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18 years ago
QuoteGood-connection - rumor has it that a large majority of DCD & military have been "compromised" with lec, but undercover..remember Rumsfield's "we do not know hwat we do not know"? The herd is def. asleep!!!!!! The herd is asleep and this is what landmark is counting on, they are in the majority of places still under the "cult" radar...In NZ lo
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
That is very interesting reading Toni, Although I could easily see people using the 'genetics' as an excuse for behaviour. Mind you what is so different now. People have excuses for everything anyway and those that don't, believe that they haven't done anything wrong. If say for example "landmark" was officially found to be causing harm, would Werner (and his br
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteKind of like a guy who punctures your tire while you are in the store late at night and then positions himself down the road so that he can seem like a Good Samaritan who will help you but instead rapes you and steals your purse. Thats it exactly elena, except that while you are participating within landmark you can't see that, you let it happen and you thank them for doing it. You
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
It does hurt like hell, even more when you realise that they caused most of the hurt even though they say how much they want to help you live a life you love.. HA
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteMy recent encounter with a Landmarkian has created psychological damage to me. I can feel it. I feel anxious, sad, powerless, frustrated. I have a strong scientific background, and I trust my judgment and my insights when it comes to interpreting information and facts, but at the same time I feel powerless because I was unable to make a difference for her. She would have been coached in a
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteYes, Landmark seems to have just waited till most people forgot about the nonsense or a whole new generation grew up with no knowledge of the group's history. Opportunists, certainly. They are like weeds Elena, I think you are absolutely right. When I was introduced to Landmark I had never heard of it so had no negitive thoughts about it. I was open to what they had to say and that
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteThen the pressure started. The person next to me was a plant, I swear, because he kept asking - oops, I mean "requesting" that I enroll. I kept saying no, I "choose" not to. I naively thought that by using their language, I could talk my way out of it. Apparently this was not acceptable. Another woman got in on the action and offered to pay for me. I refused again. I
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Be very careful when talking to your friends and family members, what you consider non confrontational can to them seem extreemly confrontational. Although I have never been involved in impact, I can say that with in Landmark (and I would assume that this runs true for impact) particpants are coached so fully that anything even slighty anti landmark or anti personal growth or the like is tak
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Yes that quote by Dr fowler was one we were expected to give. It was in a huge booklet of articles that everyone had to read. From memory (and I could be wrong) we were also telling people that the cult awareness network had said Landmark was not a cult. From what I now understand the cult awareness network is run by scientology and given Landmark is based in scientology of course they wo
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Thanks for the link midonov, unfortunately I can't speak, read or understand french at at. Its a shame as I would have liked to read/hear it. QuoteThe cult leader in France, Alain Roth, says that Landmark was put on the cult list on the National Assembly report without asking him/them/Landmark. And he says Landmark is not a cult, that it is a mistake This is extreamly typical of land
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteDoes anyone think progress was made on this person? Is it possible that I was on the way to debrief her? I've actually given up on her to save myself, but I can only notice a shift in her discourse which is indicative that "something" is going on in her mind (she's been fighting her denons). My experience is that it takes a lot of little things to finally break throu
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Interestingly my friend who worked so hard to get me out of Landmark has become involved with Destiny Church. I can't say I know a lot about the church other then what I have read in the media (which is quite alot) I do know that the members all title 10% of their income which for my friend is quite significant considering she is on a domestic purposes benefit and struggles to survive w
Forum: Destructive Churches
18 years ago
It would be so interesting to hear how they train their recruits now to answer peoples questions about whether Landmark is a cult. When training to be an introduction leader we had to learn how to answer that question using the back up of some group or something that had said Landmark was in no way a cult. I wonder what they say now when someone says "well in france" you have been
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteShe answered very simply “because their defenses collapse” !!! I am surprised she said that, when I was training to be an introduction leader we were always told the "real" reason was because people wanted to do the course with out taking to much out of their life. having said that her answer is the actual truth, the seating, the time frame, everything is designed to break
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
To recognise that you have been brainwashed is almost a paradox. Once you are brainwashed you can not generally recognise that you have been - that is the point of brainwashing. The thing with Landmark is that the "brainwashing" doesn't seem to occur but if you (for example) find your self making "choices" with out really looking at the consequences or if you don
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Shirelle, Landmark has a way of pushing too far and the majority of people eventually see the company for what it is. All I can suggest in the mean time is just be there for her, dont put Landmark Down and don't go on about her particpation or how different she is. My parents initally did all this and then settled down to just accept that they had to wait for me to get out on my
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Midonov, Having read most of the shareholder reports I think the majority if not all the profits go back into the company. The key thing here is there are a few at the top (the ceo and vice presidents and forum leaders) who get paid exceedingly well. As for staff. the number of staff in the centre depend on where in the world they are. Where I worked there were less then four paid staff,
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Midonov123 has really hit this on the head by pointing out she is using the commandments Being Powerful and Being Unreasonable. It would not surprise me at all if she had received coaching to tell you exactly what she wants. When you have someone in your face telling you to be unreasonable with others that is what you do. I hate to think the number of times i pulled this kind of crap on
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
As far as Landmark is concerned it covers it behind by the agreement they get everyone to sign and verbally agree to at each and every programme. This agreement basically says that it is up to the individual to assess whether they should participate and if they have any medical or mental health problems they should not participate.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
One would hope that someone would challenge the person but having said this, people who are there may not even know the person has a problem with alcohol. These people who manage the centre and are senior leaders are not trained in spotting the hints that show someone has a problem. I do know when I was doing ILP (the introductions leaders programme) one of the other people had a problem
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
You will never be able to voice objections about Landmark to someone who is participating fully in it. they are "coached" over and over about how your objections are a racket or what ever else. I remember losing friends over their objections with me saying they were being closed minded (it was never me of course) The friends I kept were the ones who wisely declined to participate and
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Thriving, most people I know who also quit have seen their lives inprove dramatically, they have rebuilt their friendships which are also a great support to them and they are in a much better financial position. While I was on staff I was paid just above minumum wage and got into debt now I am working a job that I get paid for what I do at a good rate, plus over time, plus get regular breaks
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
I believe how Landmark operates and treats it staff/senior assisting members is enough to force people into a deep depression and possible suicidal tendencies. It is very scary. Landmark will never take responsibility for anyones mental health, they will always find some way to show they were in no way involved with any thing negative like suicide or mental breakdowns. Staff are train
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
The stock is given to staff members who have been there for more then one year. I have to stress though very few staff members make it past six months. Even then just because you have been there a year does not automatically mean you will get stock in the company. My understanding as well is that although there are thousands of shares out there each staff member owns a very small percen
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Becoming a Landmark Forum leader is next to impossible but not completely impossible. I do know one person who after MANY years finally achieved the standards that Landmark sets to become a Landmark Forum Leader. Most people who are either on staff or who are seminar leaders or Self Expression and Leadership Programme (SELP) leaders generally aspire to being a Landmark Forum leader but you ha
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Quotesomeone who had taken the Landmark Forum, was aware of both the positive and negative of the experience, but was neutral about it. I am not totally sure this is possible.... if you have done the forum.. you can not give a neutral view of it. If you participate fully in landmark forum (that is the way landmark believes and tells you that you should) you should come away from it spouti
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
I dont know anything about it but I can almost certainly guarantee if he was invovled with Landmark they would have worked quickly to make sure they were distanced from his suicide and to ensure that no one would make a connection between his participation with Landmark and his suicide. Landmark do not see that their programmes lead people to a place where one day they wake up suddenly and r
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Quotedoes anybody know what the grads think of their commandments ? Its interesting you should ask that question Patrick, I remember the first time I was introduced to their commandments, the Landmark forum leader said that although they are "commandments" they are not commandments like the christian ten commandments From memory No one challenged these ten commandments at all...
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
That group is way to weird. How can it not be sexualised? They have definitly taken parts of landmark, the wording is very similar
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Staying friends with people who are still deeply involved with LEC is very hard to do if you are trying to difuse the "power" they hold over you. Landmark does rely on the friendships to hold you there. I have pretty much stopped having anything to do with anyone with in Landmark. I have a couple of people who I am still in touch with but they know that I am not open to discuss
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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