Do you think you could get more details from your friend as to what exercises they performed?
I bet your ex and my friend were in the same workshop. I know it was in upstate NY. Is he at the weeklong Ultimate Leadership thing right now?
I can try to pry her for info, but if they actually have to sign a confidentiality agreement as another poster here said, then she may not tell me anything. She didn't go into details of what they did, besides mentioning that they did a firewalk. She just kept saying how great it is and how helpful.
She has some of the handouts posted on her wall: one is a list of The Warrior's Creed or some such thing: basically new age type stuff and affirmations.
I also have the feeling that if I ask her a lot of questions about what they do there, that she'll say something like, "I can't describe it - you'll just have to come with me."
One thing she did mention is some kind of charity/non-profit thing they are doing called "I am a person", where they teach self-esteem to children. They wrote some kind of song about "I am a person" and they go to schools and get these kids to sing it and magically their grades go up. :roll:
I just found the website:
I'm unclear if this is actually connected with "Millionnaire Mind" or if this is run by people she met at one of the workshops.