Re: Getting back my life and thoughts after LGAT/ Landmark
Date: April 15, 2023 08:09AM
Thanks for your post. Landmark destroyed my life, or at best, gave me a huge setback. Turns out if you do the forum, and not go to the advanced course, your life at best, stays stuck in the past. At worst, goes “backwards”. For a personal development seminar, this isn’t suppose to happen and my conclusion with landmark is they are pure hypocrites, and very subtle malevolence. They should have the forum and advanced course as one course together for peoples saferpty and best results. I was doing fine before landmark and the forum changed me for the worse over time. I went to the advanced course years later after discovering it’s dangerous to just attent the forum and not continue. At the end of the day, Landmark is just a company trying to survive and stay alive, with fierce competition. So they will cut corners (morally) to make sales. Subtle evil. I’ve had a FORUM LEADER call my dad a chicken for not joining. At the end of the day, despite all their world-class virtue signaling, they’re just street people trying to make a sale. They’re hypocrites. I wish I never went to the forum, I would’ve been farther at life than I am now. Their goals to eliminate world hunger that they claimed was gonna be done by the year 2000, most likely will never happen, as their distractions to make their profit quotas monthly and annually will be enough distraction for them. Again, thanks for ur real life landmark experience.