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15 years ago
TO PastorThiemeisGreat2me May 08, 2008 10:15PM PAGE 129 of this thread FROM SISTERSOAP, My remarks below are in {{{xxx}}}: QUOTE FROM TRUTH TESTY : TT: Note to moderator: Most of this information would be shocking to most thiemites who have never heard it before, yet PastorThiemeisGreat2m is unremarkably silent on any new information and continues to relentlessly generalize prai
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
TO PastorThiemeisGreat2me RE May 03, 2008 05:05PM page 127 of this thread Re: R.B. Thieme Jr. PTISG2M SAID: TT you have to remember that it's the sins of mankind that has to be atoned for so why would God come as an Angel of Jehovah. That would not make sence. The God man not the God angel had to pay for the sins of man since Adam and the Woman sinned. The second Adam a perfect
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
TO TRUTH TESTY re the EEG test for human life and the Thieme based beliefs Well, that was not all they said, but telling me that the life in the womb was simply "reflex motility" settled the issue for them because that was what Thieme taught them, and he said it, therefore it must be true is the definition of cultic hero worship. At the time I never spoke up about this in my taper gr
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
QuoteradaphQuotemile2PastorThiemeisGreat2me: I am curious to know how you explain the selection of Bobby Thieme as pastor of Berachah, when this clearly violates scripture. (I Tim. 3:2--" A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife." Are you aware that Bobby has been married and divorced 3 times? Yet Col. Thieme supported the choice of his son to succeed him. I have
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
QuoteTruthtestyTo the Forum: From "THE BIBLICAL USE OF THE TERM 'BLOOD" by Leon Morris ...The remaining passages seem to point to sacrificial blood. Six times there is reference to covenant blood, which calls for no comment to show the sacrificial reference; in Rom. 3:25 God is said to have set forth Christ as hilasterion ... en to autou haimati , where the word hilaster
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
Re EEG's and life indications: When I proposed to Thieme followers on one of their groups (pro Thieme) that babies in the womb were also known to have EEG brain waves, and thus, AT THE VERY LEAST must be considered to be HUMAN AND ALIVE in the womb, they protested furiously that this was ONLY TISSUE MOTILITY or some such silly invented term to describe babies before their birth. They w
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
Hey Testy, I have gotten behind again reading posts on this thread, so I just picked this last post to let folks know of a Thieme tid bit I found while browsing sermons by Dr. D.A. Waite today. As you may recall, Dr.Waite also attended Dallas Seminary, part of the time while Thieme was also a student there. The sermon in question can be found here: The mention of Thieme comes bef
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Quoteorangeperuviscachathis picture from 1988 said it all:- Hi Orange, I am not sure I understand this picture. From 1988 OK but from who and about who? Are these individual tapers in their own private "boxes" listening to Thieme tapes and the droopy people outside are all alone, too? or are they non people because they are not listening to Bob's tapes? One of Katy's
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Hi Orange! Thanks for the link. Now if I can stomach listening.....Maybe a bit at a time. Sis
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteradaphI understand what you are saying, and honestly if I had started attending Berachah as a young adult, I might agree with you. But how much discernment does an 6 year old have? Not much. There parents are taking them to this church, and singing Col. Thieme's praises, so if mom and dad approve, it must be right. Thus, the child accepts everything they hear as the gospel truth. And it
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
TO THE FORUM: Here is an interesting list of questions to ask about spiritual abuse in any group of concern to you or a loved one: Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire Questions To Help Identify Specific Areas of Spiritual Abuse, Deception, and Fraud by Chris Lawson The following list of questions is to help you, the reader, think through a number of things that perhaps you have neve
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Hello. Virgilsweeney, This is your first post on Rick Ross, it appears, so let me welcome you here. Thanks for posting your experiences and opinions re Thieme. I am working on a reply, but on my email first lest I lose hours of work! I hope you stick with us through what may be an up and down dialog. Most who like Thieme do not address the specific issues we bring up nor do they stay long e
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteradaphQuotesistersoapYOU SAID: I am not really interested in looking at a Thiemite forum. When I said there weren't any, I didn't really mean it literally. I just meant that the thiemites are not some organized group, they are just a bunch of people all over the world who follow thieme. But for the most part, they do so individually. COMMENT: Thanks for explaining. I can only
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Quoteorangeperuviscachasistersoap, If you go to the 4shared file link (same as the one on page 116 of this forum), there is a pdf file (scroll down on the list) called ThiemeJrBooks.pdf I have converted all the books at the mustseethisone site, into pdf. With contents page at the beginning. The useful thing about this, is that you can type in a word into the Acrobat Reader search item,
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
HI TESTY, I sheepishly relearn that lesson about copying and pasting posts before actually posting them periodically. Sis
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Quote ...sistersoap, Go to the link and scroll down a little until you see on the left: "All the books! 64 in all. Literal, Grammatical, Historical, Etymological, Contextual, Exegetical, Hermeneutical interpretation of The Word! In rich text format " This is a on it and you will see the list of books. They can be downloaded. Good luck, Truthlover[/quote
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Quotemile2Truthlover: Thank you for the link to Thieme's books online at "" I was reading the book "Follow the Colors" when I found the following quote on p.17. ” For example, if you are prepared for marriage through the consistent absorption of Bible doctrine, you will not only make the right decision for a partner, but you will also develop in y
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteradaphQuotesistersoapQuoteradaphQuoterrmoderatorradaph: You said, "You are not objective. As such, I am finished discussing this with you. You haven't heard what I've said. So what's the point in saying more? There is none." At this point you begin to sound like a child unwilling to participate in a group activity unless he or she has their way. Please under
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteEva BrownI have studied the scripture with Shepherds Chapel. May I halp you with any questions or thoughts? If i could help you I would. Do you still believe what Arnold Murray teaches? I will ask my friends for specific questions to ask. Don't have them on hand.... Thanks, Sistersoap
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteTruthtestyQuoteHI TESTY, At any rate, we as the winners seem to have found all kinds of Nazis in the woodworks and theology was not exempt from following Hitler. Sis Your welcome dear Sister, What I find striking is which theology followed, SUPPORTED, and submitted to Hitler authority (Kittel, Behm, Althaus, Hirsch etc..) AND Which theology strove to undue Hitler and "
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteTruthtestyHello Sister, You have been gone a while. Did you see where I posted that Doktor Gerahrd Kittle, of Kittle's Theological Dictionary, was one of Hitler's theologians? Doktor Kittle was imprisoned after WWII by the allies. The allies went straight to the university where Doktor Kittle taught and arrested him. Kittle was imprisoned for 17 months. Kittle&#
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteradaphQuoterrmoderatorradaph: You said, "You are not objective. As such, I am finished discussing this with you. You haven't heard what I've said. So what's the point in saying more? There is none." At this point you begin to sound like a child unwilling to participate in a group activity unless he or she has their way. Please understand that just because pe
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Quotemile2Imjustme: All your questions about the author C.G. Hunt normally would be very valid. However in this case they are not relevant because of the way in which the book was written. C.G. Hunt took no position either pro or con Thieme, but simply compiled biographical data that came from sources available to the public, such as newspaper articles, books, and documents that are a matter
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuotekcjonesOk Back from a semi-restful weekend. Im, when I spoke about Jonah, He refused to go to Nineveh, which happened to be in Assyrian territory. Now remember, if we all believe God's word to be true, then if he meant the City and not the Country when it was written, then we have to stick to what God said there, and be precise. This is one of my 'issues' with Bob'
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteImjustmeMile2, I did respond about the C.G. Hunt book, but it apparently did not get posted. I said this is, indeed, a serious charge, but before I dump the beliefs I've held for 37 years I would like more information about the author. What is his full name? I did some cursory investigating, and I can only find this one book to his credit. Has he written other biographies? I wo
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
I have been posting on Thieme for a while now in other threads on this topic of DESTRUCTIVE CHURCHES. I also am a nearly thirty year veteran of his system and run several discussion groups for "survivors" of Thieme's teaching. There is a definite need for a summary of what this man's church in Houston TX and his over all ministry distributed through his tapes and books is all
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteshaktiTurns out that the Gothardism movement that Rick has exposed in the past spawned the Church shooter. This group is really freaky, not just because of its beliefs and practices, but because of its infiltration into police departments and local governments. Very little national coverage from what I have seen. Rick's info on Bill Gothard: Murray, in messages he post
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
QuoteImjustmeRO7... I've been studying under Bob Thieme for 37 years, and he has taught me all I know about the Christian life, and I'm profoundly thankful for it. My life is blessed, and I have a wonderful relationship with God, not because I worship Bob Thieme, but because I worship Him. I do, however, attribute my knowledge of God, and my ability to manage my problems, in part to
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteEmeraldMystIf you're REALLY feeling bold, you might want to take a look at this thread in another forum: ER, AH, What is on that forum about R.B.Thieme, Jr? or any cults, for that matter? I found mostly skeptics and unbiblical and anti Biblical topics when I checked it out. If there is really something relevant to this discussion, please post a direct link. Sistersoap
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteradaphQuoteradaph can tell from what certain people have said about some of his doctrines that they either haven't heard the whole story or they are extremely biased. Right man Right woman, is a perfect example. I believe whole-heartedly in that doctrine, and it hasn't destroyed my marriage. It has made it stronger. I would like to apologize for this lie. The doctrine of Ri
Forum: Destructive Churches
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