Hi guys,
We have already received several complains about defamation. It seems that Baron´s lawyers are pushing hard in order to stop our efforts to continue our job.
As we are on a free host it seems quite difficult to keep the site open. As far as I know, they are claiming to the server owners, threating them with claims in order to force them to close our web otherwise they will proceed with legal actions.
I have not had any news from msanchez and I would like to know if he is still pondering about opening that site. I was also wondering if having a North American server would make things easier for us to work.
Anyway, it looks like our site will be wiped out, and there is little we can do.
This should be no suprise. Its an intimidation tactic used to silence their critics.
Its always best to make a copy of everything on a site just in case it goes down or is hacked etc.
Besides what notanantiGnostic suggested.
Its important how you word things.
Instead of calling a group "a cult" you can safely say "cultish" or "cultish group" instead.
You shouldnt make statment of claims unless you can back it up (over all best to avoid making claims all together). Best to use words like "questionible organization" "suspicious organization" "dubious organization" etc.
You can also put a disclaimer on the site as well. Something like "The opinions & statement here are not necessarily those of the site owner and site owner. The site owner makes no claims"...etc
As NotanantiGnostic suggested you can contact Rick Ross about how to word your site to prevent any liable challenges to the site. Rick Ross gets tons of liable threats by cults every year but they dont have a case against him because of the disclaimer he had instal.
Another site you might want to talk to the owner is www.bullshido.com
The site is about exposing fraud in the martial arts etc and they have gotten tons of "legal" threats as well and they have been around for 6 or so years now. Their complainers are unable to shut the site down due to once again the protection of the legal disclaimer on their site.
Also you might want provide a link from your new site to this site. Just a kind gesture for Mr. Rick Ross.
And it would be also a public service.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/23/2009 09:45AM by Keir.