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14 years ago
Hi Shimon, I have had a quick look at his website. Speaking from my experience with an LGAT (Landmark Education), I see a lot of similar phrases and claims. The most obvious farce which is evident from the website is that he claims to give people freedom to create the life of their dreams etc but then offers monthly "Coaching"- therefore how free do you become really? The most obviou
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Hi Ryk, The good news regarding these LGATs is that the topic is discussed in lectures and text books as part of psychology degrees nowadays. A good friend just graduated with honours in psychology from UNISA, she also helped me a bit to understand what had happened to me. The symptoms you mentioned are all linked to LGATs, in fact every single person who attends these courses/seminars will en
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Hey Ryk, So sorry to hear about what happened to you, I truly understand what you have been through. I can only describe a little about what I went through to recover. I managed to find a clinical psychologist who had trained as a hypnotherapist, she had a lot of insight into what the LGAT had done to my brain. The symptoms of PTSD could be as a result of conflicting belief systems between
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
The Quest referred to here is not the same as Impact Quest. The people who started this seminar series were coached by Pat Grove. It's simply more of the same LGAT philosophical psycho-babble, just with a different name... it's sickening!
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
I heard on twitter that they closed abruptly- I try to go on twitter every so often to try to dissuade people from doing the forum... sometimes it works, sometimes not- I feel that I have nothing to lose by trying!! There are loads of people asking about the forum on twitter- I always try to point them to Lars' Videos on youtube and to! They have also decided to skip
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Larry Pearson was the forum leader of the forum I attended. After which I had psychotic breakdown. He witnessed my breakdown first-hand yet he still continues to lead the landmark forum. The next forum in South Africa is next weekend (14th August 2009), and he is leading that one as well. He seems to have a preference for leading in Africa in general, I know earlier this year March 2009 he lead a
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
The next landmark forum in Cape Town, South Africa is on the 14th,15th,16th and 18th of August. I really hope people will do some good internet research before it begins! I hope there are no more psychological victims after that weekend! Once you learn the truth about landmark, you see that it is all just fakeness based on stolen philosophy. I've just finished reading "Thought ref
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
It is very difficult to remember exactly what happened during the forum because a majority of the time you are in a trance state. However I am in the process of deconstructing the forum. This does however require a lot of research into the methods of thought reform, and the specific techniques employed. I have managed to get a copy of RJ Lifton's "Thought reform and the psychology of to
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Co-authors of "The Art of Possibility". She is a psychotherapist, he is a conductor... together they want to "help" the world with their transformational weekend seminars! This makes me sick! Exland
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
It is interesting to see Dr Phil's name come up in this thread. When I did the landmark forum, we were told that Dr Phil was a landmark forum graduate. The other strange thing is that he has hosted shows dealing with cult activity, I think Rick Ross even attended one of his shows on cults as a cult expert. We were also told that Madonna and the Wachowski brothers (Matrix Trilogy) had complet
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Hi Lars I'm returning to Cape Town shortly where Landmark is based in South Africa. I have a few good ideas, which I will implementing over the next few months. I'll stay in touch via email- it's safer :) Keep up the good work! Exland
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Somewhere along the way they will make a statement about "creating your world with language"- at this point I would like you to ask them about people who are born mute? Do they have a life? Try to remain an observer, do not participate in their exercises, make up fake stories and don't do the visualistaions at all! Let us know how you do when you get back... BE CAREFUL! E
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
anticult1 I have sent you a private message. I look forward to hearing from you. Exland
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
RealityRevisited I'm very sorry to hear that you lost your job because of this, is there not some way you could get you psychologist or psychiatrist to write your ex-employer a letter or something to help you get your job back when you're feeling well enough. The worst part about what happened to me was that I had a high speed car-accident whilst in psychosis- and ended up in hosp
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Hi RealityRevisited I have a very similar story to yours, except I didn't get psychosis from TR- I suffered from it after attending the landmark forum. I also had no history of psychosis at all. My psychosis lasted for more than two months. This happened from November last year until January this year. I have been having therapy since the episode but I only have two more hours of therapy
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuoteWarfrogGreetings everybody, I once attended a supposedly Christian private school and certain experiences I have had during my time there have caused me to eye Christianity with suspicion. I know that the group that abused me psychologically was a cult and I also know that not ALL Christian groups are cults however I still seem subconsciously repelled, fearful and suspicious of them. How
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
15 years ago
Hi Amhebera This is an open forum where anyone can make any comments as long as they are within the rules of the forum . I am open to any kind of debate. In fact I'm interested to hear from you, it is always interesting to hear from people who are still involved in landmark or still believe it is a positive experience. Do you still recruit people to attend the forum? Will you still
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Hi Christa, Could you be a bit more specific about which Byron Katie thread contains the stuff on mind control that Anticult wrote about. I've tried searching the forums but there are lots of gigantic byron katie threads, so I'm not sure which ones to read. Thanks Exland
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Having read some of the other threads on the wright institute, I believe you have every right to be very concerned about your daughter. From what I've read it is absolutely cult-like! The other bit of info I have for you, is that when I was involved in a different controversial group, they used traumatic memories to break me down and while I was in that traumatised state my brain formed
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Thanks for the update Amhebera. I understand the difficulty you are having in understanding the amount of animosity you have suffered as a result of some of the posters on this thread. I hope their comments are not intended to be insulting. I do not codone any kind of insulting behaviour but I do kind of understand where they are coming from. I know you may be struggling to come to grip
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
I found the book, "Take back your life: Recovering from cults and abusive relationships" by Madeleine Tobias and Janja Lalich, to be very helpful.
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
15 years ago
Hi Amhebera I did the landmark forum in Nov last year. I 'got it' on the Saturday morning of the seminar. On the Sunday evening after the 'empty and meaningless' bit I started decompensating. I ended up suffering from psychosis, and had a complete mental breakdown. During the psychosis I had a car accident and was hospitalised for two nights. I was sedated for another 2 day
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Whilst exploring the world of twitter I came across this link posted by one of the LEC drones from Atlanta Looks like they're trying to reinvent their cult. I wonder why this is? Could it be because they are realising that what they teach is NOT the ABSOLUTE TRUTH! Not even close! Perhaps the bits of good left in all the drones are causing them to become unhappy with the number of pe
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Other LGATs operating in South Africa are *Quest (Wendy and Buster) And *Insight Training Centre courses Joyspring and Turning Point (Dr. Baruch Banai)
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Lars I've sent you a private message... please check your inbox Thanks Exland
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
I am still thinking about doing something in South Africa with the media. Should I need your help I will be in touch with you Lars. Good luck again, just keep going, don't ever give up! If all the ex-landmarkers work together I'm sure we can get them shut down!
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Good Luck Lars The day that Landmark is shut down will be a very happy day for many people- myself included! In my own selfish way- I just want to get them thrown out of South Africa, but if you can shut them down at 'the source' that would be even better!
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Thanks for all the kind words and advice! This site has been instrumental in my recovery thus far- it really does feel good to know there are others out there who've had similar problems. Now I don't feel so alone anymore! Nettie how does one go about getting LEC out of ones country? When I'm better I feel it may become one of my goals for a bit! Is the media the best method? W
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Will do Zorro. Thanks for the advice, I can't wait to get better, I guess I'm just being impatient!
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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