Yes, I know about this. I went to a private screening of the movie a couple months ago. The beginning was pretty stupid: they made it look like [i:82be73df7a]The DaVinci Code[/i:82be73df7a] with all the ancient mysterious religious images and dramatic music.
But the rest of the movie was interesting. It was basically about the Law of Attraction, which I was familiar with through the books of Lynn Grabhorn and through people I know who follow the works of Abraham-Hicks. In fact, Abraham and Hicks made appearances in the movie, as did some of the same people who were in [i:82be73df7a]What the Bleep Do We Know[/i:82be73df7a]?
I don't really get why they are calling it "The Secret", when the Law of Attraction teachings are all out there already and have been written about in several books.
I actually tried to sign up on the website after seeing the movie, but there is basically not much you can sign up for that is free. All I got access to was one lame message forum: everything else required a paid subscription.
When you try to sign up on "the secret"'s website, you get redirected to, which - coincidentally? - is the same thing that happens when you start clicking around the Millionnaire Mind site.
I do believe that there is something real and true about the Law of Attraction teachings, but what bothers me is this whole air of secrecy, and the fact that people are making money off this concept.