And, duly noted, it does not affect everyone the same way. For instance, one of my friends who was very introverted and self conscious has becomr more confident. And I find he is very sensitive to how the "speak" comes across to us regular guys, so he lays off it when he's around me.
That sounds like a success story to me. I'm glad to hear that your friend benefited from his experience, as did my wife and I!
My wife was also very shy and introverted. It has been amazing and wonderful to watch her bloom into the self confident person she is today.
Before her K&A experience, people would comment that they never ever heard her speak. Now people ask 'who is this lady?!' and where did she come from? We are all blessed, because my wife is an incredible lady full of vision and ideas, which she used to keep to herself, thinking she was unworthy to share them.
Given that your other friends are annoying with their 'speak', I am left to wonder if they were not already prone to these (or similar) tendencies prior to their experiences with K&A. Perhaps the tendencies showed up in other ways, which you related to, and now they use a language which leaves you 'outside' and it grates on you?
I would only encourage you to take a close look at how it has affected every aspect of your life......has your critical thinking been affected in any way?
I certainly hope so.
Afer all, if my thinking was not affected, wouldn't I still be making the same decisions and choices that I made before the seminar?
And, weren't those old decisions, the ones that got me where I was in life? Weren't they responsible, at least in part, for my level of happinesss (or unhappiness) and my station in life?
I am more patient and tollerant now.
I now accept responsibility for my choices and accept the consequences and rewards for them.
[u:e66b336cd5]For example:[/u:e66b336cd5]
Suppose you and I share a ride to work, and you drive. You are talking on the cell phone and get distrated and we have an accident. This results in my being late for work. I miss a meeting with a big customer, we lose the contract and I lose my job in a company downsizing.....
Prior to K&A, I would, likely as not, have blamed you for the entire outcome. You were responsible for driving. You were talking on the cell phone. You were involved in the accident. You made me late. Because of you, I lost my job.
Using the 'lingo', I would have gone 'victim' to the situation and not accepted any responsibility for the decisions I had made (or not made).
[u:e66b336cd5]Such as:[/u:e66b336cd5]
I did not have to get into the car with you when I knew you had a careless habit of chatting on the cell phone when driving.
I could have objected when you got on the cell phone.
I could have offered to drive while you talked.
I could have paid more attention and seen the car coming at us.
I could have had the project ready sooner.
I could have made a backup plan for someone else to cover for me if I were unable to get to the meeting on time.
etc etc etc
I'm not saying that I 'should' or 'should not' have done any of those things. Simply that I 'could' have done them and I 'chose' not to do them.
This means, simply, that I am responsible, at least in part, for the results that I helped to create, or at least did not do much to avoid.
As much as you are 'directly' responsible for the accident. I am equally 'responsible' for the final outcome.
Please do not confuse 'blame' with 'responsible' in this context. Surely you are to 'blame' for the accident (if we must assign blame) because you were carelessly talking on the cell phone. Yet I am equally 'responsible' for losing my job, due to my own actions and inactions and choices.
Pre- K&A, I did not look at situations from this angle.
From this perspective, I can now see where I often went 'victim' to things in my life and did not see where I helped to create the results I received. (sorry for the lingo but it expresses it in the clearest way I know)
Now I am less prone to 'blame' others. I am more patient and understanding when others want to 'blame' me for something. I am able to look at their 'blame', see how it applies to my life and my choices, accept responsibilty for my role in whatever the situation is, integrate it into my life (however that looks) and then thank them for their feedback.
Rather than pre-K&A, when I would quickly show them how wrong they were to blame me and how it was their fault.
Am I perfect? HaHaHa hell no.
Have I arrived at some pinnacle from which I perch and enjoy my 'arrived-ness'? Hahaha.. of course not.
Yet, I am calmer. I approach people and situations with a much more level headedness. I strive to come from a place of 'compassion' and 'understanding' rather than 'judgement' and 'righteousness'.
Sometimes I fail.. other times I succeed. And all the time I keep moving forward.
Has my critical thinking been affected? I hope so.
Now, perhaps too late, I should ask for your definition of 'critical thinking' ;)
As an aside, to address the moderator, regarding 'problems'.
When I went to the first seminar, K&A said they would not ask us to do anything 'illegal', 'immoral', 'unethical' or 'unsafe' and that they (the staff) would agree to the same rules of conduct. I believe they kept their promise.
The facilitators made it a point to know everyone in the course. And at no time did I ever feel that I, or anyone around me, was at-risk either physically or emotionally.
Before I can suggest any changes, you will need to identify the 'problems' to which you are referring.
Best Regards,