Here is page 129 (and the last) of the pages that were lost from this thread since the domain name was changed. Some links might be out of date but links to this forum have been updated.
...............................................................................................................................................................................................July 07, 2013 06:52AM
SandmanDate Added: 06/12/2008
Posts: 295
Basic Income Guarantee, Equal Life Foundation, Desteni
The Desteni members are promoting the Basic Income in their blogs. Bernard Poolman's blog has several posts tagged "basic income": Basic Income Guarantee or Grant is a world-wide campaign for a form of social security which has been around for a while... The U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network was founded in 1999... is "an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement". The official website of the Basic Income Earth Network is the Desteni group are not promoting the real Basic Income Guarantee campaign and do not give links to any of the official BIG websites. What they are referring to is a "Basic Income Guaranteed" which they say is an initiative of their Equal Life Foundation.
They have a Facebook page for it and their own website where they ask for donations: my estimation this is the most outrageous scam ever attempted by the Desteni group thus far. The Desteni Equal Life Foundation is trying to hijack the term Basic Income by using it in a very misleading way. They are misrepresenting a campaign run by other people by trying to make it seem as if it is their own. People who wish to support the real BIG campaign could end up donating money to the Desteni Equal Life Foundation instead.
The webmaster of the Dutch association of Basic Income has written an article about this new Desteni scam:
You can also abuse the term Basic Income for personal gain by #EMS #ELF #desteni of this should be reported to the real Basic Income Earth Network 02, 2013 07:55AM
rrmoderatorDate Added: 06/17/2002
Posts: 4921
Re: Desteni
See Rick A. Ross Institute for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups, and Movements has officially changed its name to The Cult Education Institute for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups and Movements.
The new domain name entry point and gateway to the Internet archives of the institute will soon be
The Cult Education Institute archives is a library of information about destructive cults, controversial groups and movements, which was initially launched in 1996 and has continued to be under construction and expansion for the past 17 years.
The public message board attached to the The Cult Education Institute will soon only be accessible through the domain name More than 100,000 entries from the former members of destructive cults, controversial groups and movements and others concerned has accumulated at the board over the past decade. The message board content continues to grow daily and it serves as a free speech zone for those who wish to share their insights and concerns about the topics listed.
August 11, 2013 06:37PM
SandmanDate Added: 06/12/2008
Posts: 295
Desteni ex-member, suicide, Bernard Poolman, Anna Brix Thomsen
This is a quote from Bernard Poolman, Aug 7 2013 :
Some of the Cyber-Trolls that Attack Desteni have Also been Linked to Suicides of people like for instance the Cult Forum and although We have Done everything Possible to take action, they’re Hidden in Internet Service Providers that Protect ‘Free Choice’ therefore, Protect Abuse.
But at the same time have a Look, Internet Sites like which are Extremely Abusive are Allowed to Exist and Who makes it Possible but the Corporations and the Advertisers, and the same with Cyberbullies and Troll sites like the Cult Forum – they Get Funding through Advertising "Cult Forum" is that?
Desteni member Anna Brix Thomsen says more or less the same but that theres only been one suicide linked to activities of "the cult education forum":
The Desteni group has for years been harassed by a group of people on a website called the cult education forum whose own activities has been linked to a bullying related suicide.
We have attempted to take legal action against this website without success because the hosting service hosting the website is located in Sweden where the laws are lenient towards internet content, explicitly boasting itself on providing ‘freedom of speech’ for it’s users. On the hosting service website, the company markets itself... Desteni has information about these alleged suicides, which may or may not be of ex-members of Desteni, and that they are linked to bullying on a forum - then they should publish it - but first they need to get their facts right.
The hosting service for both the domains of the Rick Ross site and the Cult Education Forum is in the United States. That information is public and can be viewed at and The host for is in Slovakia but it was previously in Sweden with the hosting service, which Anna Brix Thomsen calls "a safe haven for abusers". Again anyone can check this - it is public information. A Domain History search for at shows that the host name server from Sept 2011 – Dec 2012 was
The fact that the hosting service website for was was discussed in posts to this forum beginning Nov 5, 2011:,62042,page=104An alleged Desteni-related suicide was noted at this forum in March this year -,62042,page=106August 12, 2013 02:41AM
The AnticultDate Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558
Bernard Poolman admitting in writing suicides, Anna Brix Thomsen
So is Bernard Poolman admitting in writing, that there has been a suicide (or suicides) of Desteni members?
So the Desteni group is trying to blame others for any suicides from members of Desteni?
How many suicides of members of Desteni have there been?
Is there a pattern of suicides for some members of Desteni?
If so, of course the public needs to be notified of those facts.
Do the 'brainwashing techniques' used by Desteni, destabilize the psyches of some people, and lead to suicide?
August 12, 2013 05:12AM
SandmanDate Added: 06/12/2008
Posts: 295
Desteni, Bernard Poolman dead
My Dad, The Devil
by Cerise Poolman
Bernard Poolman passed away in the early hours of Sunday morning, 11 August 2013 (SA time). His heart stopped beating.See more at: 13, 2013 11:46AM
The AnticultDate Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558
Re: Desteni, Bernard Poolman dead
If anyone sees an obituary from a non-Desteni source, please post the link.
It looks like the family wants to continue the Desteni family business, it remains to be seen who will take over.
August 13, 2013 06:44PM
corboyDate Added: 06/19/2002
Posts: 4931
Re: Desteni
If someone dies and leaves a large and complex estate, it is most unusual for the heirs to agree.
August 16, 2013 03:14PM
exposetheliesDate Added: 06/12/2012
Posts: 11
Re: Desteni
Ok here's more lnks
They just keep changing names and all are GIN and Desteni members!/corrie.elieff?fref=ts