In Laura's column today:Quote
To those readers who read last week's column and inferred that I have been captured by a cult: I can assure you I'm fine. I researched the Landmark Forum thoroughly before attending and decided to check it out anyway. I had fun, and I remain in full possession of my skeptical mind. To those of you who oppose the seminar and think I have piqued others' interest by writing about it, perhaps I have. But the purpose of my column is to cross boundaries.
To those readers who read last week's column and inferred that I have been captured by a cult: I can assure you I'm fine. I researched the Landmark Forum thoroughly before attending and decided to check it out anyway. I had fun, and I remain in full possession of my skeptical mind. To those of you who oppose the seminar and think I have piqued others' interest by writing about it, perhaps I have. But the purpose of my column is to cross boundaries.
In Laura's column today:Quote
To those readers who read last week's column and inferred that I have been captured by a cult: I can assure you I'm fine. I researched the Landmark Forum thoroughly before attending and decided to check it out anyway. I had fun, and I remain in full possession of my skeptical mind. To those of you who oppose the seminar and think I have piqued others' interest by writing about it, perhaps I have. But the purpose of my column is to cross boundaries.
In Laura's column today:Quote
To those readers who read last week's column and inferred that I have been captured by a cult: I can assure you I'm fine. I researched the Landmark Forum thoroughly before attending and decided to check it out anyway. I had fun, and I remain in full possession of my skeptical mind. To those of you who oppose the seminar and think I have piqued others' interest by writing about it, perhaps I have. But the purpose of my column is to cross boundaries.
Laura's writing comes across as somewhat self-centered and narcissistic.
Maybe she is a good fit for the Landmark philosophy and mindset.
But she just doesn't "get it."
That is, Landmark hurts people.
Instead, Laura just wants to have "fun."
I would really be curious to hear if you keep that sentiment as time goes on, or if you catch yourself using Landmark jargon in your day to day life as the days go by... as I said earlier, I do believe an individual can attend Landmark and not be affected for life... I just haven't seen it yet. Maybe your transformation is just beginning... after all, whether it was tongue-in-cheek or not, you've already felt the urge to talk about Landmark in your column. :wink: I wonder what lies ahead.
I don't feel like I've been particularly affected. I don't feel like it wounded or maimed me in any way shape or form, though I certainly don't doubt any of your own personal testimonials. My own experience was simply very different from what others on this forum have listed, perhaps because I took the Teen version. I felt no pressure to participate and I was never coerced into signing up for advanced sessions or seminars.
Again, I don't doubt that people have had bad experiences with this program, but it doesn't rule out the fact that there [i:cfb7d96d48]are[/i:cfb7d96d48] others who have had positive (or neutral) experiences, and their differing viewpoints do not make them brainwashed, ignorant, or naive. Rather, their viewpoints are just as valid as the voices here who feel that they were personally injured by this group.
I fear now that I will be accused of being brainwashed because I have no qualms with an organization that has already been thoroughly vilified in this thread, but please note that I am hardly a vapid supporter of Landmark. Yet, even had I absolutely hated it, I still would not feel particularly aggrieved, as at most, it was money and time I lost and nothing more. With respect, I certainly experienced no villainous hate group or terrorist organization, which seem to me to be time better spent for this community.