Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Date: March 06, 2009 03:08AM

Does anyone know about the festivities going on tomorrow at River of Life Church in West Sacramento (formerly Radiant Life Church, West Sacramento)? I can’t find their web site (maybe they don’t have one) or a phone number and I'd like to check it out. I’ve been told that they are celebrating a new beginning and have completely severed their ties to Tony Cunningham and RLC. Don Bosley is the pastor and I hear he’s doing great things. Ironically, I’ve also heard Greg Huth’s son is marrying Bosley’s daughter this summer and they are going to live at the Huth commune.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Date: March 06, 2009 04:09AM

Apostleship is a foundational ministry (Eph. 2:20), and as such they are placed “on the bottom,” servants to the other ministries and the entire community. Apostles go through much learning and growth and are developed over time. When it comes to being an apostle, there are no overnight wonders. Apostleship requires longevity and a proven track record. Because it is a relational ministry, it is necessary for them to earn the respect of others, without which they’ll never be able to function. The true apostle of Christ is not interested in titles, hierarchy, or positional authority. It is not a glamorous ministry nor is it a walk of glory or honor. On the contrary, the apostle must be willing to endure great personal sacrifice and hardship, [6] walking at the end of the procession. [7] In many cases, the apostle has taken a personal walk through the wilderness in preparation for his ministry. Apostles must set aside self-ambition in order to commit to the service and promotion of others. The greater the success in ministry, the greater the temptation to think, “I’m God’s chosen instrument.” Apostles must be on guard to not give in to such prideful thoughts. All efforts to self-promote run contrary to the very core of their ministry and, if present, will undermine their every effort to build community.

this is part of an article posted on facebook does tony and mike fit into this description of an apostle?

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: March 06, 2009 06:46AM

Won't Be Dogmatized
Does anyone know about the festivities going on tomorrow at River of Life Church in West Sacramento (formerly Radiant Life Church, West Sacramento)? I can’t find their web site (maybe they don’t have one) or a phone number and I'd like to check it out. I’ve been told that they are celebrating a new beginning and have completely severed their ties to Tony Cunningham and RLC. Don Bosley is the pastor and I hear he’s doing great things. Ironically, I’ve also heard Greg Huth’s son is marrying Bosley’s daughter this summer and they are going to live at the Huth commune.

wow that is such a touching post learning that the Huth's kid son is marrying Bosley’s daughter? Hmmm???
Bosley's has cut ties with Tony and his daughter is marrying the Huth kid and the Huths are known Tony sycophants. So the question is if they join together as one then move into the Huth compound will they have to embrace the spiritual parenting life style? and will Kelli Huth teach the young Huth bride that if the Huth boy ever steps out of line our out of their covering or there allegiance to Tony that it will be OK to divorce from there son?
Will Kelli encourage a divorce as a means to solve the first conflict they encounter as a new couple?

Will the Huth boy ever get an education and job first before he gets married so he can provide for his bride?
what happened to a man shall leave his mother & father and cling to his wife?
based on my personal experience with these two sycophants (Greg & Kelli) it would be a desaster for these two, to be in the same house with these Tony worshipers.....
the more I think about that living condition, the more groose a thought it becomes.
Maybe the 4 of them can sit around a table and the young couple can join in a pagan like ritual of pleadging there allegiance and lives to Greg & be under there covering.


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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: March 06, 2009 07:25AM

Won't Be Dogmatized
Does anyone know about the festivities going on tomorrow at River of Life Church in West Sacramento (formerly Radiant Life Church, West Sacramento)? I can’t find their web site (maybe they don’t have one) or a phone number and I'd like to check it out. I’ve been told that they are celebrating a new beginning and have completely severed their ties to Tony Cunningham and RLC. Don Bosley is the pastor and I hear he’s doing great things. Ironically, I’ve also heard Greg Huth’s son is marrying Bosley’s daughter this summer and they are going to live at the Huth commune.

Maybe the Bosley daughter could live at the Huth house and learn from Kelli the secrets of how to blend bible verses with here old school witchcraft.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: March 06, 2009 02:27PM

Apostleship is a foundational ministry (Eph. 2:20), and as such they are placed “on the bottom,” servants to the other ministries and the entire community. Apostles go through much learning and growth and are developed over time. When it comes to being an apostle, there are no overnight wonders. Apostleship requires longevity and a proven track record. Because it is a relational ministry, it is necessary for them to earn the respect of others, without which they’ll never be able to function. The true apostle of Christ is not interested in titles, hierarchy, or positional authority. It is not a glamorous ministry nor is it a walk of glory or honor. On the contrary, the apostle must be willing to endure great personal sacrifice and hardship, [6] walking at the end of the procession. [7] In many cases, the apostle has taken a personal walk through the wilderness in preparation for his ministry. Apostles must set aside self-ambition in order to commit to the service and promotion of others. The greater the success in ministry, the greater the temptation to think, “I’m God’s chosen instrument.” Apostles must be on guard to not give in to such prideful thoughts. All efforts to self-promote run contrary to the very core of their ministry and, if present, will undermine their every effort to build community.

this is part of an article posted on facebook does tony and mike fit into this description of an apostle?

Great point!!! This is a good question "Does tony and mike fit into this description of an apostle?" ANSWER NO

Here is why I would only say Tony does not fit into this description. When we see Tony driving expense to sports cars, motorcycles, etc. have any expensive house wearing expensive clothes Yeah I would say, he is definitely living outside of his means or beyond what normal would be.
having an arrogant contemptuous attitude with people. When Tony is walking into the pseudo-church service it is only after The music is playing and people are on there feet worshiping..... it feeds his ego.
Tony has very little respect for other pastors. Even within the Sacramento area.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: March 06, 2009 02:33PM

Yes Kelli is a dangerous person just like her husband Greg.
She practices and possesses that Jezebel Spirit Like her Spiritual Father Mr. Tony Cunningham.
So I am accurate in saying that Kelli could teach the secrets of how she blends bible verses in with her old school witchcraft and fortune telling.


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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Guess Who ()
Date: March 07, 2009 08:50AM

So have you all heard - A special meeting is being held this next week for those returning from Africa. Let's see cancel the anniversary celebration, call from Africa to schedule a special event. Sounds a lot like guess what A CULT. All the other infamous cult leaders (mostly identified and studied after the damage was done) went away during a trying time only to return with a "new vision" . What do you want to bet that this meeting is about a new vision or direction?

I am so sick of those sitting in the pews at RLC who simply by being there validate the bullshit that is coming out of Tony Cunningham's mouth. This man can say anything he wants from the pulpit and everyone sitting there swallows hook line and sinker.

I can understand not taking action and leaving before last August when so much of this was still not general public knowledge but now. I simply don't get ignoring the fricken red lights and sirens going off warning people.

Grow up, think for yourself, cowboy up and get the hell out while you can! Staying at RLC simply validates Mephistopheles (Tony).

If I sound angry I am not. Call it righteous indignation or quite frankly whatever you want to call it. In actuality my heart aches and cries out for those who are still under the oppresive control of the false apostle/teacher/pastor/prophet.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: March 09, 2009 12:44PM

Radiant Life here is your leader

Here is the one you are worshiping

Does he have your new marching orders?

Are you really $giving$ what you can?

What happened to his church plants?

What about planting 10 churches every year....Where did his vision and prophesy go?

Attachments: TonyTheFalseApostle.jpg (92.5 KB)  
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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Ring barer ()
Date: March 10, 2009 07:07AM

Posting started on this site about the reality that great change was going to come to Mr. Cunningham in March and many were unsure about what we were referring to. Here is a small part of it….

We knew that several staff members were going to leave in March and Mr. Cunningham was going to use classic cult like behavior in scheduling a mission trip to Africa to distract everyone from the real issues that are confronting RLC.

Mr. Cunningham has planed to say is that these final church leaders, and the families that continue to drop off each weak represent the last of the chaff that God is removing from the truly holy and committed that are left at RLC.

Mr. Cunningham will return from Africa and will “cast” vision now that he and RLC are no longer hindered by these unspiritual individuals that were holding him back from fulfilling G-d’s will.

The problem is that Mr. Cunningham is exerting classic cult-like behavior that is in fact case studied… according to the pattern the Mr. Cunningham so faithfully follows you should not be surprised to hear that he has been instructed by G-d and “told” that it is time to begin planting more churches now. “It is the beginning of a new season.”

Mr. Cunningham will likely claim something along the lines of “it is time to cast off the old, or separate from the institution” that RLC has changed from his original call due to the negative influence of all of those evil elders and staff members that are now gone. Mr. Cunningham my call for a prophetic act such as changing the name of RLC… yet understand this is clinical behavior and will not change his pattern, it is simply a mask, there will be no significant change in any positive direction.

Watch for these three

1. Great and powerful vision that can now be clearly seen thanks to the departure of those who are not as spiritual as the remaining. The remaining will be spoken of as truly committed and set apart individuals who actually, “get it” and can now begin to move forward with what G-d has wanted to do all along.

2. The name of RLC will either be changed or the groundwork for that move to take place will start… with the statement that now a new “movement” can spring forward… likely due to the fact that the weeds have been separated from the wheat and G-d is now unencumbered…

3. Mr. Cunningham’s emphasis on the bylaws and bad elders may arise with the claim that he can now start to plant new churches due to the weeding out of those individuals. This vision will likely have come to him while away on his trip. Again even if this is not done instantly the vision will be shared.
Reference: []

While Mr. Cunningham will continue to discredit those that are a threat to his manipulation or control, as many of you have witnessed in personal setting with him, the fact will remain the same… Mr. Cunningham is predictable because he follows a familiar pattern. If you watch and listen you will see his pattern…

Rather than sit and argue about who is evil and who is righteous lets just look at unbiased, empirical evidence which is what has allowed us to explain so clearly what is happening at old RLC. It is simply that many of us have now spent years studying the behavior and actions of what cults and cult leaders have done throughout resent history.

Mr. Cunningham follows the examples of past cult leaders very well. For example this is the same road Jim Jones, and David Koresh walked… Crazy you say… out of line you think… extreme?

Questioning at all? Please read!! - []

This textbook behavior of a cult leader is what allows us to know so clearly what the next step of degeneration is for Mr. Cunningham and the entity of RLC. What is likely is that Mr. Cunningham will become very angry as he reads this and will try to cast off the reality that he is clinically predictable. The reality is that Mr. Cunningham is not as far and away intellectually superior to all of us as his narcissism would delude him into believing. This is why he may be confronted with the truth that we are now completely familiar with his patterns of manipulation and coercion. Not because we are attuned to some evil power but instead because we are familiar with what cult leaders and cults do.

My friend and genius Bill Simon has made the statement, after a couple years of studying the behaviors of cults, that this particular cult ends with 200 people having sex on a compound in the name of Jesus. While it may sound sarcastic, sadly as clearly as Mr. Cunningham is following patterns this may be a reality.

If you read after cults then you will find that it becomes more and more difficult for people to justify leaving as things deteriorate because they have already forfeited so much moral high ground to become one of the “spiritually elite” who stayed when things got tough.

Today the remaining elders demonize those who are no longer there as uncommitted or out of line for questioning the authority of Mr. Cunningham. The problem is that these very elders were part of the decisions that went on. Please Google “Tex Watson” or the “body guards of Jim Jones”… We know it was said from an active elder at RLC that, “It is one thing when it is people who no longer attend that are accusing, but Brandon and Analyn are still here and this is happening.” We know that a former pastor said that he needed to be as close to Mr. Cunningham as Brandon because he had failed in taking advantage of the opportunity that G-d has given him to be like Brandon/Mr. Cunningham. We know Roland that you have heard first hand that Mr. Cunningham has lied about Bill Simon to those in SOMA and at a SOMA teaching and you chose to do nothing in bringing correction. Why?

Greg you recently told Dan Davis that Jessie and Matt had no right to do what they did in investigating Mr. Cunningham. Reflect for a moment on that Greg and ask yourself “was it inappropriate of someone in a position of power to investigate possible abuse by someone in a position of spiritual authority?” Hasn’t Mr. Cunningham taught that it would have been healthy for Jonathan to have been there and to have challenged David when he was acting inappropriately? You know the truth to this question Greg; you know that the discomfort you are feeling on your conscious is in fact the Holy Spirit reminding you that you once wanted to stand for truth. You held honor for fallen men who jumped on grenades!!!

All of you, as you read this, feel sick in your stomach, and know that there is some truth here. Listen to it now. Get out at this time as you see things deteriorating. If you don’t it will become even more difficult to overcome the cognitive dissonance you are creating the next time something inappropriate is happening.

This is not about stopping G-d’s will and the planting of churches…. You all know that this is not the case. The truth is Mr. Cunningham manipulated and exploited people. He acted improper in a myriad of ways and when some elders began to see that their worst fears were materializing… Mr. Cunningham was deep in sin and as a result they had blood on their hands… they were forced with a choice. They could pretend that all of the accusations form all of the unspiritual chaff had no merit, and they could have pretended that everything was fine. Yet they were faced with the dilemma that it was a reality, and Rhon Rhitzma, Ken Bollenger, Matt Wanner, and Jessie Mancias made a bold choice to make a trade for comfort and push for righteousness… and yet today are scorned!!

Mr. Cunningham openly told the elders prior to the business meeting that he wanted 100K and he would leave taking all those that were committed to him with him to plant a church elsewhere. At this point the men who fulfilled their role as elders decided that if they went that route they would be left with hurting people without much pastoral leadership and a very large mortgage to deal with monthly. So they chose to go quietly and allow G-d to continue to vindicate their stand against tyranny.

So Mr. Cunningham’s directly inability to submit to the eldership led to the present state of the organization. It is an incredible thing for a person to deny any responsibility. We all know what took place, as do the elders that have chosen to prostitute truth for whatever wage was offered. The issue is that Mr. Cunningham sinned, and rather than standing up, confessing and then trying to get some help he decided to take actions that created the present set of circumstances.

“Evil exists when good men refuse to act.” –Unknown. The elders that left did act and have therefore cleansed themselves of the guilt that you now bear for endorsing evil. So the question that we now must ask as we observe you elders and your peers in the coming months is… will you act as you have and actively perpetuate the evil of abuse or will you instead stand against the sin of omission as you watch unbridled spiritual abuse continue?

The most prevalent excuse for German nationals and soldiers not standing against what was wrong was “we never personally saw the abuse ourselves.” In other words it is acceptable for Mr. Cunningham to continue in denial of abuse so long as I have moved up in status. This argument may hold true as long as you are not participating in any ministry that may suck innocent people into a system that has caused a great deal of harm to a huge number of individuals.

The other argument that I have actually heard from people who are left is that even though RLC and Mr. Cunningham have made some mistakes along the way they are just one of many churches that have caused harm. It has actually been stated that Mr. Cunningham has only done some of the spiritual damage that has occurred in the city… as if one drunk driver killing a family is acceptable if it happens on a reoccurring basis.

Mark these words: RLC will not long be remembered by those that caused the damage as they are remembered by those that let it happen…

Martin Luther King Jr. Said “in the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

Some will say we are radicals… yet we say…

“When you are right you cannot be too radical, when you are wrong you cannot be too conservative.”

There is a great deal of humility and pain involved with looking in the mirror and admitting that you were taken by a clinical deviant. There is also pain that comes when you have to admit that you bought in to such a deep extent that you actually perpetuated the institution of spiritual abuse that is RLC. The blessing that you receive after taking the long and painful road out makes it all worth while. The cost associated with making the exchange from the tyranny of oppression to the freedom of relationship with God is well worth it.

The greatest regret for nearly everyone who has left is that they did not leave the first several times that they suspected that there was, “something wrong with the state of RLC.”

People who are so blinded as to pretend that everything is fine at RLC actually believe that it would be healthy for us to move on. I say that this is as ludicrous as saying that a believer should not have moral stands against sin like pornography, drug dependence, alcoholism, or any other sin that causes damage. I can be completely healthy and say that spiritual abuse is wrong. I can be completely healthy and tell everyone and anyone who will listen that unbridled and unaccountable spiritual abuse is evil. I can tell them that there is a group of people that presently meet at 7710 Stockton Blvd. that have confused persecution with answering for the sins of their totalitarian ruler.

One of the main teachings of Mr. Cunningham when things were going well was that he must be legitimate because of all the people who were following him. The problem now is no one with any heart or conviction is left to follow Mr. Cunningham so by his very logic he is now disqualified.

Mr. Cunningham used to teach that there were several marks of an Apostle:

1. Trans-local authority
2. Signs and Wonders
3. Casting out of Demons

The churches in the area of Elk Grove and Sacramento have publicly admitted to not being in submission to Mr. Cunningham or RLC as well as admitting to having to set up exit or reprogramming counseling to those that have left RLC and entered their congregations… please contact any local fellowship for clarification… (Side note: many pastors in the area publicly admit that they consider him and his organization to be dangerous and aberrant). Mr. Cunningham has never conducted or displayed any Sign or Wonder on U.S. soil that is in proportion with what Christianity generally calls the miraculous. Mr. Cunningham has shown no proof of having such ability. And last but not least Mr. Cunningham cannot cast out demons; in fact he will not even try!!!

A collaboration of facts from

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: justHim ()
Date: March 10, 2009 04:28PM

This is my first post. I have been reading this blog for some time and finally have the courage to respond. I won't say much about who I am other than, thank you to all who have been brave enough to share your stories. They helped me much in the healing process. Ring Bearer thank you for addressing Roland and Gregg and the other leaders so civilly and rationally. My hope is "...that they will come to their senses and escape the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will." So many in their anger have said hurtful and even exaggerated statements on this blog and I fear that they have done more harm than good. God only knows.

Let me start by saying it has broken my heart to see the devastation that has been forced upon my church family and loved ones by Tony Cunningham. I compare it to a very ugly divorce with one parent pitting the children against the other parent and then child against child, forcing them to take sides. Jesus didn't do that, David (the man Tony claims to emulate the most) didn't do that.

To be honest, this is what opened my eyes: When the accusations first came out about Tony, I went before the LORD because I was confused. I knew the word says if I lacked wisdom to ask God and He will give generously to those who ask. I asked him to open my eyes to the truth, to help me to see what He saw. What He impressed upon my heart was to step back and observe: Who was behaving like Jesus? Who operated in humility, sacrifice and submission? Who was a peacemaker? When I did this, my heart was broken! Tony did not fit that category. What I saw was manipulation, lies, self preservation, divisiveness and even hatred coming from him and those who were defending him. He was not the man he had been claiming to be, he was not living what he taught nor did he live according to the scriptures. I remembered that he taught that leadership was not about talk but about action. That our actions reveal what is in our hearts. It didn't matter what we say, it is what we do that counts. His very own words were condemning him.

I soon became aware (by his own words) that he believed he answered only to God and did not think he needed to be under any human authority to fulfill his calling. In fact, he believed that being under the board of elders was hindering him from "fulfilling God's call" (Another contradiction to his own teaching! According to teachings in Heart of David, and the Word of God, genuine authority is submitted authority and comes from God through human authority. There are no lone Rangers in the kingdom of God.) Tony was now admitting to being a Lone Ranger.

Seeing all of this was devastating to me, I loved Tony very much, I could not bear what I was seeing. The day came when I had to make a choice: Did I love Jesus and His ways or Tony and his? I knew right away, I could no longer support a man who did not walk in God's ways. I was convicted that I actually struggled with the choice, Tony or Jesus. What a joke! Tony didn't die for me! Tony won't stand before God for me! I chose Jesus. I left Radiant Life with a heavy heart yet a clear conscience, knowing that even though Tony would most assuredly discredit my character I did what was right by choosing God's ways. Does the Word not say...

Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O man what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God?
I looked up the definition of justice, just and righteousness. They mean:

1. the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause.

1. guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness: We hope to be just in our understanding of such
difficult situations.

2. done or made according to principle; equitable; proper: a just reply.
3. based on right; rightful; lawful: a just claim.
4. in keeping with truth or fact; true; correct: a just analysis.


1. The quality or state of being righteous; holiness; purity; uprightness; rectitude.

Note: Righteousness, as used in Scripture and theology, in which it chiefly occurs, is nearly equivalent to holiness, comprehending holy principles and affections of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law.
I have no interest in hurting Tony, his family or the leaders and followers at RLC. I only want to see repentance, healing and reconciliation, in that order. I do not hate those who are following still, they are blind as I once was and regrettably, really believe that Tony is a man of God. They have overlooked so much to qualify this though. It has come at great sacrifice of relationships (cutting ties with those who have left, calling them evil doers, deceived, lost, chaff, unenlightened, bitter, etc...), finances (many have sold homes and emptied bank accounts for Tony's causes), and their moral consciences (overlooking when he would humiliate people in public and slander others in public teaching settings as well in private conversations. Seeing financial impropriety and looking the other way) it will be hard to step away now, they would have to admit to wrong doing and even take some responsibility for the damage that has been done. I fear for their safety if this does not come to pass.

If any of you are reading this, pray, ask God to show you the truth. If you are right, what can it harm? If you are wrong it could save you future devastation. Look at the links that Ring Bearer has posted, if there is nothing wrong you will be able to verify it.

Me? I am grateful for my freedom. I can think clearly, I have a future and a hope and an exciting life and relationship with God is before me. My days are not without trial yet I am forgetting what lies behind and moving ahead. Wow! it feels so good to not have that heavy burden of honoring a man anymore....Honoring Jesus is so much better!

Sincerely, JustHim

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