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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: Shaking My Head ()
Date: August 08, 2008 04:21AM


Why is the battle for the mind so easy for people like Byron Katie or Tolle to win, and so incredibly difficult a battle for those on the honest side of the fence?

People hate ambiguity in life, shades of grey, thinking things out (complex and messy);they'd rather have someone "more evolved" figure things out for them. Read the latest new age book, go to the latest lecture, etc. etc. anything but struggling through it oneself.
I doubt there are easy answers for the most perplexing of problems, but think people follow the latest "one" to make life more palpatable.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) vs Tolerance for Anbuiguity
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: August 08, 2008 05:03AM

hey that's a great point.
Carl Sagan called that a Tolerance for Ambiguity.

wikipedia even has a small entry for that. []

Its the simple ability to be humble, and admit we don't have all the answers in the universe, and don't know everything.
Byron Katie thinks she can explain the entire universe, and she can't. She is completely ignorant of healthy psychology, and just knows how to confidently manipulate people, basically.
She thinks she knows "God" and what "God" is, and just plays word games and mind games. Think of the outrageous arrogance of Byron Katie proclaiming in her book Losing The Moon, that the Nazi war criminals in their crimes against humanity, were doing the Work of her idea of "God". It literally is demented, to be as arrogant as Byron Katie is about those serious subjects.

It takes far more courage to admit to yourself you don't have the answers about certain complex things, or only a partial answer, or no answer yet or ever. To tolerate that level of uncertainy and ambiguity in certain areas of life.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: August 08, 2008 06:25AM

Shaking My Head

Why is the battle for the mind so easy for people like Byron Katie or Tolle to win, and so incredibly difficult a battle for those on the honest side of the fence?

People hate ambiguity in life, shades of grey, thinking things out (complex and messy);they'd rather have someone "more evolved" figure things out for them. Read the latest new age book, go to the latest lecture, etc. etc. anything but struggling through it oneself.
I doubt there are easy answers for the most perplexing of problems, but think people follow the latest "one" to make life more palpatable.

I think you've nailed it on the head..and its too bad that the people who get conned into believing crap like Byron Katie's, couldn't remind themselves of how much they dislike ambiguity when they start to see that the keys to the secrets of life, cut and handed out by BK, just don't work in any doors on planet earth. It is simply ironic that people choose the path of least resistance when it comes to dealing with the realities and struggles in life, and will gravitate to a solution 1000x more the solutions offered by a slickster like BK. It is maddening to watch, and more maddening to know the world remains a literal playground for anyone who chooses to make a living by exploiting the vulnerability of the average person, rich or poor.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) vs Tolerance for Anbuiguity
Posted by: Shaking My Head ()
Date: August 09, 2008 12:53AM

The Anticult
She thinks she knows "God" and what "God" is, and just plays word games and mind games. Think of the outrageous arrogance of Byron Katie proclaiming in her book Losing The Moon, that the Nazi war criminals in their crimes against humanity, were doing the Work of her idea of "God". It literally is demented, to be as arrogant as Byron Katie is about those serious subjects.

It takes far more courage to admit to yourself you don't have the answers about certain complex things, or only a partial answer, or no answer yet or ever. To tolerate that level of uncertainy and ambiguity in certain areas of life.

So true.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: Shaking My Head ()
Date: August 09, 2008 01:02AM

It is simply ironic that people choose the path of least resistance when it comes to dealing with the realities and struggles in life, and will gravitate to a solution 1000x more the solutions offered by a slickster like BK. It is maddening to watch, and more maddening to know the world remains a literal playground for anyone who chooses to make a living by exploiting the vulnerability of the average person, rich or poor.


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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Money
Posted by: JB ()
Date: August 09, 2008 10:24AM

I watched the video again, Byron Katie re Money, and wooo, I can totally see through her now. Thank goodness.

I just watched a minute or two of this. My favorite bile inducing quip from BK: "motivation is fear".

She expertly creates so much confusion in her interviewee/victim. Sigh.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Money
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: August 09, 2008 08:01PM


I watched the video again, Byron Katie re Money, and wooo, I can totally see through her now. Thank goodness.
I just watched a minute or two of this. My favorite bile inducing quip from BK: "motivation is fear".

She expertly creates so much confusion in her interviewee/victim. Sigh.
Oh God, I remember that part now. That statement really jolted me. How sick to equate motivation with fear.

She dares to add, "I'm not motivated at all."

What a load of B.S.!

She sure is motivated to "move the work". And collect $20,000 a head for the Turnaround House. And abscond with your personal effects, if she can get you to hand those over.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Money
Posted by: JB ()
Date: August 10, 2008 04:33AM


And collect $20,000 a head for the Turnaround House.

It should be called the "Turn Around and Run For Your Life House".

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Money
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: August 10, 2008 04:37AM

And collect $20,000 a head for the Turnaround House.
It should be called the "Turn Around and Run For Your Life House".
LOL! I heartily agree!

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 10, 2008 06:36AM

Doesnt someone have to have a clinical license to run a residential program?

Or at the very least, get fire permits?

Health department permits for cooking are an interesting matter--a private residence might or might not need 'em.

Wonder if there is a subsection of law entitled 'turnarounds' or how to CYA your client's LGAT?

And, if someone were physically injured or had an anxiety attack during such an event, do they at least send the person to the local ER?

I was on a support team for a week long athletic event and one guy on our team cut his toe open on a sharp metal surface in the shower truck.

It was a bad enough injury that he had to be taken to the local emergency room.

People running events have to think about stuff like this. And 20 to 28 days is a lot longer than a week.

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