Is a man stupid b/c he is blind and can not see?
I pray for my brothers and sister in love. I am saddened that they can not see. I worry about their safety. I do not think that they are stupid.
To venture a response to your very good question--Is a man stupid because he cannot see?--I guess it depends on WHY a person remains blind. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for being blind guides--the eye salve was right in front of them, but they refused to apply it. (I have no doubt He loved them, even as he rebuked their stubbornness.)
For myself, I believe its foolish/stupid for me to stay blind on purpose--to cover my eyes and ears when I don't want to hear what might upset my apple cart. But as for those who are naive and ignorant and have not heard any kind of warning, these are not in the dark on purpose and are the ones I'm most deeply concerned for at Turning Point. But I'm pretty sure all of us on here are praying for and love all involved--even the ones who might be choosing to shut their eyes and ears to warnings.
But a strong word, a call to reality, a rebuke even, is not unloving if it's from a loving heart. If I start to scream and yell warnings at my friend or neighbor ready to go over Niagra Falls, I am loving them the best way I can at that point. I would only think they were foolish (but with an inconsolable grief in my heart) if they heard me and waved me off and perished.
BUT, as you said, in essence, Brokenhearted, we are not casting "stupid stones" at anyone. The only person I can throw such a stone at is myself, and yet--wonder of wonders--I find that the grace of God has carried me to repentance and toward healing from my very own foolishness. Our All-Wise God is in the business of rescuing us from our foolishenss and stupidity. What a relief!
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2009 03:39AM by LearningPoint.