how about a Cheech & Chong bong reference![]
like my momma always said...
...never believe aging white dudes with fake names, wearing fake Zen costumes, with large beards to hide their poker-face, who tell you to mindlessly paint the Golden Gate Bridge forever. []
But to be balanced to the Guruphiliac, at least he did state that the Byron Katie people are his friends, as opposed to Resnick who claimed he had no connection to them, which was false.
And Guruphiliac does appear to allow some range of opinion? But his name, Guruphiliac, means "abnormal attraction to Gurus", like a Zoophilac.
You are not a Gurubuster if you only attack Guru's that your guru despises, that is what every Guru does anyway to get new converts. Scientology hates Landmark, for example.
The irony is Guruphiliac links to an LGAT Truth website [] and Byron Katie is running one of the most powerful and harmful LGAT's on the planet. So they are playing mind-games.
There is serious money at play, and if a post on that thread stopped only 10 people from going to the BK LGAT, that is at least $50,000 lost, never mind the "donations" which could double it to $100K.
So RandomStu comes in and tries to derail the thread, simply to try and kill the intelligent conversation.
Have a look at some of the emails from Stephen Mitchell when dealing with complaints, and you can see a similar confusion technique being used.
RandomStu was deeply involved with the Muktananda/Siddha/Gurumayi cult for years.
And that cult was involved in serious abuses, including awful systematic sexual abuses, and cover-ups.
There should be online postings about RandomStu's comments and activities with that group?
He then Guru-Jumps from one abusive cult with sex abuse, to another Guru Seung Sahn, who also systematically sexually abused his students. Very common pattern, to Guru-Hop.
One other thing about RandomStu, is the promotion of entheogens, which is recreational drug use. Empty Gate Zen is obviously aware of his promotion of this, and chooses to support it. They probably think that if you have super-Zen mind-power, then you can do all the drugs you want.
That is very dangerous, as some of these various drugs can literally create permanent damage to the brain and cognitive processes. And with any drug, the more you do it, the worse your judgement becomes, as you reach for that "first high" which you never get again.
Their main argument is usually that they are "natural plants". But arsenic and anthrax are natural too.
Their other argument is that "science" has proven those drugs safe, which is false. The XTC and other drugs people buy are distributed generally by criminal biker gangs, and made by some rogue dentist in a bathtub. You have no idea of what is in the drug, as they are often laced.
Its very dangerous and stupid to fool around with these drugs, the science has proven that people are damaging their brains and minds permanently.
Jay CruiseJody Radzik (who runs Guruphiliac) calls Stuart Resnik "our comrade in arms", "our friend and fellow gurubuster" and "hero to this blog". And basically Stu is making apologies for Muktananda, Seung Sahn and Byron Katie.
Here is RandomStu (EGZC treasurer) on youtube at the Empty Gate Zen Center (Kwan Um School) with his Zen Master Bon Soeng looking like a troll/serial killer at a Star Wars convention. Notice this lecture is 'endorsed' by guruphiliac Radzik.