Hi all!
I will start this post with the intent to heal myself after being subjected to Landmark's "technology". I hope it also will help someone else.
This is the history of courses I took at Landmark:
- Forum
- Forum in action
- Advanced course
- Self expression and leadership program
- IFLP - introduction leadership program
- Wisdom course
- Communication courses
I was an IFL - introduction leader to the forum for a number of years. Not a very successfull one though. Thankfully.
Money spent - a lot. Time spent - a lot. Mind spent - a lot.
I will take one DISTINCTION from Landmark at a time and dismantle it. Not all at the same time but the post will grow.
All capitalized words are Landmark talk - except headers.
Lets talk about the word DISTINCTION itself. It is supposedly something that means that you can separate one thing from another. In landmark technology this is important since we as human beings tend to mix things together and that causes problem for a human being. It was said that the human being has been constructed in a faulty way. God (he or maybe a she, we were told) simply did a bad job. In the forum we were told that we would learn how to fix this faulty construction. (It was also said THERE IS NOTHING TO FIX, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. This is an example of a mental contradiction used to create confusion in your mind. Part of mind control 101 )
[b:a245b2b05c]HOW THIS COULD BE LOOKED AT [/b:a245b2b05c]
To be able to make things DISTINCT from each other has created a sense of not being within myself. I'm constantly having a DISTINCT outer cult self that is evaluating everything I say and do. "Could I do this in a more effective way?" "Why didn't this work?"
"Am I living up to my POSSIBILITY?" etc etc etc
NB There are other forum DISTINCTIONS that has a part in it. But I try to keep it simple - one thing at a time. The whole workings of the courses is very hard to understand. A big part of it is very manipulative mind control techniques.
[b:a245b2b05c]HOW DO I COPE WITH HIS?[/b:a245b2b05c]
It is very hard to get back my sense of self. This will hopefully come as I continue my healing.
[b:a245b2b05c]OTHER SYMPTOMS[/b:a245b2b05c]
I have a hard time to decide things. What if I make the wrong choice? What if there is a better solution?
Of course landmark taught me about how to make choices. Their way to make a choice is to make a choice free from the past. Don't think about it - just make a choice and live with it. This way of making choises makes people do hasty decisions in very important areas of their life without thinking about it, such as quitting your job, dumping your spouse, investing all your money on the stock market without making an analysis first....It could possibly also be the trigger for a suicidal person to make a choice to kill himself.
[b:a245b2b05c]MY CONCLUSION[/b:a245b2b05c]
It may be useful at times to be able to separate things.
About making a choice - dangerous and should not be used. Think about it and use your past experiences to help you decide. Never make a hasty decision about the big things in life. Don't quit your job while on a high. Don't sign up for another course when under manipulation.
These are my conclusions and I urge anyone reading this to think for themselves.
[b:a245b2b05c]FOR LANDMARK PEOPLE[/b:a245b2b05c]
There are more things to life than being your POSSIBILITY. You can be yourself and have a wonderful life without Landmark - just don't get into deep. Then you will have to go through this reversal process and there is no quick fix for that :cry:
Maybe this will help you - it is not about landmark.