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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: gracetowho? ()
Date: November 08, 2012 04:57AM

Hi Teacher,

have you been exposed to these churches ?
Or are u speaking
of christian churches in general?
What part of Europe?

How can we help you?

In Christ,


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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: bjw ()
Date: November 09, 2012 11:55AM

I am concerned.the followers who lead the churches,at least the one i know, are liars and dictators.i am sadly in europe.
Well, I think "liars and dictators" pretty much describes it. I think even in Europe you can make a difference. Unfortunately, they are roping in people overseas and getting them to study at their campuses here in America. Therefore, even in other countries these beliefs are being spread. For example, there were students from Finland back when I was still in the cult that were translating the materials into Finnish. These students from other countries get pulled into the college through the slick advertising, and then once they are indoctrinated they see it as their "mission" to get other cultures saved from the non-lordship "watered down" Christianity.

The thing to do would be to learn both sides of the issue and let as many people know as you can. You can read some of the posts in this thread, as well as sites around the net that have exposed the truth, both about the salvation doctrines as well as the counseling techniques. Many people will not believe what disgruntled ex-members have to say, but they will believe documented newspaper articles, as well as refutations written by scholars and theologians. I believe if most people knew in advance the doctrines and full implications of how they would be living under the belief system, they would never get pulled in.

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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: gracetowho? ()
Date: November 09, 2012 01:09PM

Hi Teacher,

I do not have access to newspapers but John Macarthur is
beyond questioning, as he slips in and out of his teachings
at his convenience. But what is especially disturbing is the
laughable name of his church 'Grace to you'
There is no grace in these churches.

I agree that we need to expose his teachings but I propose
a different angle, instead of calling ourselves non-lordship
Christians ( which is like calling ourselves the anti authority)
we need to redefine the terms.
What JMc really promotes is
"works salvation" which is not saving faith - but a law based
guilt ridden bondage - which the book of galatians refutes front to back.

Additionally, this is not based on the teachings of Christ
which is: " Love God, Love others as yourself, which we
can hang the whole law of God on."
This love is not remotely part of the lifestyle promoted at
these churches.
Unless.... you are a fellow worshipper of John MacArthur,
then you *may* be accepted.
So let us attack the disease of John Macarthurs sin-sick legalistic
churches by calling them what they are, Catholicism with JM as the pope,
which requires complete subservience to him and his minions.

Let us change the verbiage to what it really is.

God Bless you Teacher, I will pray for good fellowship for you.

Real unmerited, unearned, amazing Grace & Peace to you!!!


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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: teacher ()
Date: November 13, 2012 07:00PM

Hello to all of you and aplogies for not having answered sooner. I followed your answers on my mobile but writing on it is another thing and I'm not very good! Finally I have a moment to use my pc and just wanted to get back to you although it will have to be briefly because I have to work. If someone had told me that I would have seen my dad's church taken over by a sect I would never have believed it. The story is long and yet frightfully simple: MacArthur has set his eyes on Sicily and one of his pastors has taken over first the church (my father served their with a US based mission for basically ever!) and a few months later the actual mission - now appointed executive director. He has banned the fellowship from having to do with our family (my parents were kicked out of the mission house and moved up north to live with me). They have no support of any kind from the fellowship (I mean emotional not financial because my father never recieved a penny from the church in all his years of service), no word from members of the original mission whom have known them for years and years. The MacArthur pastor is against women working or speaking - and I stood up against him and the way he treated my dad (who is over 80!) so I guess (being a woman) he really dislikes me. People who have known us all our lives no longer speak to us (by phone because we live far away) and I know that in the actual church he has banned those he disagrees with and some he "allows" to attend but they must notify their absence if they cannot go. I can not believe what I am seeing and hearing and the pain and distress it is causing. I googled and found info and all fell into place - this is a sect and they want followers. So what can I do? Can we not team up and get a web page with documentation translated in different languages? I am willing. I am graduated in International Communications. I am not a member but am living the ruin of the church and some of the people in my own life. These people have no love, no respect, no grace...nothing. They are blinded and it's necessary to have something up so that if people want to know the truth behind the lies it is available for them: their choice to believe it or not. False prohets in sheep's clothing. I feel very alone.

God be with You and with all of Us.


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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: gracetowho? ()
Date: November 14, 2012 02:44AM

Hello to all of you and aplogies for not having answered sooner. I followed your answers on my mobile but writing on it is another thing and I'm not very good! Finally I have a moment to use my pc and just wanted to get back to you although it will have to be briefly because I have to work. If someone had told me that I would have seen my dad's church taken over by a sect I would never have believed it. The story is long and yet frightfully simple: MacArthur has set his eyes on Sicily and one of his pastors has taken over first the church (my father served their with a US based mission for basically ever!) and a few months later the actual mission - now appointed executive director. He has banned the fellowship from having to do with our family (my parents were kicked out of the mission house and moved up north to live with me). They have no support of any kind from the fellowship (I mean emotional not financial because my father never recieved a penny from the church in all his years of service), no word from members of the original mission whom have known them for years and years. The MacArthur pastor is against women working or speaking - and I stood up against him and the way he treated my dad (who is over 80!) so I guess (being a woman) he really dislikes me. People who have known us all our lives no longer speak to us (by phone because we live far away) and I know that in the actual church he has banned those he disagrees with and some he "allows" to attend but they must notify their absence if they cannot go. I can not believe what I am seeing and hearing and the pain and distress it is causing. I googled and found info and all fell into place - this is a sect and they want followers. So what can I do? Can we not team up and get a web page with documentation translated in different languages? I am willing. I am graduated in International Communications. I am not a member but am living the ruin of the church and some of the people in my own life. These people have no love, no respect, no grace...nothing. They are blinded and it's necessary to have something up so that if people want to know the truth behind the lies it is available for them: their choice to believe it or not. False prohets in sheep's clothing. I feel very alone.

God be with You and with all of Us.


This is an accurate assessment:


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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: teacher ()
Date: November 14, 2012 02:27PM

Thanks Gracetowho.I have read this and asap shall be in touch.I'm on my mobile so cannot write well.God bless.

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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: kcjones ()
Date: November 15, 2012 12:02AM

Here is another link for you teacher to help you with your fight over the truth. There is a lot of really good insight and teaching about MacArthur and other teachers at that has helped me make sense of these men.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2012 12:06AM by kcjones.

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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: bjw ()
Date: November 15, 2012 10:04AM

The links posted do a good job showing some of the heresies taught by the cult, as well as how they deviate from mainstream Christianity. However, one overlooked aspect is the counseling doctrines. This is probably the most dangerous aspect, because they believe mental illness is caused by unconfessed sin. It later gets more extreme where all problems in your life are blamed on this. The "Restoration Process" and "Nouthetic/Biblical Counseling" (my therapist told me MacArthur borrows some of this from L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics and Scientology) are the most dangerous aspects, as well as making you shun people that disagree with their doctrines.

A note to teacher:
Women are not allowed to take some ministerial classes at the cult's HQ. They believe that only men should have authority to speak in church, but women may testify under limited conditions, such as during a sunday school class or missions project. Women can be in positions of authority, but not a church elder. One of the top executives is female, Sharon Staats, but her role is said to be strictly administrative and not any kind of ecclesiatical postion. Mark Tatlock and Phil Johnson occupy administrative roles and are also allowed to act in an ecclesiastical capacity since they are male.

Women are able to major in Bible and all students have to minor in Bible, but where men take Sermon Prep, women have to take Message Prep that teaches them how to testify, teach classes, with limited speaking skills.

Also, if you disagree with them, under the "Restoration Process" doctrine you will be given 3 chances to repent, then people will be told to shun you, and if you are on good terms with the cult you may be asked to shun other people that are going through this process. You will be told to treat these people as "pagans or tax collectors." Each time you are disciplined you are said to have "stumbled."

I was in for 2 years (lived on campus) and knew John MacArthur and many of his top executives personally. If you have questions feel free to PM me. Also, please go back and read some of my earlier posts. I will be happy to talk with you in private if you would like to speak further, as there's only so much I can discuss on here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2012 10:05AM by bjw.

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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: teacher ()
Date: November 23, 2012 07:03PM

Thanks to those of you who have answered me also in private. Is there anyone on this thread who can translate into other languages? I think it would be useful to get materials translate and publish them on a web site. I am willing to do so. If we work together we can at least know we did something to warn people - I am more concerned about the terrible way "sinners" get treated in these communities: shunned, insulted, offended, put aside, made fearful...It is all so ANTI_CHRIST.

Peace to all of you - for me it is not do with War but with a Lack of Love. I have been accused of wanting to get my own back on these people because of the pain they have caused my family. That is wrong. I am broken but not on the ground. The Love of Christ in my Life is Greater!

Hope to hear from you guys.

In the Name of Christ,


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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Date: January 19, 2013 09:51AM


I am new to this forum. In act, I didn't know about this until a couple of days ago. I have some information that might help you to evaluation both Grace Community Church and John MacArthur. I was a member of Grace for twenty years. I know John personally and have attended studies at the Master's College under their Professional Bible Program. If anyone would like to hear my perspective, please let me know.

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