a quick word about this blog
Byron Katie and Janaki [
First off, its good that someone finally stepped forward to give a little hint of how the sausage is being made behind the curtain, even from afar in Europe. The fact that she is still deeply emotionally enmeshed with Byron Katie, will probably make it readable for those deeply involved in the Byron Katie system. (every single one of them will read every word of it, you can count on that).
She appears to have grown up in a Guru based childhood, and has gone through a series of Guru's, which is a common pattern. Sadly, some go through dozens for decades...
But what is missing from her analysis are the specific TECHNIQUES that Guru's use on their devotees. Sadly, many devotees, just get caught up in their own feelings, and don't see things from the Guru's persective.
Guru's are just humans, they are not special. You have to take a Guru point of view.
Guru's are just like us, except they know how to control people...that is why they are the Guru, and not the slave!
Guru's carefully study specific tactics on how to manipulate people, and get them to do what they Guru wants. All of the nightmares of this woman working 24/7 for Byron Katie is not magic. Its engineered. She was not the only one, Katie has a roomful of them., dozens of them. And she will kick you out if you complain too much, and ask to get paid.
She wonders why she was kicked out of the BKI system.
Why does Katie kick people out of her seminars who challenge her? Because the word gets out that if you challenge her, you get the boot! So you don't challenge.
This lady was getting a little too big for her britches for BKland, so they booted her out.
TM did the same thing with Deepak Chopra.
Also, Katie has many others who will PAY to be on her "Staff" since she has refined her methods.
What she doesn't yet realize, is all the lovey-dovey love-bombing stuff from Katie, and even Mitchell...what's that about? It seems they didn't sign her to a non-disclosure agreement, like everyone else, so how can they keep her quiet? Maybe Love-bombing would keep her quiet, they thought. Kick her out for a while, then bring her back in.
Guru's always do that, throw people out for a while, then bring them back. Keeps them in their place.
It will be interesting to see if that blog stays up. You can be sure that BK people have her "on the phone" 24/7 to try and "clear things up".
But a serious error she makes is in her analysis, that The Work helps, and its like Cognitive Therapy. Its not. CT is the opposite to The Work, and CT has been proven to be effective in actual studies. The Work is a cognitive distortion, that is reality.(Personalization).
The Work makes people feel more shame and guilt, its a guilt-shame Checkmate, which puts people under control.
Byron Katie set-up The Work as a checkmate system. Its a thought-reform system, or the gateway to one.
So one hopes the blog writer will do some SERIOUS research into thought-reform, and LGAT's, and perhaps she will begin to see Byron Katie's TECHNIQUE is not magic.
The BK system is scary. A person, like the blog writer, can go in there for more than a DECADE and still not understand what the hell happened to them, and still be caught up in it.
This thread explains most of what happened to her, believe it or not. Its not magic, people turning over all their assets, and working for free for years, its all according to design and plan.
Why do you think they dropped her salary? That is deliberate. They are making millions.
It might take time, but eventually people will begin to see the technique.
The Byron Katie thought-reform system is one of the most effective on the market today, as its quite subtle, and even invisible to most people.
you hardly know where to begin with this.
But hopefully the blog writer will take one piece of advice.
Take 1 year, 12 months, off from ALL Guru's and Anti-Guru's and Non-Guru Guru's.
Study, very carefully various LGAT, and thought-reform techniques used by various cult leaders.
Even take a break from Tony Parsons...or whoever. (Tony Parsons appears to have been in What The Bleep...the Ramtha cult fake-doc? He advertises himself as..."To meet with Tony Parsons is to encounter a paradox"...here we go again...beware nondual GURU HOPPING!!!!)
Muktananda did many of the exact same techniques as other cult leaders, even similar to Byron Katie, she seems to have picked up a bunch of former SIDDHA followers.
People should forget all this "enlightenment" stuff for a year, just a year to start. Take a break from enlightenment for a year. What's the rush? Where's the fire?
And instead learn HOW the Guru's do it.
Its not rocket science.
Its technique.
We need to study the specific methods Guru's use to trigger these feelings in groups of people, how they get them to work for free, idolize them, give them money, confuse them.
None of it is magic, its all learnable technique, other than the basic charisma.
But all the tactics can be learned.
But regardless, a look into the working circle of Byron Katie is interesting, read it while it lasts. Now everyone gets forced to sign to non-disclosure contracts.