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1 year ago
HelloCucumberMelon33, The first thought is of the simple definition of a destructiveness of a hurtful "cult". Every military officer in the US armed forces has usually stood and gave speeches in front of soldiers, sailors, or airmen by the hundreds under strict military authority. Though undoubtedly Thieme learned his speaking skills from the military, this was one of Thieme'
Forum: Destructive Churches
1 year ago
To the Forum: And why denigrate the "Blood of Jesus"? Thieme did it for neo-conservative politics (not conservative). It was a "bible attack" on JFK and the Catholic church (who do believe the literal blood of Jesus saved). That's like complaining if a Navy seal saves your life behind enemy lines and complaining the Navy seal hasn't taken a bath in a week and didn
Forum: Destructive Churches
1 year ago
Hello hurting mother, You can PM me with details if that is more comfortable. I suggest reading this website. A lot of people have honestly contributed their experiences similar to yours. There has also been many thiemite trolls who never stood a chance here arrogantly professing their unsound falsehoods on this open forum vs Thieme's closed unquestioned environment. A good place to st
Forum: Destructive Churches
1 year ago
Hello sistersoap2 I haven't had a lot of time sometimes either. Mostly busy working and other life things. I think this website has been/is very helpful to those willing to take the time to read it. Especially the posts by Spiritualliberty , as well as people who have shared their personal experiences although everyone hasn't always agreed. I have been very "take it to
Forum: Destructive Churches
2 years ago
To the Forum: That would be your sound mind not Thieme's mind. I don't mean to infer Thieme's mind was sound. Another quick note on salvation. Thieme repeatedly stated ad nauseum that Catholics who reject Thieme's opinion on salvation are not saved because they believe in "works" in faith for salvation. Thieme is incorrect here because Catholics still have f
Forum: Destructive Churches
2 years ago
Hello Rushyyz72, I'd be interested in hearing more about the " big “brew haha” and half the congregation was asked to leave and never come back." Berachah with Thieme as "dictator" was a cult. Wow. I think take a minute... Was Elvis a cult leader? Was Hitler? Was Manson? YES They all match Dr. Lifton's characteristics of "mind control" to one deg
Forum: Destructive Churches
4 years ago
The main reason Thieme never asked for money was because it was an extremely rich church and sold its old property where the Galleria now sits. That was just Thieme's selling point for people like sellerbe and others tired of man's currency. I doubt that was Thieme's position before and before at the other church he "reeducated" at. Sure adults were not forced to go t
Forum: Destructive Churches
5 years ago
1) Gerhard Kittel was a Nazi whom Thieme used to backup his false translations. 2) I"ve never had any abba records 3) In the sense that Thieme used false authority to translate from Greek to thier language for political power and influence. Yes thats true. Truthtesty
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
Hello Touchsmart, I've been extremely busy. I still am. The tragedy and confusion of false interpretation by false human authority in the Church (as opposed to the perfect authority of God) that continues is sad and so unnecessary. False human authority is the root of this evil. Here is what I previously wrote To the Forum: I want to show the real history of christian conflict ari
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
Hello Touchsmart, I've been extremely busy. I still am. The tragedy and confusion of false interpretation by false human authority in the Church (as opposed to the perfect authority of God) that continues is sad and so unnecessary. False human authority is the root of this evil. Here is what I previously wrote To the Forum: I want to show the real history of christian conflict ari
Forum: Destructive Churches
7 years ago
To touchsmart and forum, I think the best thing that works best in these types of deceptive situations is the simple truth. Mind you want to pay attention to laws of each state which you might exercise video recording this person. However, a simple recording would debunk him immediately. You could create a website and load it up with his recordings to warn others. There are many forms of recor
Forum: Destructive Churches
7 years ago
Touchsmart, And that just leads to the woman and others breaking down on many levels. What this so called "pastor" is suggesting is not christian. Its not christian faith behavior emotionally or spiritually and mentally. I hope this helps many other to become aware of this person and his false teachings. I'd like to address this further when I have more time. Thanks for
Forum: Destructive Churches
7 years ago
Touchsmart, And that just leads to the woman and others breaking down on many levels. What this so called "pastor" is suggesting is not christian. Its not christian faith behavior emotionally or spiritually and mentally. I hope this helps many other to become aware of this person and his false teachings. I'd like to address this further when I have more time. Thanks for
Forum: Destructive Churches
7 years ago
Both christian man and woman serve each other. Truthtesty
Forum: Destructive Churches
7 years ago
Touchsmart Its clear that Thieme only looked at one side of the authority issue which is actually supposed to be a serving issue. Jesus came to serve the church. The man is supposed to love his wife as Jesus loved the church. In effect it's obvious the man and the wife are to serve each other. As usual RB brings in a false human authority notion because of the false authority cult of RB T
Forum: Destructive Churches
7 years ago
Touchsmart Yes. How are you? Truthtesty
Forum: Destructive Churches
9 years ago
Freeatlast2, Thanks for sharing. You survived to talk about it. I think you should be so be happy for that. Some I know did not live to lament. I tell you it doesnt matter what RB Thieme jr thought. What matters is (even though it may not feel like it) what YOU think. PERIOD. Your faith in God and yourself and what you think is what matters. It is a tradgedy that so many have been misled. IT I
Forum: Destructive Churches
9 years ago
Hello HEALTHYHEARTSICKHEART Wow. I know what you mean about "unemotionalism" espoused by Thiemites. I think it's best to understand that Thieme was a neoconservative political activist. In other words before Fox News it was RB Thieme jr. He tried to control the political world with bible tapes for extremist right wing ideology. Thieme spoke on radio in opposition to liberals
Forum: Destructive Churches
10 years ago
To the Forum: Quote in appendix A of Thieme's booklet "doctrine of divine essence" Quote Thieme "We adjust to G-ds infinite, immutable, ceaselessly active authority by adjusting to the right pastor teacher's authority." No where in the Bible is this true. Thieme equates his false authority with Jesus' teaching authority. Even demons and
Forum: Destructive Churches
10 years ago
To the Forum: More evidence of Thieme's false conflation of the christians life falsely backwards engineered against cold war anti-communist brainwashing/inculcation. Thieme apparently thinks if he can inculcate/brainwash the christian through the bible first before the communist brainwashes the the christian's mind, then Thieme must have thought he could have won the cold war with t
Forum: Destructive Churches
10 years ago
To the Forum: I want to show the real history of christian conflict arising from the Catholic Church to the Prostestant reformation. See "The battle for the Bible" Also, That the corrupt translators of bibles were translating according to the political powers that existed at that time to falsely equate the authority of Go
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Quoteleubanks63Was Buddy Dano the pastor of Grace Bible Church? When I began attending Berachah in the 1970s, Dano was an assistant pastor. Over the years, Thieme got rid of both assistant pastors. I don't know the answer to that question. Perhaps someone elee here knows. I not at all surprised that Thieme would get rid of assistant pastors. Truthtesty
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Quoteleubanks63I began attending Berachah in the 1970s when I was 8 or 9 years old. I soaked up all the Colonel's teachings like a sponge. We went to church every night of the week except Saturday, and also on Sunday mornings. I began to attend less frequently when I was in college. It was around that time when Thieme sent a letter to my mother kicking her out of the church and saying th
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
To the Forum: Seeing how this is a forum on the cult characteristics of Thieme, and not about my errors(which I have no problem admitting to). Let's put the focus back on what people need to be warned about: the dangers of Thieme's errors. Quote in appendix A of Thieme's booklet "doctrine of divine essence" QuoteThieme We adjust to G-ds infinite, immutable, ceaseles
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
QuoteTruthtestyYet another usage of peitho is "esteem": “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem(peitho) other better than themselves.” Philippians 2:3 This is ALL CHRISTIANS, INCLUDING PASTORS AND TEACHERS. Thieme was to have esteem others better than himself. “And to esteem (peitho) them very highly in love for their work's
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
To the Forum: So same "peitho" as in Hebrews 13:17 how does the cult of Bishops of King James' "obey" work in Philippians 2:3? King James' cult of bishops: Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. No "obey" there is there? There is no "obey" in Hebrews 13:1
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
To the Forum: While zeebrook admits disagreement with Thieme at points and does appear to be trying to mediate, hardly is the quote below acceptable. zeebrook like most thiemites appear to think in modern day human institutions terms of just "a pastor or teacher" leading a local church. Quotezeebrook... Whilst some disdain the idea of an authority in a local church, one has to fa
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
To the Forum: Dallas Burdette "Obey them that have rule over you" Why do leaders advance this erroneous view? There is just one answer—tradition. This section of this essay seeks to analyze the phrase—“rule over you” in its biblical setting in order to help godly leaders come to a more balanced and correct view of their positions as shepherds. As stated above, the KJV renders the
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
To the Forum: Part of HERMENEUTICS is comparing scripture with scripture. Someone who really had a seminary degree would know that. And if thier intentions were honest they'd acknowledge the value of it. The gifts of pastor and or teacher are given too much weight by thiemites(to the cult extreme), as opposed to love(logical scriptural evaluation or even common sense). The emphasis s
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
To the Forum: There are 7 verses which use kurieuo . In particular I contrast and compare 2 Cor. 1:24 with Luke 22:25 Which shows a direct contradiction of Thieme's false claim of having spiritual authority over your faith. There is no "military chain of command" and no "lord it over" authority of a pastor or a teacher between the believer and God. 2 Corinthi
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