Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
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Date: December 11, 2024 09:44AM
On the subject of 'trust has to be earned'--September of 2018
Posted by: Cloudwatcher
Date: September 23, 2018 01:02PM
You know they did this "open door" thing quite some time ago with meetings every week so people could air their concerns and complaints in an open forum. Nothing was done about anything--and important and valid concerns were voiced. After they had collected enough information, Gary turned around and told everyone in the church they were deceived and put them in their place--threatened to separate them out as a different church. He warned everyone off so they would be speechless going forward He will gather the info and find a nice little package to wrap it all in then drop a bomb of some kind. Never underestimate the power of persuasion when it comes to a sociopath. This has been done repeatedly and is merely information gathering--- finding names which WILL NOT be kept private. Time after time people have been discredited and trashed publicly. Not that it matters what that charlatan says--its just that he is the one who has muzzled everyone and he can't muzzle the people here.
That is the beauty of the anonymity whether you agree or not--this forum would not be here if people had used their real names all along.
Posted by: changedagain
Date: September 23, 2018 01:30PM
Approximately ten years ago I was told by a former member of Apco that in the mid-90's G & M conducted one of those 'speak honestly without fear of retribution' sessions. He was a part of it. Apco members spoke one by one of what they felt the biggest problem in the fellowship was at the time. Most of them went down predictable lines: "People playing church," "not enough commitment to G & M" etc.
He took their promise at face value, and took the risk of saying what he actually thought--that G & M were far too controlling, and it was stifling the fellowship. About a month or two later Marilyn confronted him, told him he was 'no longer family.' He was removed from his position as a pastor shortly thereafter and basically shunned.
Again, there is no reason to trust that this is an honest attempt to make things right. Has Gary, or anyone in his orbit, admitted to specific wrongdoing (covering for Rick, misuse of church funds, beating the 'sheep' etc.)? If so, I'll begin look at this differently.
Posted by: kBOY ()
Date: September 23, 2018 02:12PM
TLW has an almost 70 year history of not doing the right thing when it comes to properly shepherding the sheep. Actions have always spoken louder than 'the word'.
Can a leopard change it's spots, or an Ethiopian the color of his skin?
Posted by: Road to Damascus
Date: September 23, 2018 03:39PM
I distrust any new day or promises to make it all better. I say that until Gary, Rick, and all those in power come forward and tell it all and not be restrictive communications it is all worthless words. That is hiding behind smoke. Why should I open up and write to them what they did. Years ago I did that and I was told we do not want to hear from you. And Never again will I trust what they say. Bandaids do not work, and I and all of us here are people deserving to believe that we are not a bunch of Plan B's or not worth anything but to be used, abused and rejected and tossed away like trash
Posted by: dbc
Date: September 24, 2018 09:04PM
Sorry, but this just reeks of too little too late. All of the abuses that have been carried on all these years unabated. Really? Manipulation and self-preservation have been the hallmarks of this organization. Why would that suddenly change? Only out of self-interest. They're not looking out for us. They;'re looking out for them. Millions of dollars at stake. And a messianic self-image - we are unique in the world.Not buying into this for a second.