Re: More questions about the back room meetings
Date: January 19, 2018 04:50AM
Puddington and corboy:
) What proportion of people in LW were also
> attending the back room meetings? Probably only
> 10%
> 2) Were these back room meetings generally known
> about, or secret? Only known to those invited
> 3) What did a member have to do before he or she
> was allowed or invited to attend these back room
> meetings> Worked at the LW building, Blix house or
> be an elder in good standing with Marilyn
> 4)Did back room participants have to keep any
> secrets? Absolutely
Just adding my 2 cents.
I'm not sure if Personal Ministries Sessions would be the same as meetings, but I used to log some of these sessions.
The first rule was: NO TALKING. What you hear, you forget!
You were to be like a machine, nothing more. You were to quote what was said, you could not summarize. You typed up your notes and gave them to Morene. They were sent to a half a dozen people; Blix, JRS, Marilyn, Morene, a few others. That was it. These sessions were also recorded.
From what I remember -- and I don't remember much -- many times they would be pastors with problems with their church or personal problems. JRS could be there or not. Sometimes it was a couple of pastors, sometimes several. There was always a definite sense of secrecy around any of these sessions.
If JRS was there, I don't think anyone else gave input. If they did, it would only to be say something like they confirmed what JRS said.
As far as how many sessions like this occurred? Who knows.
As far as regrets. I do remember certain things that were decided -- very, very personal things -- and sometimes the people directly involved were not present when decisions were made. One such case was a pregnant, single, young girl. It was decided the baby should be placed for adoption. I don't know if it was her decision or not. I don't know if the father had any input. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, I don't know. I just know that it's not something I've ever forgotten.