They were on a limited and restrictive diet; it sounded like calorie deficient and low carbohydrate to keep your brain from functioning properly.
All of the men reported zero erectile ability during their stay. They were laughing and joking about it, but I didn't think it was so funny. Either their diet was engineered to limit this ability or potassium nitrate was put into their food; probably the later.
Who is going to contact the unenlightened health department?
How would they understand the power of The Work?
Why is it "insane" to question Kt's facelift? Picking on someone is
exactly what the Work and Katie ask us to do, isn't it? Although, in
this case, I never voiced a single judgment whatsoever. But my oh
my... just ask a few questions of the "guru" and people get quite
So when I pose questions about her facelift, why does this provoke
answers like, "Ah leave her alone. Stop picking on her. Maybe
you're the one with unresolved issues..."
Well.... If there are unresolved issues, isn't this a place to
investigate those issues?
I was confused and I asked for help. Then I did the work on the
thought I saw behind my questions in the first place. I did the Work
and got some great clarity and freedom.
Yet the stories about judging Katie seem to persist on this board.
Perhaps those who have issues with my issues might want to do some
inquiry as to why this bothers you. If asking questions about
Katie's facelift brings me freedom... well I imagine that besides
myself, no one would be happier for me than Katie!
That interview sounds like typical Byron Katie. At the School, while in that hyno-trance... we just sat there listening to this stuff and absorbing it like it was life's sustaining blood. It was draining for me. Felt more like I had a super-vampire sucking my life force out of me. I spent almost a whole day in the back of the room lying down, just to shut out the "noise." I would have left, but I was too wiped out to stand much.