Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Date: January 16, 2018 05:20AM
Vere and Mahota visited places like South Africa. They were not cut loose, but there was much speculation about the role they would play when they returned. There was an obvious effort to get them out of the way. Des Moines was very similar to Washington, IA in that although John certainly had influence, he was not the primary builder. The court decided Dad Stevens should end up with the church in Washington, not John. There were legitimate legal claims Dad Stevens put forth, and not just an attack from Satan, as we were led to believe. I know the corporation in Palmer Lake was set up so that the Apostolic Fathers (Gary and Marilyn) had final say on what would happen to the assets of the corporation.
We were told that they did not want another fiasco like happened in Washington to happen again. If they were going to be responsible, they wanted full ownership of all the churches. On the surface, and if you trust them, it makes sense. However, if things were to go south, they could pocket everything and nobody could stop them. That’s the way a wolf sets things up, not a true shepherd. The local church should belong to the local people, and no single person should be able to take everything – especially someone who lives thousands of miles away and has very little skin in the game. “You local people fix it all up, we’ll sell it, and then you can give the money to us – Oh, because you love Marilyn.” For how many local churches that have been closed down has this been the narrative?
I would suggest that TLWF has never had legitimate leadership where the followers could have a reference point to distinguish between good and bad fruit. If TLWF were not isolated from the rest of the Body, the leadership would lose control. A true leader serves, not controls – they lay down their life for the sheep, not fleece them. People belong to God, not to a manipulating individual. You should be looking for what you can give to others, not what you can get from them. You should also not allow a wolf to take advantage of your heart to give to God. That’s why they are called thieves – they take what does not belong to them.
We constantly heard the evils of denominationalism preached, and I would suspect it was more about John’s excommunication and his refusal to have any personal accountability than what he led us to believe. It’s interesting that he demanded more control over others than any group I’ve come across, and yet he answered to no one himself. He also demanded complete control of all finances. None of that would happen in a denomination – you have to answer to a group of people who are looking out for God’s interests as well as the interests of the people. Also, you don’t get to tell everyone else that you are God and must be obeyed. They may just take you out of circulation and not allow you to minister to God’s people any longer. Didn't they do that to John? Perhaps they had more of a revelation of John’s prophetic ministry than we thought!
For those of you that have been out of the mainstream Christianity loop for a while, we constantly have pastors from various churches teaching at our local church. It’s nothing like it was fifty years ago. You no longer burn in hell if you attend a different church than another believer – well, except for cults like TLWF and the Catholic Church. But then, you know how the tares who leave the truth start talking to each other, when they formerly would have nothing to do with each other. Wait, where have I heard that before? :)