I have read your objection to what you called Lordship salvation maybe you could enlighten us me to what is your Soteriology the doctrines of salvation.
Just to prove that I did say what my soteriology (doctrine of salvation) is in an earlier post in this thread, here is what I said in September 2010 on page 6 of this thread, underline added for emphasis:
Now, I do not consider this the Gospel because it is an authoritarian cult that gets people by deception and ruins lives. My view is that our salvation, that is, us not burning in hell eternally, is only accomplished through the blood of Christ, not through any works or merit-based system, and not by learning any theology or going to any church. My view of the function of churches is to give us a place to grow spiritually and do works not because we're trying to prove we are saved but because we are receiving blessings from a loving Heavenly Father that are both in this world and in the rewards we will receive in the world to come. Remeber, the Bible says salvation is not by works lest any man should boast.
I understand where you are coming from
You believe that simply hearing the concept of that Jesus died for your sins automatically is gets you out of Hell kind of like a Rob Bell or Joel Osteen? You do not need to study the bible, your good to go!
I don't listen or read much of John MacArthur yet your blog has encouraged me to dig in and research his teachings looking at the theology he embraces.
I have not found anything that would suggest that a believer has to work out ones salvation by doing this or that, praying so many times each day, giving $$, Serving in a ministry.
What I hear from you is your a good person and some how John MacArthur simply get up your nose.
You've gotta be kidding me. Anyone that went back and read everything I said in this thread would know this is not the case. Even though nobody on this forum knows me, you could easily piece together my theology (and this isn't it) by what I've said on here. This is nothing but a cookie-cutter Lordship response, such as "simply hearing the concept of Jesus" etc. This is not what people believe outside of the Lordship camp, but it is what MacArthur teaches they believe, so I would expect this from a Lordship believer.
Remember what I said in an earlier post, this confirms it:
This is a common tactic they use because the idea is that if you disagree with MacArthur there must be something in your life or beliefs you are not talking about. They keep asking to get differing responses, then get what your beliefs are and explain what is wrong with them in light of Lordship Salvation, and try to find contradictions between your various responses. I know all of this because I lived it for two years. I have seen every debate tactic they have.
I have now been getting PMs (not from Braveheart though) asking me what denomination I currently belong to? What my current theology is? Who I consider to be a Christian or not?
Well, let me ask you, should it really matter what I think? What I think the Gospel is or isn't is not the issue here. I did not start an over-authoritarian organization. I have not made people refuse medical treatment. People did not commit suicide while I was counseling them. I did not build a museum to myself. I have never made people sign over thousands of dollars to me under false pretenses telling them they were going to get to go to a non-denominational Christian college. I have not told college students they are not saved unless they leave their comfort zone and serve a mission in a dangerous area. I have never used physical violence against someone who didn't agree with me.
Ask yourselves this, if MacArthur was really above reproach, would any kind of ad hominem (personal) attack be necessary? It would never be necessary to find out dirt about the other person just so you can discredit them. You could simply tell the truth about it and absolve MacArthur and accomplices of any blame. BUT YOU CAN'T! Why is that?
It would never be necessary to accuse all other churches of believing the same thing and lumping them into one group. Why was Charismatic Chaos, the RC Sproul debates, the ECT debates, and other personal attacks carried out on other ministries necessary? Shouldn't the truth hold up on its own without attacking others?
The issue at hand here is the topic of this thread. "Is it a cult?" had questions about this group and started a thread about it. I actually started a thread about it years earlier but got no responses, but I checked back here for many months until I saw that someone was talking about it, and then I came in and told some of what I know. The poster named "Is it a cult?" seemed to have his question answered, but it bothered you guys so much you couldn't let it go without discrediting me. This thread would have died two years ago had you have left it alone, but your attacks have kept it at the top of the threadlist. Following policy has only served to hurt your cause.
"Ex-members of bjw's church" was not the title of the thread, it is "Ex-members of John MacArthur's church." When I have done the things that have been mentioned in this post, you can then start a thread about me. However, the subject at hand is MacArthur's church, which is the group that goes by Grace Community Church, Masters Communication, IBEX, Masters College, and whatever other name they use, in the countercult community it is known as "Lordship Salvation." Yet, you won't find this phrase on any of their brochures.
I do not hate anybody that is in this cult. I am not an evil person despite what they have told you. I have not been hired by the psychologists, charismatics, mormons, free-gracers, catholics, masons, evolutionists, or anybody else he has villified.
I had many friends in this group and I cried for weeks when most of my friends severed ties with (shunned) me when I left. I had friends that were seminary students, executives, professors, missionaries, ministers, as well as students. I do not hold anything against any of these people. They are victims and deserve to be treated with human dignity. The people that are at fault are the theological professors and MacArthur for coming up with the salvation doctrines, and the former psychologists staffing the Nouthetic Counseling department (Wayne Mack, etc.) for coming up with the counseling doctrines. This needs to be exposed for what it is. I showed links proving everything I was talking about.
I am in the process of starting a website/message board for people that have been victimized or are still in and looking for a way out. People need help, and I may have been allowed by the Lord to go through this just so I can help other people get out of it. I believe God has a reason for everything. (that's more than "simple hearing," isn't it?)
Please think about everything I said here. I will pray for you, all of you, that you will find the truth about Lordship Salvation and MacArthur.