The Anticult
The main ones to watch, are the ones based on a Deception. The blog says its about Happiness Psychology...then after a few sessions or talks...the blog owner starts to say...
"you know, what might really work for you is a new technology of Happiness...its from this lady I've heard of...its called The Work...you should check it out....I happen to have a discount coupon code..."
One of the messages she gives over and over and with force is the message that The Work will change the world... that it is THE ONLY WAY TO GOD... and that each participant should feel responsible for getting The Work "out there" into the world. She tells you how it is THE THING that will end suffering, end all war, and bring world peace.
We invite you to 28 days in Turnaround House:
If you are sad, angry, or depressed most of the day, nearly every day.
If you experience a loss of interest and pleasure in activities that are usually enjoyable.
If you have difficulty sleeping.
If you sleep too much.
If you are too lethargic or too hyper.
If you have a poor appetite and experience weight loss.
If you eat even when you're full.
If you experience a loss of energy or great fatigue after working or meeting others.
If your mind is full of negative thoughts, feelings of worthlessness and guilt.
If you are indecisive.
If you always need the approval of others.
If you have job burnout.
If you experience recurrent thoughts of death and suicide.
If you often hate yourself.
A Note from Byron Katie about Turnaround House
As many of you know, The Work is always free on my website. Everything that people need is there, as well as in my books, which are in as many libraries, school systems, prisons, and nonprofit organizations as we can afford to place them in. There is a free hotline on the website, and a free round-robin network where people can do The Work with trained facilitators.
That said, the decision to create Turnaround House was simple. We wanted to give people who could afford it a chance to experience the transformational effect of The Work and support it at the same time. The money raised through Turnaround House is used to spread The Work around the world.
We will continue to expand the scholarship program for those who cannot afford the nine-day School for The Work-teachers, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and others who work in hospitals, public schools and universities, prisons, government offices, rehab and literacy centers, etc. These people and institutions don't always have the funds to allocate because their budgets are stretched to the point of bare essentials just to continue operating. They take The Work back to their families, their communities, and their institutions, and everyone who follows the simple directions in the School (I call it the School of You) carries less burden, more clarity, and a kinder life out to the world as a result of it. And I continue to urge people, if there's any way possible, not to live the rest of their lives without doing the School first.
The money raised also allows us to pay for our staff, the websites, our offices, and to travel to countries and to people who cannot afford to pay. We thank you for supporting The Work so that we can continue programs like our prison project at San Quentin, our education project, and our work with the V.A. for our vets suffering from post-war trauma.
Thank you for supporting The Work.
Loving you,
Byron Katie
A Note from Byron Katie about Turnaround House
We will continue to expand the scholarship program for those who cannot afford the nine-day School for The Work-teachers, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and others who work in hospitals, public schools and universities, prisons, government offices, rehab and literacy centers, etc. These people and institutions don't always have the funds to allocate because their budgets are stretched to the point of bare essentials just to continue operating. They take The Work back to their families, their communities, and their institutions, and everyone who follows the simple directions in the School (I call it the School of You) carries less burden, more clarity, and a kinder life out to the world as a result of it. And I continue to urge people, if there's any way possible, not to live the rest of their lives without doing the School first.
The money raised also allows us to pay for our staff, the websites, our offices, and to travel to countries and to people who cannot afford to pay. We thank you for supporting The Work so that we can continue programs like our prison project at San Quentin, our education project, and our work with the V.A. for our vets suffering from post-war trauma.
Thank you for supporting The Work.
Loving you,
Byron Katie
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
The Anticult
Byron Katie is treating post-war Trauma? PTSD?
Seriously, that cannot be legal, is it? Can any maniac just go out there and mess with trauma victims heads? People train for decades to deal with Trauma and PTSD.
Is it not illegal to practice psychotherapy without a license?
You can't give a massage or drive a taxi without a license, but can you treat War Trauma PTSD without a license? (legal loopholes)
Oh... and the "scholarship" program is not a discount. They give scholarships to just about anyone. It's really just an interest free loan. Recipients have to pay that money to BK International over time.
Ever heard of a "scholarship" that you have to pay back?
Not really a scholarship at all, is it?