ok, had a look at the blog...apparently run by someone named..
"waves arising suddenly on a windless ocean
reflections on zen, buddhism, and advaita"
He appears to support the methods of Byron Katie, with only some recent criticism of what he sees as being the philosophy?
He appears to be promoting the Non-dual ideas, and is less than thrilled with critical intelligence.
For example, in his reading list he says..."Reading too much is detrimental for your spiritual life."
Then recommends some Zen books. Seems to be promoting the No-Mind kinda deal.
I don't see any books there about LGAT seminar sales methods, complex legal disclaimers people are forced to sign before attending seminars, conversational hypnosis, persuasion, social influence, corporate business structures, franchising, email chain-marketing, stuffing cash in suitcases to avoid being taxed overseas on business income, and all that "ugly reality" stuff that so many "spiritual" people seem to not want to perceive.
Reading a lot is NOT detrimental to your spiritual and intellectual life. Quite the contrary, reading widely is very healthy. Actually, Gurus tell their students to not read others stuff, why? Information control.
And its pretty interesting how someone who is into the Non-Dual stuff, would call this type of analysis "garbage" I think is the word used. Clearly, he is quite wrong. He seems like a nice guy, but he is out of his league, and out of his area of knowledge.
He is also using an overgeneralized distortion, possibly to block himself from looking at these types of things.
These threads are not "garbage".
These threads could possibly save some people from falling into 10 years of exploitation, by various Gurus, not just Byron Katie.
Even just the AWARENESS that the Guru MIGHT be doing this stuff, can kill many of their techniques. That is why the Guru's fear knowledge and want to control it. Just reading some of this stuff once, can block a large part of what they do...its a seed of doubt, and a seed can grow into a tree. (that's why they want to CLEAR the mind of doubt).
Notice the almost exact comparison to what has been revealed in this thread, and the recent relevations on that new blog by a former BK volunteer. Even down to rituals around "voluntary poisoning" with a cocktail drink. Its all Voluntary...they chant....
Do people have to learn from the Byron Katie School of Hard Knocks? Or can they think intelligently, and figure things out FIRST, and not get their life wrecked?
I think the problem is so many folks focus only on the so-called "spritual" philosophy of what they are doing.
But this thread is NOT even about the spiritual philosphy, its about everything else.
The so-called philosophy of Byron Katie is about 10% of what she does.
If a person can't see that, they could be headed for serious trouble.
Its never a good thing to stick one's head into the sand from reality.
And one should read as many books as possible in as many areas as possible, especially in areas where they are vulnerable, like persuasion techniques, for example.
One can see why Byron Katie, and many others, are going after the Advaita and non-dual folks as customers. Many of them seem to be blinded by the philosophy in their eyes, and they can't see the OctoGuru coming at them from 18 different directions at once.
But it does take some training, knowledge, and education in these specific areas.
The most important thing to do is to set aside all of the "content" philosphy, and at least for a while, to focus only on the meta-level persuasion processes being done TO the audience, especially the ones that are not obvious.
Its pretty clear that most people don't even know there is such a thing, or what that means.
That truly is disturbing.
No wonder the world is awash with all of these cultlike groups run amok. Its too easy.