Having listened to the latest version of the “Oops, I’m in a cult” podcast
which has an interview with author John Collins regarding his research on William Branham, I decided to grab a copy of his book “Preacher Behind the White Hoods: A Critical Examination of William Branham and His Message.”
I can remember Branhaam’s name coming up during my time in TLW via RD Cronquist and others among the congregation. He was followed by some along with other Latter Rain luminaries like Bill Britton, etc.
I recommend Collins’ book for anyone wanting to dig deeper into the origins of JRS doctrine and teaching, Manifest Sons of God, five folks ministries, spiritual dominion, etc. This clown was one of JRS’ influencers.
What a character Branham was, crooked as a dogs hind leg. Involved with the KKK, The Mob, illicit liquor, etc.
There is a lot in here to explain our current politics, the NAR, etc. Same old shit, different day. So many charlatans and hucksters were spawned by the Pentecostal movement. Even Ern Baxter (The Florida Five, New Wine Magazine guy) gets some print. Another Branham spawn is Jim Jones. I think that this is a “must read” for people interested in this history.