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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: daddylonglegs ()
Date: November 06, 2009 10:28AM

[/quote] I would ask people to take this story for what it is worth. If Coons supporters want to challenge or debate me then ok but, it is legal for me to disclose certain provable information. Let me ramble, call me a loon...but don't ask for proof because so help me G-d I'll give it.[/quote]

Not a coons supporter, nor interested in a debate. But, sure if you have proof, go ahead and provide it. Maybe some of us "new schoolers" never heard of some of this. It may be enlightening.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Fallen 49r ()
Date: November 06, 2009 12:07PM


Your inbox is full...

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: geraldtsmith ()
Date: November 06, 2009 09:06PM

Fallen 49r,
Just food for thought...
You say, "The only reason for suspecting it would be on the grounds that it has happened in the past, but those people are gone, hickman is dead and Gary is married with a kid" Are those people really gone??? Has their influence been totally erased from the group??? Hickman may be dead, but, are his teachings dead??? Gary may be married and with a kid, but, what does that prove??? You also state, "I honestly can't imagine" Well, imagine, do not fool yourself. Stranger things have happened - recent news reports have proved that out time and time again. Things that have happen in secret have come to light and stunned people. You also stated, "...or something that a person could instill in another to pass on." Well, to quote a best selling book that has been around for ages, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." or to use another well known adage, "garbage in, garbage out". What goes into a child's mind (or an adult's for that matter), whether from teaching, from seeing, from hearing, from life style, from body language, from the cultural atmosphere, from the societal norms, and/or any other stimuli, will determine who and what that child becomes. We are in so many ways our parents, whether or not we want to admit it. It takes a conscious effort not to be. If these past issues have not been consciously dealt with, admitted corporately (and individually) and dealt with for what they are/were... then do not be so sure they are not still around.

God Strikes Straight Blows with Crooked Sticks

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: daddylonglegs ()
Date: November 06, 2009 11:15PM

Sallie- in reply to your pm's (which I could not respond to privately as your inbox is full)
My reply is this: Please do not preach to me, continue to send harrassing messages, or pm me again. Thank you.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: November 06, 2009 11:28PM

I'll post it on the world wide web
The ''harrassing'' pm

I referred to the book of Galatians. I said '' I think Jack was quoting from that Book when he said that Abba was a name for God.''
Then I said, ''I think in Galatians believers are told that through faith in Christ Jesus they have access to the Creator and can call him Abba. (I"m paraphrasing)
Then I said ''I think Galatians is the same book in which we are told ''God will not be mocked''
Then I said...''think on that''
Then I told you what my faith in Christ Jesus was.
I apologize if you felt harrassed by that.
I won't send you any more private messages.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 06, 2009 11:41PM

To whom it may concern:

There is no preaching allowed on this message board per the rules everyone agreed to before posting here. This includes private messaging other members.

No personal attacks.

The topic of this thread is "Jack Hickman."

Please stay on topic and within the rules.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: November 07, 2009 12:58AM

you previously wrote
Another difference I see between Gary and JH is the motivation. Not sure what it is now except trying to hold together something he believes in wholeheartedly. He still collects tithe, yes, but I also know that only about 50% of people are paying it at this point. As far as a compound like living arrangement- the only one I know of is The V family, and it's pretty much just their family. .......................................

You posted other comments which clearly, to me, indicate that Gary Coons has taken over Jack Hickman's position and that you think favorably of and support him.

Anonymous brought up some valid points about the teachings of Jack Hickman. I also would like to know if Gary
Coons is continuing on with lineage teachings as described in the Newsday article.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: November 07, 2009 01:33AM

Previous posts discussed Jack Hickman preaching that he was the re incarnation of Jacob.
I was still involved in the group after 1982 and recall ''teahinigs'' on re incarnation
The teachings included much talk of ''young and old souls''
I was taught...after 1982....that a soul could be born ''old''
Does this teaching still occur
If it possible for a 14 year old boy to have the ''soul'' of an old man
If so....would that 14 year old boy, in theory, be eligible to receive the ''passing of the seed''

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: November 07, 2009 01:34AM

If no domestic disputes have been reported by any ''family'' members over the last three decades would that be because
1) Domestic abuse has never occured
2) Domestic abuse never gets reported

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Fallen 49r ()
Date: November 07, 2009 04:02AM

I still think there is a major oversight in claims of ongoing sexual abuse:

This is a closed group of people who have become a family, so children within the group are the children of life-long members, who are for the most part, life-long friends of the leadership. And these are not generally not superficial friendships, they're the kind that have been built, tested and proven through the years. Think of the most reliable friend you know and have known for decades, now considering molesting their children...

The older generation has generally been very hospitable and serving of the youth, truly believing they are special, so long as they play the role assumed of them. So I really see no reason, beyond random, that this group should currently be suspect of sexual child abuse. As someone who used to be in and around activities and meetings of all sorts my whole life, I can't really think of how, when or why any such thing would occur.

If you want to help the "children" of this group, confront those poisoning their minds with ridiculous beliefs that damage their mental and social development.

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