Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Date: February 06, 2009 01:57AM

Thanks, Tom. To better understand your quote, I looked up "Legalism".

From Plain Truth Ministries, []:

Legalism is any system, rules, expectations or regulations that promise God's love in return for human effort and obedience. Under the cloak of Christianity legalism offers salvation as a reward for performance. Legalism is a spiritually toxic virus unique to humans, spread by religion, best treated by God's unconditional and amazing grace.

What's so bad about legalism?
Could you be a legalist and not even know it?
Why do Christians fall prey to performance-based religion?
Could you, or someone you know, be a legalist?
Are you convinced that God is mad at you and the only way you can make him happy is by being a better person?
Are you convinced that your obedience and performance has some bearing on your salvation?
Are you tired of trying harder because it seems that trying harder is never good enough?
Legalism is one of authentic Christianity's greatest enemies.

From Wikipedia, []):

Legalism, in Christian theology, is a pejorative term referring to an over-emphasis on law or codes of conduct, or legal ideas, usually implying an allegation of misguided rigor, pride, superficiality, the neglect of mercy, and ignorance of the grace of God or emphasizing the letter of law over the spirit. Legalism is alleged against any view that obedience to law, not faith in God's grace, is the pre-eminent principle of redemption. Its opposite error is antinomianism, which is alleged against a view that moral laws are not binding.

I was reading the book Naked Church by Wayne Jacobsen today and I came accross the following that so reminded me of Tony Cunningham that I had to share it I hope you all find it valuable.

"The weight of legalistic righteousness produces anger. Even
where it appears successful, it has only driven sin inward. The
misery of earning our own righteousness makes us want to force
others to do the same. That’s why legalists are almost always
angry people. Cross them and you will find out just what lengths
they’ll go to in advancing what they believe to be God’s agenda,
and how quickly their temper explodes. Many a Christian leader’s
spouse or staff knows the truth of this, having witnessed or
suffered it in unguarded moments."

I know I've mentioned this before, but if anyone is interested in reading this book it is out of print now, but Wayn as made it available via PDF at

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: TomWilson ()
Date: February 06, 2009 06:47AM

Won't Be Dogmatized:

Thanks for sharing the definitions. However I believe they fall just slightly short, but very slightly, especially the definition as it seems to only relegate legalism to conditions to being saved. However my understanding is any performance expectations taught to receive anything from Father is legalism regardless whether it be favor, provision, salvation, or anything else.

Tony C. falsely teaching that honor is the currency of heaven as I heard him repeat on numerous occasions in Pathetic Cadre. Then defining honor in a way that which would result in him and those he demonstrated special acknowledgment toward receiving extravagant gifts to which God would supposedly respond with giving favor to those demonstrating such extravagant honor.

Scripture is clear that the only currency in heaven is the blood of Jesus and his Sacrifice on the cross is what has made us joint heirs of His inheritance and everything else that we have or will ever receive from Father. Paul said it best for all of us "all my righteousness is as filthy menstrual rags."

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Timetospeak ()
Date: February 06, 2009 02:54PM

This is strikingly consistent with notes taken from various students. I heard that people were giving money to men outside of the tithe stream that was above what was going to the church. Is this true? Can these be proven?

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: whatajoke ()
Date: February 06, 2009 03:59PM

This is strikingly consistent with notes taken from various students. I heard that people were giving money to men outside of the tithe stream that was above what was going to the church. Is this true? Can these be proven?

I can testify that I saw it done and felt very compelled and urged to do it myself. I did it and in some circumstances gave things of value with little appreciation or thanks given in return. Was preached to often about honoring those in authority over me spiritually. Problem is the teachings were always about honoring with things and not with respect. Heck Paul and Christine C were so into the lie and guess that they still are that they gave up a baby. To this day that boggles my mind and is a sparkling example of the cultish nature of RLC. To me that act bordered on criminal. We must not be reading the same bible.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: February 06, 2009 08:44PM

Good point WAJ
I find it very interesting that Tony would do a series of messages titles STAY.

It is the same old messages that Tony keeps rerunning and reaming at people to regain their trust and honor.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: TomWilson ()
Date: February 07, 2009 12:03AM

The problem with cash as we all know it cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. However it is embarrassing to admit, but I one time felt compelled to give all the money I had in my wallet to Dan F. as a full time single father and having a below average paying position with the State of California that was a huge hit to my wallet. I gave Dan other gifts at Christmas and birthdays that though they were not as expensive as some others gave him were a significant hit to my budget also.

Thank God he released from discipleship saying I grown to the point he had nothing more to give me even though in my heart I had already left, but only after he paid me back by betraying me in regard to my vision which he tried to turn Restoration Alliance into and into an opportunity for his own agenda of moving to Africa, but God did not bless it. The gifts at Christmas and Birthdays were given out of love and honor, because I had been fooled into believing Dan F. truly had my best interest in mind and had my back.

Once again though I want to say I have forgiven Dan F. and I am healed and free from the wounds from it all, nevertheless I have also had to recognize he is not trustworthy cut off relationship until he comes to repentance if that ever happens.

This also does bring to memory something else for some reason and that is my first time a Pathetic Cadre Tony C. seemed be disturbed that I was there and on my first day there and there was at least one other member from the team I was leading present also. Tony C. started talking talking about what God was doing at the Budget Inn only after he had finished talking about what a stellar job the park outreaches were doing then he said "At Budget Inn we are About to have their first church service and we aren't even doing a good job." However I have forgiven Tony C. for that obvious attempt at putting down what God was doing and the team I was leading and least important me.

I would like to know what "we" Tony was talking about, because the only support and recognition the team I lead received from RLC is the use of the truck and tables, chairs, and pop-ups. The Burks out of the goodness of their own hearts provided a hot meal out of their own pockets for up to just over 200 people living at the Budget Inn, but that was them not RLC. Frankly we got know support from the then Community Pastor, but I have forgiven him and love him dearly, besides he was not able to even care and support him and his family let alone anyone else at that time. I am going to say this as strongly as I can "NEITHER ME, RLC OR THE TEAM I LEAD HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT GOD ACCOMPLISHED AT BUDGET INN BUT LEAST OF ALL ME," AND THE WAYS IN WHICH OUR WORK WAS HINDERED IN ANY WAY ARE ON ME!

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: wantingtruth ()
Date: February 07, 2009 10:11AM

Your question is: it true that there were some who gave outside of the tithe stream to others?

The unequivical answer is yes, it was absolutely happening, and may still be happening on a smaller scale today.

Check out the lawsuit that Dan and Callie Plant filed. It is public record and there are links to it on this website. On the complaint, Dan Plant clearly describes this type of manipulation, and how he was suckered into it.
There are many others as well, and some of them may want to weigh in here as well. Some of the recipients were Brandon Miller (he has since repented), Greg Huth, but mostly Tony Cunningham.
I personally am ashamed that I participated in it for a season as well, not as a recipient but a lowly giver, and gave cash to "honor" someone. It was a huge mistake, and I am kicking myself for having fallen into this type of thinking.
So there you go. It is a FACT.

On top of this if you consider how RLC became a performance based, legalistic church as Tom Wilson has pointed out, and the clamor for the approval and attention of Tony. Then you add to it the manipulaiton, deciet, and etc. etc. etc., and you have the makings of a toxic situation where MANY of those who have left are angry, bitter, and trying to find their way all over again spiritually. What hurts the most is that so many people were hurt. Not just hurt feelings, but broken marriages, broken families, fallen away from God. In short, an enormous amount of wreckage and collateral damage.
This cannot be understated.

And Tony instead of caring, turned out to be cold, indifferent, and only out for his own Personal good.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Timetospeak ()
Date: February 07, 2009 02:54PM

With all the teaching about honoring those in authority, who were those in authority and were they honored in word and in actions? Are the elders honored at the church by the various levels of leadership? Are they held in high regard at all times and given double honor? I imagine that illustrations about honoring elders is given in a very positive manner when coming from teachings and that the elders are held in the highest regard as knowledgeable, God loving people to be respected and supported as commanded by God, i.e., SOMA.

If giving a baby happened and it is so wrong, how did it happen and where? Why complain about it now?

Whats wrong with giving gifts to people who lead you?

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: wantingtruth ()
Date: February 08, 2009 12:37AM

With all the teaching about honoring those in authority, who were those in authority and were they honored in word and in actions? Are the elders honored at the church by the various levels of leadership? Are they held in high regard at all times and given double honor? I imagine that illustrations about honoring elders is given in a very positive manner when coming from teachings and that the elders are held in the highest regard as knowledgeable, God loving people to be respected and supported as commanded by God, i.e., SOMA.

If giving a baby happened and it is so wrong, how did it happen and where? Why complain about it now?

Whats wrong with giving gifts to people who lead you?

On the surface it seems like maybe there is nothing wrong. And giving gifts certainly is in itself a good thing to do. What went wrong was the insinuations, the teachings that led one to only 1 conclusion, and that was that offerings were best if they streamed through or to Tony.
The elders were not specifically honored such, only a few who were viewed as being in Tony's stream of authority. The rest were actually disdained and largely ignored. There was teaching by Tony in SOMA that actually ridiculed the elders rather than honored them. I have spoken with some of the former elders, and it seems that the only ones who recieved a cash "tithe" as a gift was Greg Huth, and possibly Dan Flory. Some of the pastoral staff may have as well, as Tom Borsic may have and I think Brandon Miller did.
I personally in a group teaching heard Tony teach that Tom Borsic and Brandon Miller "got it" because in addition to their tithe to the church, they gave a tithe to Tony personally as well, and as such they really understood the concept of honoring. That is from Tony's lips directly. In addition, some of the church plants gave a tithe directly to Tony as well, not through RLC. They have since ceased all such nonsense.
Tony also taught that Brandon was honoring him by praying for him exclusively for 1 hour each morning, and that was also how Brandon was honoring him. I think that the ministry would have been better served if Brandon were acclaimed for praying for those in need rather than one who had every need taken care of.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Timetospeak ()
Date: February 08, 2009 06:30AM

Various reputable leaders in other churches concur that the teachings are very bad. In one case "it is straight from the pit of hell". Teaching people to "honor me", receiving personal tithe and also pushing an agenda of "mission before mate". Employees and volunteers pushed beyond reason and human resource laws.

If this whole issue of extortion, improper handling of finances, unpaid taxes, deformation of character from leadership against people in the church, manipulation, lies, inappropriate handling of SOMA/SOMAAD revenue, mishandling parishoners businesses, child protection violations (giving a baby away at the prayer porch and then celebrating) and self gratification (receiving personal cash tithe) at the cost of the people, if this went to court do you suppose more than 50% would hold up, result in convictions, and result in a ruling against the church liable for damages both phychological and monetary, would it hold up in the court of law? Would alledged victims testify?

Please know that these are very serious violations and if unjustified then it could be very costly. However, if judgement is held against the church and its leadership then there could be restitution for victims and perhaps with paid help many people could have a avenue that will help them move forward. It could also become a national news story where all involved would be challenged.

I had asked earlier; where does it go from here? What is the right thing to do? How do we get this resolved and put this behind us? What would please the Lord? Is He fine with RLC and with you?

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