anyone questions her cooked books, rules, and/or policies.
The ashram is a closed system of “yes” people that don’t allow any questioning or free thought. There’s a doctrine of not allowing negative thinking, which is just another name for “cult mind control.” She claims, yes she does claim, that she is an Avatar, the Supreme Purusha, Devi, God, the same as Jesus (or better), etc.
Yet, why does this supreme being need everyone spying on each other and tattling if someone is not in line with the official doctrine? Why can’t Amma make friends (as equals) with other religious leaders of various faiths?
After Muktananda died, there was a power struggle between the brother and sister appointed as his successors.
Gurumayi shoved her brother aside and took over, changing the the name from Siddha Yoga to SyDA Yoga.
There is a letter from a former SYDA disciple describing how Gurumayi got SYDA affiliated therapists to blab confidential material to her -- and how she laughed at all this.
Many a guru shows a sunny smile to the public and is quite different behind closed doors.
(A few quotes)
There are hidden video cameras in various places around the ashram. Many guest rooms and public areas are bugged, with hidden microphones picking up the conversation while Gurumayi and her assistants listen in. These areas include the Amrit, the Global Communications Office, the Meditation Hall, the Programming Office, public in-house telephone areas, and reception desks. In addition to this surveillance by microphones and cameras, the ashram staff know they can gain favor with Gurumayi by reporting any and all gossip to her at once, whether about visitors or about each other.
The ashram staff is overworked and mistreated. Endless days and nights of work are required of ashramites for barely any pay or benefits; crowded, substandard living conditions with no privacy are typical; and sudden banishment's of people who worked hard and served faithfully for years are common. A number of these people who were thrown out of the ashram by Gurumayi were then told by her that they owe her thousands of dollars for their time with her. Sadly, there are people who are sending her the money she has demanded.
- Many of Gurumayi's staff suffer from depression, eating disorders, addictions, and other serious emotional disturbances. Gurumayi has been quietly sending numerous staff members and devotees to therapists and long-term treatment facilities. What is not acknowledged is that long-term exposure to the unhealthy dependency of ashram life and to the relentless emotional and physical demands Gurumayi makes of her staff plays a major role in their ill health. Ashramites usually ascribe this to the never-ending purification process they believe they must experience in order to better serve their guru.
- Gurumayi has sent many ashramites to therapists who are devotees. Some of these therapists violate their professional ethics and the confidentiality of their patients by reporting the contents of these sessions to Gurumayi, at her request. Some of us have witnessed Gurumayi, on numerous occasions, laughing derisively with these therapists at the clinical material being presented.
Note: you find your therapist happens to follow a guru, demand,
in writing that your therapist will keep your sessions confidential and never disclose anything about you to the guru or the guru's successors, not even if asked or commanded to do so.
If your therapist is put into a conflict of loyalty and must choose between obeying the guru and keeping your material confidential, demand an assurance in writing that your therapist will inform you of th dilemma, without delay. A therapist who puts loyalty to the guru above loyalty to clients is violating his or her fiduciary (duty of care) obligations and breaks the law.
Rajneesh Osho Gave the Masterclass on Manipulating Group EmotionSince there's some talk about possible Rajneesh/Osho influences on Moo, here is a very detailed visitor's description of the Osho ashram in Pune, India. She went there as a skeptic, very upset that her boyfriend was delayed in arriving there at the same time. In spite of herself, she reports being mesmerized, especially by the Rajneesh/Osho videos.
The Osho people have
decades of experience in managing people, managing their possessions upon arrival, and maintaining a beguiling enclosed ashram.
I Charged My Energies at the Osho Meditation Resort[]
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/31/2018 07:11PM by corboy.