Re: RandomStu, Stuart Resnick, Byron Katie, Stephen Mitchell, Seung Sahn
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 04, 2009 03:55PM

These are some of the actual title words Stuart Resnick RandomStu uses to describe himself...

< Zen. Chess. Poker. Gurus. Strange Trips. Mind-altering substances >

There you have it.
Poker: gambling, games where bluffing, deceit, and lying are the highest virtue. (being an expert liar in the bluff is the greatest skill in poker, to keep them off balance, so you can take the pot on a bluff. Poker is a mind-game).

Drugs: they use the word Entheogens, as they are too cowardly and dishonest to admit the truth. Its taking drugs, molecules on the brain. Byron Katie also claims a past with pill-popping. Lie to yourself that your miracle Zen powers are more powerful than the drug use and your addictions.

Chess: Byron Katie also loves setting up a strategic "checkmate", you always have to think many moves ahead to win, and the pawns are for using as needed in the war.

Gurus: attack the guru's you don't like and who are your enemies, be a stooge and apologist for the Guru you follow, and how you make your daily bread. (disguise that using bluffing, deflections, and other strategy).

Quite a combination, but explains a lot.
To these guys, Zen, Drugs, Gambling, Poker, Chess, and attacking your Guru's enemy Guru's, defending your own Guru's sex abuse, its all the same thing.
Zen is a game of lying to them, a strategy to defeat the opponent, to pop-pills for a cheap-high, create a fog of war confusion around your own Guru...

all's fair in love, war, gambling, chess, drugs, zen and gurus.

To them, Zen is a mind-game of dominance and deceit, a game where the winner takes all.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2009 04:03PM by The Anticult.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: Jay Cruise ()
Date: April 04, 2009 04:35PM

Jody Radzik (who runs Guruphiliac) calls Stuart Resnik "our comrade in arms", "our friend and fellow gurubuster" and "hero to this blog". And basically Stu is making apologies for Muktananda, Seung Sahn and Byron Katie.

Here is RandomStu (EGZC treasurer) on youtube at the Empty Gate Zen Center (Kwan Um School) with his Zen Master Bon Soeng looking like a troll/serial killer at a Star Wars convention. Notice this lecture is 'endorsed' by guruphiliac Radzik.


As if cults put their worst features on youtube.

"We've never felt much impetus to go after Byron Katie. Good friends are close to her, and all in all, she's not trying to be the font of everything magical and divine, as far as we can tell."

"You're still going to have to pay us to go through any of this, but at least it's not the cult indoctrination operation it seemed to the person who wrote the message board post." []

So Jody has more friends than RandomStu who are close to Byron Katie. It helps to have your own people doing the cult busting.

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Byron Katie, and RandomStu Stuart Resnick, Kwan Um School of Zen,
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 04, 2009 05:49PM

People have wondered what the deal is with RandomStu Stuart Resnick. Its very clear, that to him, life is literally a living game of poker/chess. Under the cover of that ugly brand of so-called "Zen" from Seung Sahn and Kwan Um School of Zen, he constantly uses bluffs, tricks, covert strategy, misdirection, and multiple conflicting lies, to try to win his hand, and turn it to his own advantage.

Its just a mind-game, trying to put people off-balance into Strange Trips, using any method he can get his hands on. The level of intellectual dishonesty he displayed in this thread was outrageous.
But in poker/chess, scheming, tricking, bluffing, lying, distracting, its all good. If you can distract your opponents with Random noise, you can beat them.

To these guys, "Zen" is just a weapon to screw with people's minds, like a living game of poker/chess, to throw them off-balance, confuse them with smoke, threats, bluffs, lies, and to gain dominance.
The object is to win and defeat the opponent, by any means necessary, to terminate with extreme prejudice, as they say in the military.
Its the art of warrior Zen by Seung Sahn.

People better watch-the-fuck-out with these maniacs, as they say on the street. They will fuck you up. And if they are able to do it, they couldn't care less what happens to you, that is YOUR fault for being such a weak life poker/chess/zen player.
Except its not a game, its people's minds and lives that are being wrecked. But they literally don't care. Hey, its war, people get hurt.
That's what they really believe, when you look at what they are doing. So please, watch out for these Kwan Um School of Zen people.

To them "Zen" is a violent, powerful, martial art of the mind, and they will rip your throat out, or take your eyes out.

and of course, they pick the softest targets they can find, and will masquerade as a pawn/lamb when needed. Its a chess/poker zen war, and anything goes.

Stephen Mitchell learned his lessons from Seung Sahn extremely well.

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Re: Byron Katie, and RandomStu Stuart Resnick, Kwan Um School of Zen,
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 04, 2009 05:53PM

and yes, there was the old Guruphiliac guruphobiac attack, way back in the bowels of the thread!

an interesting recent reader post on the Guruphiliac blog, right at the bottom.
It was clear to many, that Byron Katie was not poisoned by success, but she was just finally getting what she always wanted!

Byron Katie Poisoned By Success?
4/01/2009 11:42 PM
[Reader Comment QUOTE]
"I remember back when you posted about Byron Katie earlier on, and somehow became convinced that she was on the up and up by one of her followers... an acquaintance of yours, I believe.
I'd already been to The School, and was figuring out what a jerk she really is. ...

I wouldn't say she's been poisoned by success... but now that she has success, she certainly doesn't have to work as hard to hide her "other side".
It's sad and funny, both, to see the Byron Katie fanatics here trying to stamp out any opinion that might shake them into reality... and squash their perfect vision of their guru.

I know at one time, I would have been posting that garbage too... trying to get you to do turnarounds on your opinion, and angrily swearing that it was all your own projections... meanwhile trying to portray a loving, grateful and enlightened disciple... light years beyond your understanding... giving my "amens" to those who were on our side. ...."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2009 05:55PM by The Anticult.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: Jay Cruise ()
Date: April 04, 2009 07:53PM

It upsets me more that Jody Radzik would offer endorsements to friends giving credence to these cult apologists, than Stuart Resnik thinking he is a covert ninja of the mind.

I just read from one of these apologist that Byron Katie has "voluntary" Heavy Metal sessions with her guests. That they play bands like Korn. Byron Katie's son Ross Robinson ("The Godfather of Nu Metal") was of course the producer for Korn.

The first song "Right Now" on the 2003 release "Take a Look in the Mirror":

"Right now
Can't find a way
To get accross the hate
When I see you

Right now
I'm feeling strange inside
I want to slash and feed you

Right now
I rip apart the things inside
That excite you

Right now
I can't control myself
I Fucking hate you

You open your mouth again
I swear I'm gonna break it
You open your mouth again,
Oh God I cannot take it

Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll Fuck you up"

Urgh I'm stunned! What is up with that? Hmmm..

"6. Deep, excessive probing into one's past traumas. (She used violent Korn music to trigger our worst memories.)

And it was repeated that "no one has to do this exercise" for the more intense stuff. (Korn and the other musicians whose music is used at Katie's schools are compensated, by the way; her son is in the recording business.)" []

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: April 04, 2009 09:15PM

Jay Cruise
It upsets me more that Jody Radzik would offer endorsements to friends giving credence to these cult apologists, than Stuart Resnik thinking he is a covert ninja of the mind.
I just posted about both Stuart and Jody in the Seung Sahn thread, will say something about it here as well...

Just the other day I was reading a blog entry on Eckhart Tolle at the Guruphiliac blog and was pleased to find that more than one person in the comments section was taking Stuart Resnick aka RandomStu to task. (This means that Jody does sometimes allow dissenting comments. I'm still scratching my head, trying to figure that guy out!)

Here is just one of the comments critical of Stuart:


It's useless to try to argue with Stuart. He'll always prevail because that's his motto. He may not even realize that his mind always twists to ignore the arguments that knock down his own.

Stuart, when you realize this and let it go, your keen mind will truly shine. Until then, it's always a "pain in the ..." to try to argue with you. I know it, I tried it a few times, only to realize that your argumentation wasn't honest. It's flawed at the base - your ego. Let it go, man!

Love, François

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: Jay Cruise ()
Date: April 04, 2009 10:37PM

Thanks for that Helpme2times.

Jody comes to the rescue of his "hero" Stu, who is obviously a professional troll/apologist. Resnick has been promoted heavily on that site for the last couple of years.

You notice, like he did on this forum, always passes the blame from cult leaders to its members. Members volutarily submitted to the cult because their perception or desires were faulty.

"Friendship" seems to buy a lot from the guruphiliac.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Steve Salerno's Shamblog
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: April 04, 2009 10:54PM

You're welcome, Jay. :-)

So get this...

In the midst of reading a couple of guru-critical blogs, I came upon an entry by the wonderful Steve Salerno at his "Shamblog" site. The piece mentioned the "actress" Jenny McCarthy and the latest bandwagon she's hopped on in protest. In the comments section, a couple of people asked Steve if a piece on Byron Katie was forthcoming!

Here is Steve's response:

"Folks, I have to say, there is no topic on which I get more mail (specifically of the "you need to look into this!" type) than Byron Katie. I would love to do something meaningful on Katie...the key word being "meaningful." As I explained at least once or twice before, Katie is the kind of subject that deserves a serious journalistic examination--much like the treatment given Tony Robbins in my book. That took a lot of time and diligence (and "legaling") to put together. I don't want to just blow this off in a few terse and/or snide paragraphs. If I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it right. So please bear with me. Keep reading, and one day perhaps your patience will be rewarded."

[[url=]Racing to judgment: A play in two (different but related) acts.[/url]]

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2009 11:16PM by helpme2times.

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Byron Katie (the Work) and Stuart Resnick, Guruphiliac, drugs
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 05, 2009 06:57AM

how about a Cheech & Chong bong reference![]
like my momma always said...
...never believe aging white dudes with fake names, wearing fake Zen costumes, with large beards to hide their poker-face, who tell you to mindlessly paint the Golden Gate Bridge forever. []

But to be balanced to the Guruphiliac, at least he did state that the Byron Katie people are his friends, as opposed to Resnick who claimed he had no connection to them, which was false.
And Guruphiliac does appear to allow some range of opinion? But his name, Guruphiliac, means "abnormal attraction to Gurus", like a Zoophilac.
You are not a Gurubuster if you only attack Guru's that your guru despises, that is what every Guru does anyway to get new converts. Scientology hates Landmark, for example.

The irony is Guruphiliac links to an LGAT Truth website [] and Byron Katie is running one of the most powerful and harmful LGAT's on the planet. So they are playing mind-games.
There is serious money at play, and if a post on that thread stopped only 10 people from going to the BK LGAT, that is at least $50,000 lost, never mind the "donations" which could double it to $100K.
So RandomStu comes in and tries to derail the thread, simply to try and kill the intelligent conversation.

Have a look at some of the emails from Stephen Mitchell when dealing with complaints, and you can see a similar confusion technique being used.

RandomStu was deeply involved with the Muktananda/Siddha/Gurumayi cult for years.
And that cult was involved in serious abuses, including awful systematic sexual abuses, and cover-ups.
There should be online postings about RandomStu's comments and activities with that group?
He then Guru-Jumps from one abusive cult with sex abuse, to another Guru Seung Sahn, who also systematically sexually abused his students. Very common pattern, to Guru-Hop.

One other thing about RandomStu, is the promotion of entheogens, which is recreational drug use. Empty Gate Zen is obviously aware of his promotion of this, and chooses to support it. They probably think that if you have super-Zen mind-power, then you can do all the drugs you want.
That is very dangerous, as some of these various drugs can literally create permanent damage to the brain and cognitive processes. And with any drug, the more you do it, the worse your judgement becomes, as you reach for that "first high" which you never get again.
Their main argument is usually that they are "natural plants". But arsenic and anthrax are natural too.
Their other argument is that "science" has proven those drugs safe, which is false. The XTC and other drugs people buy are distributed generally by criminal biker gangs, and made by some rogue dentist in a bathtub. You have no idea of what is in the drug, as they are often laced.

Its very dangerous and stupid to fool around with these drugs, the science has proven that people are damaging their brains and minds permanently.

Jay Cruise
Jody Radzik (who runs Guruphiliac) calls Stuart Resnik "our comrade in arms", "our friend and fellow gurubuster" and "hero to this blog". And basically Stu is making apologies for Muktananda, Seung Sahn and Byron Katie.

Here is RandomStu (EGZC treasurer) on youtube at the Empty Gate Zen Center (Kwan Um School) with his Zen Master Bon Soeng looking like a troll/serial killer at a Star Wars convention. Notice this lecture is 'endorsed' by guruphiliac Radzik.


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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and triggering PTSD, Humpty Dumpty
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 05, 2009 07:19AM

This is used to trigger any traumatic memories some people may have, like rape, sexual abuse, robberies, assault, etc.

The stuff about the "Voluntary" is simply their method to try to cover their asses. In reality, the peer-pressure to participate, the encouragement and shaming by the "staff" makes most people go all-out. They are told over and over that is the only way to get the "full benefit".

What most people don't seem to realize, is that this is literally the worst thing you can do with a trauma, to trigger it, let it completely overwhelm you, and then reinforce it. People literally can decompensate as mentioned, and literally have their psyche collapse from the emotional overwhelm, and go into a complete breakdown.
The only thing worse, would be to have your induced trauma-breakdown recorded on video, and have a company own that video forever, and be able to sell it.

Any proper trained therapist would NEVER trigger PTSD that deeply, as that can literally trigger a suicide. PTSD is lethal.
They approach it strategically, with 24/7 supports in place, and an emergency plan. Even then, suicides are far too common.

Anyone idiot can take people with past-trauma, and using various amateur techniques trigger their traumas from the past, and have a roomful of crying and screaming people.
Anyone can kick Humpty Dumpty off the wall and shatter him into pieces, which then makes him a target for years of "aftercare".
But then who is going to put Humpty Dumpty back together again? Who picks up the pieces for the next 10 years?

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses,
And all the king's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Jay Cruise
I just read from one of these apologist that Byron Katie has "voluntary" Heavy Metal sessions with her guests. That they play bands like Korn. Byron Katie's son Ross Robinson ...was of course the producer for Korn.

The first song "Right Now" on the 2003 release "Take a Look in the Mirror":

"6. Deep, excessive probing into one's past traumas. (She used violent Korn music to trigger our worst memories.)

And it was repeated that "no one has to do this exercise" for the more intense stuff. (Korn and the other musicians whose music is used at Katie's schools are compensated, by the way; her son is in the recording business.)" []

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