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14 years ago
Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer Vol. V pg 199 1 John 1:7 Quote: "Those who have attained by His grace to the courts of glory are identified, not by their works, their sufferings, or their personal merit, but they are described as those whose robes have been washed in the blood of the Lamb. This is a figure calculated to represent purification as high as heaven in quality. It is termed a figure o
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: One of the reasons that I quote Dr. Chafer is specifically because of Dr. Wall's dissertation. In which dissertation Dr. Wall uses Dr. Chafer's Theology as one of the measuring rods of orthodoxy. Thieme Quote: 1 John 1:7 And THE BLOOD FROM HIS VEINS WAS A LITTLE BLEEDING FROM HIS HANDS AND A LITTLE BLEEDING FROM HIS FEET, AND IT DOESN'T SAVE YOU AND NEVER WIL
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: One of the reasons that I quote Dr. Chafer is specifically because of Dr. Wall's dissertation. In which dissertation Dr. Wall uses Dr. Chafer's Theology as one of the measuring rods of orthodoxy. Thieme Quote: 1 John 1:7 And THE BLOOD FROM HIS VEINS WAS A LITTLE BLEEDING FROM HIS HANDS AND A LITTLE BLEEDING FROM HIS FEET, AND IT DOESN'T SAVE YOU AND NEVER WIL
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
QuotezeebrookQuote: Zeebrook: Dr Wall stated emphatically that R.B. Thieme Jr "is a Christian brother well within the circle of orthodox. Truthtesty: He did not "emphatically" state that. That is your emphasis. Unquote zeebrook: Let's examine that. Dr Wall says of Thieme in this thesis that he: Quote still within the limits of historic Christian orthodoxy (p11)
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To zeebrook: as much as it is possible to know in both cases, Sodini was as much a "Christian brother" as Thieme. And? You knew it on 081409. QuotezeebrookTruthtesty, [...] Dr Wall stated emphatically that R.B. Thieme Jr "is a Christian brother well within the circle of orthodox Christianity". Truthtesty: He did not "emphatically" state that. That is your e
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
Hi Mike and Cab18: There is much to read. Spiritual liberty wrote some excellent posts on confession. You will be able to read them if you use the "search" on this page. A lot of work, often with sacrifice by many of us, help make this site possible. Truthtesty
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
zeebrook quote: "Truthtesty, Your mentor Dr Wall states in his thesis that you so prolificly comment about on page 36 of the pdf form states of Thieme "he is a Christian brother well within the circle of orthodox Christianity". zeebrook quote: "You comment that i would "have everyone believe that Thieme was a "Christian brother"". Yes I believe Thieme
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To zeebrook: I have no problems with thereporter's comments. It could just as easily be said of you: "It would be helpful if you controlled your verborrhea and put forward a succinct argument." You still have not answered your personal attack on me. You have no credibilty with me to "call" thereporter, when? Thereporter has every right to express himself and his
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To mvan6766: Morpheus: Welcome to the desert of the real. Morpheus: You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind. Neo: What is happening to me? Morpheus: You are the One, Neo. You see, you may have spent the last few years looking for me, but I have spent my entire life looking for you. Truthtesty: this is a view of the desert of the real. This th
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: Sodini didn't believe in being a good human. And he learned that from Thieme and Thieme copycats. RB Thieme jr quote from "The Integrity of G-d ", "... WE ARE NOT HERE TO BE A "GOOD" HUMAN! THE OLD HUMAN SIN NATURE MUST DIE, ... Now.". Truthtesty: Perhaps if Sodini had read Vines ( ) the night before instead of the Integr
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: Well Sodini didn't believe in being a good human. QuoteTruthtestyTo the Forum: Sodini read R B Thieme jrs "Integrity of G-d" the day before and in preparation for focusing on mass murder. Here is another RB Thieme jr quote from "The Integrity of G-d ", which could have helped push Sodini down the rode to mass murder : RB Thieme jr quote : "...
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: Sodini read R B Thieme jrs "Integrity of G-d" the day before and in preparation for focusing on mass murder. Here is another RB Thieme jr quote from "The Integrity of G-d ", which could have helped push Sodini down the rode to mass murder : RB Thieme jr quote : "... WE ARE NOT HERE TO BE A "GOOD" HUMAN! THE OLD HUMAN SIN NATURE MUST DIE, ... N
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: Here also is a brief summary on Church tax exemption: Do you qualify? Richard Hammar explains that the IRS has six factors that must be present in order for a church to qualify as a 501(c)(3) organization: 1. The church must be a corporation; 2. The church must be organized exclusively for exempt purposes; 3. The church must be operated exclusively for exempt purposes;
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: I am not a tax lawyer but wouldn't "free booklets" manufactured by Thieme be considered "normal", for a tax exempt non-profit entity? Would charging money for the booklets have changed the entity classification for tax purposes? Truthtesty
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: Here is a better link to the Sodini "Hide from emotions" video: Hiding from emotions is developed over time by thiemites for one reason because of Thieme's psycologically unbalanced view of Christian human emotions. Thieme falsely, maniacly, and vitriolically attacks Christian human emotions time and time again. Thiemites become distracted from reality and r
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: Sodini "thought" he was carrying out Thieme's mission against satanic liberal feminists. Sodini was in a dysfunctional state of mind, induced by thiemite influence. In one video we see Sodini admitting that he hides from his emotions. This is a psycotic thiemite mind game a thiemites plays with themselves because emtions according to Thieme? Are very very bad. This
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: Thieme's NEOCON political agenda DEMONIZED and EQUATED LIBERALS and FEMINISTS WITH SATAN'S PLAN, and attacked liberals and feminists (women's liberation movement) TIME and countless TIME again. No thiemite can argue against THAT, without exposing their bald face lies. Sodini "practiced" and FOCUSED with R. B. Thieme jr's NEOCON "Integrity of
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: This person, Therese, makes one of the best responses (apparently spontaneous) to a thiemite, that I have ever seen. (I will remove the name of the thiemite and the thiemite's posting.) Therese is referring to Thieme, Sodini, and clone Tetalestai: 9 ThereseĀ  on Aug 19th, 2009 at 4:45 am This man was known at this church and sat under certain teachings at this church
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To the Forum: Quoteprebound... Nevertheless it was what I was familiar with. My parents were members of a "clone" church for many years. They have left what they now consider to be a cult. I have never considered Berachah proper (or its "clones") to be cults, but I don't believe this thread is in the wrong place (Destructive Churches). Now let's take anot
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
To thereporter: I can see you were attempting to critique Thieme's "Integrity of G-d". Though we are not 100 % agreement on everything, would you continue? Truthtesty
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
Quoteprebound I'm not playing the victim here, but you make far too many assumptions about complete strangers. Truthtesty: I'll be the judge of my assumptions. Everyone makes many assumptions about everyone especially when they first meet. For example when you and sister first met did you not assume a lot more things then, than you do now? My testing has served me and others q
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
prebound quote: "I'm not objecting to the use of the term "scar tissue" as a metaphor for a damaged soul. But that doesn't mean I was worshiping Pastor Thieme's jargon or following his lead. Rather, I was trying to say that many of the negative things associated with his ministry were CAUSING much of the very "scar tissue" that he was supposedly warning his
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
QuotesistersoapHey prebound, ... I believe you when you say you are not defending Thieme. Failing to use QUOTATION MARKS to suit Testy is not a reliable BS meter. Just because you try to use moderate language and do not respond to attacks with like attacks in return does not mean you are an 'undercover" Thieme follower. You would not be in the church you are in now if you had not left
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
Quoteprebound...The primary impetus for the message was that I'm not aware of your background. I sometimes wonder if you have ears to pick up all the hints of "scar tissue" and "metabolized Bible Doctrine" that are percolating under the surface. ... prebound To prebound: show me 1 example of "scar tissue". Just 1. Do you claim to not be a thiemite? That does
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
QuotewoolybuggerI think many outside of Chistendom also consider Jesus Christ one of the largest cult leaders of all time. Jesus Christ claims He is the way, the truth and the life. Wow that is pretty strong words it really hurts the feelings of others who reject Him. Thieme is a human who sins and might even have an arrogant, opinionated, overbearing and redundant style but it seems this site co
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
Quoteprebound Thereporter has also given me a new sympathy for Bobby Thieme. I completely understand his need to retain a few "Grace Bouncers." LOL prebound You must be kidding. You thiemite show up here and complain? Thieme trained "killer-instinct" SODINI just wasted 3 innocent women and wounded 9 other innocent women after "focusing" for the mass murder rea
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
Quoteprebound...The primary impetus for the message was that I'm not aware of your background. I sometimes wonder if you have ears to pick up all the hints of "scar tissue" and "metabolized Bible Doctrine" that are percolating under the surface. ... prebound To prebound: show me 1 example of "scar tissue". Just 1. Do you claim to not be a thiemite? That does
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
To thereporter: We are kinda bouncing between 1 John 2:27 and Sodini. I can handle it(on my Obama Blackberry). Lol Quotethereporter And, Truthtesty send me your commentary on the scriptures I sight from 1 John because I don't have your version. I like to see what the transmission is cherry picking from...I used the NIV before. And, observing people at Berachah they used all types of ve
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
QuotethereporterTrusthtesty, This link doesn't provide a link on my system for a download just all the chapters. But I will find a work around. 'the reporter' To thereporter did you find a work-around? "The integrity of G-d" is listed ont this page What operating system and what error are you getting? You say you are seeing chapters? Truthtesty
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
To the Forum: I think the word search of "integrity of G-d" compared to Sodini diary is a step in moving this conversation forward. Also for those who would like to research and contribute actual evidence to this forum. I think there are a removal of FOIA restrictions on Thieme's military record. More information is probably available, with Thieme's status. Truthte
Forum: Destructive Churches
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