Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: July 08, 2019 06:27PM
A post by Lone Wolf (November 2018):
Posted by: lone.wolf ()
Date: November 28, 2018 09:23PM
"....it might coincide with Silvana Hargrave's Facebook post which asked people to give monetary gifts so she and Gary can start their new life together in a new house."
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: July 10, 2019 08:44AM
Old habits are hard to break, Reep. Wasn't that a Kingdom proverb?
Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: July 10, 2019 08:50AM
Reep from December of 2017:
Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Reepicheep
Date: December 16, 2017 07:49PM
JRS was considered to be THE Apostle to the Kingdom age. He had definite ways of letting you know what you were supposed to think. In fact, he used to say, "Let me tell you how to think." If he said, "Get married," you got married. If he said, "Get divorced," you got divorced. If he told a young woman to get an abortion, she got an abortion. Yes, I said that.
John Robert Stevens was not an unassuming man. He didn't mince words, and he didn't seem like a person who retreated from being glorified.
Yes, I don't think it would be accurate to characterize him as a "zero with the rim rubbed out." I think that category was reserved for his disciples.
Posted by: maggieb
Date: July 06, 2019 03:05PM
Daughter of an ex-member here. Does anyone know about adoptions taking place within the church during JRS's time? I've read posts about marriages and possibly abortions being strongly influenced by TLWF leadership, but wondering if they also facilitated adoptions within the church. Feel free to DM me if you have any information on this.
Posted by: maggieb
Date: July 08, 2019 11:44AM
Thanks NancyB! To put it out there--I'm looking for a person who would have been adopted as a baby in the summer of 1975. The bio-mom was a part of the TLWF church in LA. The adoptive family most likely would have been from SoCal or Arizona I assume, also fairly certain they were members of TLWF. If anyone possibly has any information or ideas as to where I can search for this information please reach out. Thank you.