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Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Date: March 27, 2009 08:16AM

Today I ran across the online articles Spirit of Mockery I and II by Queen E. F. Phillips at the Majestic Publication website -- []. After reading both articles once, I read them again. Then I prayed for the leadership and pastoral staff of TPC. I would encourage you if you are interested in confronting TPC Leadership, if the opportunity every presents itself, to read these articles. The following is an excerpt from Spirit of Mockery Part I.

“God is mocked when Christians work in areas of ministry and assume professions that are not sanctioned by God. They profess a "calling" on their life and give themselves a title: bishop, apostle, prophet, pastor, evangelist and the like, when the truth is they're self-appointed, glory-seekers with hidden agendas.

God is mocked when Christians set aside God's principles and make up their own standards to satisfy their own flesh and lustful desires. And if that's not enough, they use God's Word to justify their disobedience. They make excuses to continue practicing committing sin.”

If you love TPC, and just about all of us do, you should be very afraid. When I read these two articles, my mind went back to Pastor Cindy’s testimony about a dream she had about a mocking spirit and TPC. Perhaps that dream was a warning to one of the very few people who God felt could do something about a problem members and former members of TPC seem helpless to combat. A mocking spirit has gained a stronghold in the leadership of TPC and we need to pray in agreement that God will deal with this mocking spirit and put TPC back on the course that he has purposed for that church without tearing down what has taken years to build. Forget about houses on the hill and questionable budget practices -- a mocking spirit with a stronghold in TPC Leadership is far worse.

Pastor’s Mike and Cindy dreamed a dream that only God could make come true. We would be remiss if we did not spend time sending some serious kneemail to our Father in Heaven to try and save the dream.

Galatians 6:7-8 (Amplified Bible)

7 Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap.

8 For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

Daughter of Dorcas

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Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Date: March 27, 2009 10:26PM

D of D:

What is Queen E F Phillips queen of?

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Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Date: April 03, 2009 03:10AM


1. Pastor Mike Villamor did not foresee being a wolf among God’s flock and the teacher of false doctrine.

2. He started out just like many of us, with a sincere desire to serve God.

3. But somewhere, about the time of the first trip to South Africa, he lost his way and the enemy started stroking his ego and whispering delusional visions about his mission in this world. Pastor Mike mistook the voice for that of the Father and kept pushing the limits in influencing others with whatever means he could find, whether noble or not, and deceiving himself all the while. Then, Pastor Tony Cunningham seemed to gain more influence over Pastor Mike and the Elders which added to what the enemy was whispering in his Mike’s ear.

4. Pastor Mike eventually left the narrow path the Lord had set before him and took many of his followers with him. Just the way the Pied Piper Mike Video of Msvl04 showed, only it wasn’t just children that followed him adults heard his tune and followed him as well.

5. This all happened because he neglected to check his actions against the Word of God. A mocking spirit gained a foothold and then a stronghold and brought along the spirit of entitlement who also whispered unceasingly to Pastor Mike about double honor which had to be monetary.

6. Mike and the elders do not care about those who have left Turning Point because they were never true Shepherds of God’s flock. Pastor Mike has become a wolf who feeds on the TPC flock. Those who leave because they do not want to serve Pastor Mike, and feed the spirits who continually whisper in his ear, mean nothing because they can no longer be used for selfish purposes. The elders have failed to fulfill their duties and do their job, they should have fired Mike on the spot when he announced that he and Cindy were answerable to only each other. Since technically, Cindy is subject to the headship of her husband, Mike was accountable to only Mike. Kim Barnes has willingly become a lier, even though the lie was immediately exposed. Jeff Barnes has bought into the double honor spirit of entitlement dogma advocated by Pastor Mike and Pastor Tony. Pastor Jackie resigned, and ran as fast as she could, when Pastor Mike refused to be confronted in love. The Elders should have supported Pastor Jackie, instead they became see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil monkeys. Mauro Lasso has resigned as deacon. A more faithful servant of God I have yet to meet. These are things that no one could have or would have envisioned five years ago.

7. If the elders care anything about their salvation and that of their families they will fire Pastor Mike and hire an attorney to dismantle the empire the spirits of mockery and entitlement have caused him to create. They will cut all ties with Pastor Tony Cunningham and anyone else who has a church which embraces the double monetary honor for pastors. Rule of thumb is that pastors should be paid the salary that the average person in the town/area they preach in makes. I checked, that is $70,000.00 a year. That should cover both Mike and Cindy’s salaries. So at $15,000.00 a month they are over “blessed” (paid) for what they do. If they weren’t then maybe the budget would work and the flock would be fed in the way they deserve. TPC would be the church the enemy once feared. There would be money to care for members of the congregation who need help. Professing scripture is fine, but isn’t that what the church is for to take care of one another and provide for one another as one has a need? Mike wanted TPC to be a church of the book of Acts, that was the church of Acts.

Daughter of Dorcas

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2009 03:27AM by Daughter of Dorcas.

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Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: April 03, 2009 07:35AM

I hate to say this, because I don't mean to detract from any truth that was shared here, but Joyce Meyers is a word-faith teacher, and from reading Queen E. F. Phillips's homepage, it appears she is on some level as well (or at least strongly influenced by word-faith teaching). I know that it's hard to sort out good sources from questionable sources when you've sat under Turning Point's teaching for any length of time, without a strong previous background in sound doctrine. I'm not saying you do not have this background, D of D, but I just thought that as others are looking for good sources to help them sort out what they've been fed at TP, that you might consider excluding word-faith teachers and those who lean in that direction.

Just a consideration...I intend no offense. Thanks for continuing to post!!

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Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Date: April 03, 2009 09:05AM

When in doubt, filter everything through God's word. Especially after the experience of attending TPC for the last five years. Does that mean that every word that comes out of the mouth of word-faith teacher's is wrong? I would say no. What I do know is that on some level we are all responsible for reading God's word and applying his teachings to our lives. Being a Christian is a lot more than showing up for church and dropping a check in the collection plate. It is listening to what someone is preaching and then reading our Bibles to see if what God says supports or is at odds with what you have heard. I can remember messages that Pastor Mike preached before TPC moved to the junior high that spoke to my heart so loudly that it made me go home and read my bible and then spend time in prayer which in turn led me to answers for some serious problems I was going through.

If you read God's word, you will find passages that say God uses both good and bad to accomplish his purposes here on Earth. We may wonder why, but that is the way it is.

So again I say, we are responsible for spending time in God's word and filtering what we hear from teachers and pastors. We are also responsible for listening for that still small voice that will help us through life's ups and downs if we heed it and do what we are asked.

Daughter of Dorcas

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Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Date: April 03, 2009 09:46AM

I am still trying to figure out what E.F. Phillips is queen of...I can not find her listed as queen of any modern day country...can anyone shed any light on this matter?

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Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: April 04, 2009 11:07AM

Yes, D of D. I absolutely agree with you about our being responsible for what we take in. Your point is a very good one. But I was thinking of those who are just taking their first steps in that direction.

So just to clarify: My point was that since some people are just beginning in their journey of sorting things out at Turning Point, it might be less confusing to keep away from word-faith sources. I realize that truth can come from even unreliable sources; that's why I prefaced my statement with "I don't mean to detract from any truth that was shared here." Certainly, there is some truth in almost every false doctrine and religion, but I won't go to those sources or point others to them because the subtle way that falsehood is mixed in is sometimes difficult to distinguish.

Since Turning Point has gone "word-faith" on us, and people are eating it up, I just thought staying away from teachers who subscribe to that jargon and mentality might be something to consider.

I truly meant no offense by this suggestion. I hope it did not come across as critical of you personally.

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Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: April 05, 2009 11:51AM

I am still trying to figure out what E.F. Phillips is queen of...I can not find her listed as queen of any modern day country...can anyone shed any light on this matter?

I couldn't discover this either, TPR. Let me know if you come across anything. I'm thinking this must just be either a legitimate first name, or an assumed title. Hmm...

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Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: April 05, 2009 02:30PM

I have found out what E.F. Phillips is Queen of! I believe she is Queen of a beehive! I believe she thinks she is the Queenbee and we are the workers! Just a wild guess!

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Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Date: April 06, 2009 12:34AM

LearningPoint and buddy,

Queen is her first name. But a quick Google search would have revealed that. You two are hopelessly incorrigible. lol

D of D

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