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1 year ago
Truth wins
Run Forest Run, thay gay club infiltration is truly sick. Nothing can rectify the crap show that is going on in this material realm. If we look at history, all the people who wanted to make a poaitive change, like Luther King, Gandhi… got eliminated. You are supposed to protect yourself from the material realm as much as possible. Not to enter gay clubs in order to find out about their sexua
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Truth wins
Another thing that is not very conducive in those cults, is being constantly with other people. You are so drained by all those different energies and personalities. Yet it is called TOLERANCE. If you are an introvert, you will be called selfish. There is not much time for the “serious” devotees to be alone and reflect. The only alone time you have, is when you do japa. And even that becomes
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Truth wins
mr midgett became more of a legend when muncie left this reality due to his brain cancer. Before him, muncie was the second most worshipped entity after butler. Imagine how life has turned out for him. After all life in the cult has been crappy for many of us because we did not have the right connections But on the other hand SoI is paradise for the likes of midgett and their families. Ca
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Truth wins
In all my years of being part of SoI I never heard of butler and muncie being the incarnation of NitaiGaur. If this is a fact, they are a bit more worse off than I thought. Devotees cannot do drugs, smoke, gamble, have material fun…. Beliefs and spiritual bliss is all they can trip on. Of course they will milk the beliefs as much as possible. I am a person who grew up on faith. And I can say
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Truth wins
Not all souls are made equal. In order to be a guru, a person must already be very pure at heart from the time they enter this reality. Placed in the right family that will nurture the divine qualities even more. Kind of like a Jesus figure. When you carry few thousand on your shoulders, you cannot be in need of psych consults and exorcism yourself. There is surely a difference between a per
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
This is what I think about the all so glorified unconditional love. Let us say a person you love, loses their legs but you stay with them. A parent you were close to gets dementia and does not even know who you are, you still care for them. You can love a person unconditionally for something that is out of their control. But extend that unconditional love all the time to people who make you
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Ultimately the saddest part of Krishna Cosnc is to consider gurus such as butler and the naked emperors of Iskcon as pure reps of god on earth. This is when we must question our sanity. And realize that we have been fooled by the bliss and some mystical tricks. It is like the kid that gets lured by candies. The mix of fear and bliss is for sure a very dangerous cocktail that will glue you t
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
It is really sad that we settle for mediocre relations. And we call it love. When we lack self respect, we put up with pretty much eveything. And even those who have self respect like midgett, have fallen for the love addiction, which has made them slave of the bliss dealer, butler. Who are those entities that say that only they must be all powerful? That if you just have one moment of envious
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
When I was in the cult, we would call these scammers “The money makers”. They were seen as some rockstars. Because most devotees are poor AF. There are a few who have good paying jobs. Like lawyers, teachers, electricians… And some just live on the verge of poverty. Must pay for rent, food… with part time jobs. And spend 60 hours a week in the Waialna sweatshop working for free. So the money
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Don’t forget. Free pass. It is kosher as long as you do it for Krishna and guru. No Karma involved. Vaikunta is awaiting. All your sins are forgotten and forgiven. Devotees can cheat, steal and lie only if butler agrees. If it pays for his houses, organic food, private jet trips, boats… But if you do something minor, they will throw you out for a few years. It is all normal. Life goes on. Th
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Ultimately the mind and emotions are what keep us prisoners. I understand that religions offer a positive aspect in a way that they give you some basic commandments. You are less likely to harm others if you “fear” or want to please a superior entity. At the same time you give up your will and critical thinking. And every religion tells you that if you turn your back and convert, you will b
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
There are 2 great forces that rule this reality: Fake love and fear. And butler is master at using them both to his advantage. One thing we can all agree on, is that the dude ain’t stupid. Yes he is indeed a master. But not a spiritual one. He is a master in manipulation. The brains of the devotees get addicted to the bliss dopamine and they become dependent upon butler. Because he claims
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Devotees should not even aspire to make millions so that they can sue people, buy boats,mansions and book the whole business class for a germaphobe. The whole purpose of this path is to encourage renunciation. At least Iskcon built temples. What have these people done with the money asides from pampering the prima donna? I cannot believe how blinded devotees are. They don’t even read the scri
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
The experience I have had with leaving Krishna consc has been similar to giving up the relation with a jealous narcissist. I cannot believe that as soon as I stepped out, my life was turned into hell. And this is a reality that I alone know and I don’t care how others judge me for this unique reality. This is why I don’t solely blame butler. I have seen the true faces of the forces behind thi
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
What a sad waste of time to have this lunatic give you life instructions. The fact that I am still here is not because of butler, the miseries I experienced in the cult. I feel emotionally distant from it all. I have an aversion toward the evil of this world. The forces that have very personally messed with me and my life. There is nothing more troubling than evil that stays hidden. Or semi
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
There are no words that can express the gratitude I feel for this forum. I guess it saddens me to see to what extent people can get brainwashed into accepting slavery and fear as love. I see how I have been blinded my whole life. Even outside of the cult. And when you wake up, you just can’t believe how you could have been so blind for so long. And we just become passive actors in other people
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
It is important to try and grasp this reality as a whole. Not to just focus on SoI and Krishna Consc. Krishna consc is just one piece of the puzzle. butler is just one other narcissist with some mental disorders. We must go much deeper into it all and try to understand what the actuall hell is going on. It is only through going deeper and deeper that we can truly start seeing the bigger pict
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
They say that people prefer to buy a beautiful lie than to be told an ugly truth. This is how we are kept in that terrible state. You know why I think butler has been made to believe he is a modern jesus? Because I have extensive experiences with the psyche and how it operates. I have been made to believe such things too. It is an absolutely mind blowing manipulation. Very hard to explain
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
After all my horrible post cult experiences, my whole body goes in repulsion mode when I think of all the times I bowed down to these invisible entities. Leaving this cult has been worse than leaving an ex jealous narcissist. May noone ever go through what I have. However freedom is always worth fighting for. Especially the freedom of the mind. How easily we give our mind and soul to the fir
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Emotional thinking will always find an excuse to protect narcissism and evil. It is very hard to break free from the layers of addiction to religious programming. Trust me. I have been faithful to god before I even entered the womb. The same way my earthly parents were a mix of good and terrible, so are the gods we worship. When I look at my parents, they gave me many good things and good qu
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Scriptures are dangerous. Why? Because they cannot be altered. So it was written hundeds of years ago to trust guru blindly. And now everybidy must suffer the consequences of thag BS instruction. Not only trust but fear to even look at the wrong way. I said it a million times and will say it again. My post leaving the xukt has been sheer hell. It has nothing to do with karma. It is a reality
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I think one of the reasons I am half involved in this battle, is not truly because of butler and the covert cult. It is not because of the spiritual abuse and the years I lived in fear. It goes much deeper than that. After many years of deep research and my personal experiences, I know for sure that we have been lied to on every level. We have absolutely no clue who the beings that we worshipp
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
The currency used in SoI is bliss. And at this point it does not matter what is the cost behind it. Kind of like the mafiosi wives who live a lavish life knowing their husbands take oit a few bodies a week. The same mafiosi who go to church and confess their sins. Then back to being criminals. They don’t care who does what. They don’t care about corruption. As long as there is that transact
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Think about how disempowering the path of Bhakti is for this day and age. 5000 years ago krishna and the demigods descended to battle all these mythological creatures. Giant demons both in human and animal forms. They had the very distinct caste system. Men (warriors) were supposed to give protection to the women, elserly, children… Then 4500 years later, in the worse age possible where your
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
There is one thing I am not sure I can forgive myself for. Not having the vision to see that my so called god brother and sisters were getting abused by butler. And as I said it before, my own abuse is rather healed after the massive purge. I remember that poor woman who is one of the most dedicated servant. She would walk around with Eczema blisters and itching her skin all the time. She had
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
VoxVeritasVita das thank you so much for your kind words. I truly appreciate it. I truly feel that we are all at very different places in our lives and I too was one of those blind followers at one point. But then again it was not truly that blind because from the moment I entered the path, I was bombarded by very extraordinary pehnom that made me believe 10000 % that it was all true. I got t
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
You see. I was here for almost 2 years purging so much past trauma and pain. I acted like a crazy person many times who got me quite unpopular for good reasons. It was a rather painful and slightly embarassing process. However those who held space for me helped me more than those who attacked my behavior. I, was left to purge a very heavy chunk of hell stuck in me after decades of abuse. And
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
The beings that put the Vedas together claim they have also constructed this material hole. Karma, reincarnation… I mean no scripture gives you as much detail as the vedas about the mind, senses, ego, the different natures… Krishna consciousness is a great pacifier snd antidote. In all these years, if I had stayed a devotee, I would have been able to suck up all the torture with humility. I
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
We all come into this world with baggage. Some have a more angelic fabric for sure. I have met such sweet souls at the SoI.Very rare though. But then again they came from very kind and balanced families with no trauma. I myself for sure carry a huge anount of the negative qualities, which am not proud of. Those who have heavier pasts suffer more in these settings. And the leaders are not quali
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Of course the Vedas would know about human nature. Don’t they keep telling us that they created these human genomes? Don’t they give us so many guidelines about the mind, ego, senses… Yes human nature is very complex as well as the psyche. I have realized that faith and beliefs make it a bit easier. Like when everybody thinks sthe same thing. Humans like to hang out like a flock of sheep an
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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