Our Ambition Is To Please The Father
Oh, dear God, you mean those poor people haven't pleased you yet?Posted on January 28, 2018
By Gary Hargrave
The drive and force
(More hard work) behind the life of Christ was His motivation to live in His relationship with the Father and to love the Father with all of His heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Gary: "If only you people could all be perfect, like me." The Father’s responses to the motivation of Jesus
Wow,Gary actually mentioned Jesus by name! show us that when the Father is well-pleased with us, certain things transpire
Huh? and our walk with God changes.
More changes? No, just no! When we please the Father, it becomes our delight.
Still not delighting in the Walk? Shocking!!! For Christ, His walk with God was His delight (Psalm 104:33-34). The delight that Jesus had with the Father is imparted to us; it is a gift He gives us as He is pleased with us.
People, people, get busy pleasing Jesus for a change! Sheesh! [