Looking at Another Group--See any Similarities?Just as many argue that the US doesnt use torture, because sleep deprivation and waterboarding do not resemble our stereotyped views of what constitutes torture, it can be very hard to believe that mind control can be accomplished by remote control, not via direct coercion at gunpoint or in a jungle compound.
One tends to assume that mind control is only possible in a group or 'hands on' situation, especially one that is coercive.
Sometimes comparing two different groups and identifying similar trends can empower and deepen our insight and acuity.
For those of us on this thread, it might be an interesting extension of our collective effort at continuing education to look at a first person account by Pierre Freeman, who was a 24 member of a totally different group.
Yet..Freeman describes becoming entranced via methods of self induction that he practiced at home--and reinforced at home. Freeman described a very time consuming and standardized ritual.
But it may be that even if one is encouraged to create one's own original ritual or set of images, those too could become part of a process of ongoing trance induction (similar to what was reported by disillusioned former members of Transcendental Meditation).
Especially if one is instructed to keep these rituals secret. In Freeman's case, he was financially insecure and periodically homeless and estranged from his family for the 24 years he was involved with AMORC.
From 'The Prisoner of San Jose'Freeman describes how by creating a home sanctum, something like a tiny temple in your home, using candles and incense while visualizing certain symbols and making certain symbolic gestures, you quickly become hypnotized, a state which enhances your suggestibility and hence the believability of the Rosicrucian claims. The monographs, those weekly lessons, are read religiously in this artificial atmosphere, heightening their effect and altering your personality to be like those compliant souls who have been subjected to the ritual hypnosis of so many cult groups.
“When you receive their weekly lessons, called monographs, you become enthralled with the possibilities. After a short period of time practicing their techniques of visualization and mind control, you come to believe that you have finally discovered what makes the world tick. The problem is that you really have no evidence of that reality, just the continual restatement of that claim.
What has happened is that your personality has been altered by subtle but carefully orchestrated techniques of hypnosis.
AndFreeman's experiences with the Rosy Cross (illuminated by many excerpts from the diary he kept during his 24-year mental captivity) will have become a powerful lens for seeing how the aims and strategies of remote indoctrination, which date back to the beginnings of recorded time, are everywhere woven into the fabric of the modern world. His modest account dizzies the imagination by the way it extends our understanding of the term "cult," [
In a Q&A interview, Freeman commented (in just a small exerpt--read the whole thing)
How do the techniques of AMORC differ from most religious cults? What is Remote Indoctrination?
AMORC has various Lodges, where members meet, throughout the world. Still, I doubt whether most members attend them regularly. The essence of AMORC’s grip on its disciples, in my opinion, is a correspondence course coupled with certain so-called spiritual exercises, which is at the core of the course.
Religious cults, in general, are very hand-on. Group activities serve initially to fatigue and brainwash the new member. There is very heavy person-to-person influence involved and lots of activities and work to quickly cement the disciple in his affiliation.
AMORC uses another methodology, which I call Remote Indoctrination. Their form of Remote Indoctrination relies on using powerful authoritarian claims, rooted in the various lessons, called Monographs, combined with hypnotic techniques and phobia inducing claims.
I have a 16 Article, somewhat sarcastic, Declaration of Remote Indoctrination, in my book, which describes in detail what is necessary to accomplish this process; namely, brainwashing without a prison cell or powerful group meetings with a charismatic leadership.
It’s quite amazing to experience, but very, very hard to understand if one’s caught up to it. You become a Mind Slave of an external organization without even realizing it.
and (sound familiar, anyone?)
Why do you think you were forced into poverty and homelessness because of the Order?
If you study the monographs like I did, you begin to see a kind of dualism in them.
On the one hand, they portray membership in the Order as rather easy, involving only a few hours a week of study.
(Corboy's note: It is common for groups to say, 'Oh, just take what you like and leave the rest.' Or 'Just give it a taste')
But if you look carefully, you see something else- a kind of covert agenda, which only the truly serious and faithful student will pick up.
This agenda promises success only to those who truly practice the exercises rigorously and often and continually to review and reread the monographs.
The true adept will be constantly praying and meditating in his home sanctum; adopting a special breathing protocol which he will be constantly practicing, adopting a special posture for sleeping; constantly trying to visualize his goals and see auras- until he achieves his goals.
But since the goals, in my opinion, are simply unachievable due to the deficiency of the teaching, he (the ardent practitioner C) will undertake a course of action that will dominate and control his life.
You claim that AMORC uses hypnosis on its subjects. Since most of the Rosicrucian members practice at home, how can this possibly happen?
Many experts in Mind Control speak about the way a trance can be induced covertly.
Prayer and meditation which may in certain contexts be valuable religious exercised, used to commune with one’s Deity, can also serve to bring the mind into a state of hypnosis.
The difference between meditation used for a spiritual reason and for a mind control reason is the intention.
In our case, we would be told to read about the authoritarian claims of AMORC at a time of suggestibility which was heightened by candles, incense, certain spiritual postures and rituals and chanting
. I believe these practices made the incredible claims of AMORC much more credible, eventually working deeply in the personality of the member and transforming him into an unconscious servant of the Order.
And..what makes it very difficult to convey these insights is that most of us cant stand to face that we are human and therefore vulnerable/influenceable. We so want to believe and have been socialized to regard ourselves as invulnerable, hard shelled atoms, impervious to outside influence, flattering ourselves 'It could never happen to me, I'd never be so weak.'
Buy into that, and you're far more vulnerable than someone who knows that as humans and social animals our glory and our danger is prescisely that we can be influenced, given the right set of circumstances.
And that because we are in relationships, we, and people we care about are going to get old, get sick, and die--and that means from time to time, we are going to feel lonesome and heartbroken.
Or, have plenty of reason to worry about financial welfare.
Freeman had all of that going on, and sought through AMORC to become master of his fate.
And is now trying to tell us what he learned about remote controlled trance induction.
What role does hypnosis play in AMORC? How are their practices of meditation and prayer related to hypnosis?
I think hypnosis, in the form of self-hypnosis, plays a subtle but powerful role in AMORC, particularly in the prescribed times in the Home Sanctum. Trance is induced in various ways and a message driven in by the authoritarian, monolithic authority of the monographs. Both meditation and prayer involve an opening up of the mind to Divinity, to higher authority. If that concept is twisted in the right way, these spiritual tools can be used to condition the mind to specific objectives by the human authority that controls the mind of the meditator or petitioner. Instead of creating spiritual communion, these tools will heighten suggestibility.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2008 10:46PM by corboy.