TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Date: March 16, 2009 12:59PM
My husband and I attended Turning Point Church for five years. When I finally attended the 101 class about the vision and direction of the TPC with Pastor Mike we had been attending TPC for a couple of years, I was seriously offended when Pastor Mike proceeded to talk about “putting butts in seats” and that TPC “would be the most expensive church we would ever belong to.” I left midway through the class. In hindsight we should have left then, but we stayed because of our relationships with other TPC members and members of the staff. We were plugged in at Turning Point.
We noted a negative change over the past few years, but since we did not hear anything from other members, we thought the elephant sitting in the sanctuary we saw might be a mirage. Then Pastor Jackie tendered her resignation immediately after being reinstated as an elder. We knew something was wrong and it was not just a simple difference of opinion for Pastor Jackie to leave her staff position and TPC entirely. The elephant could no longer be ignored.
Not wanting to be accused of gossiping or of being divisive, we sat down and devised questions which were very straight forward and direct. Most merely required a yes or no answer. Then we started investigating and asking questions. We did not like the information we uncovered. The lack of transparency at TPC is glaring. It is also unsatisfactory. Then we found out others had seen the elephant in the sanctuary, and like us had said nothing, but were now leaving after doing what we had done which was investigate the facts and ask direct questions.
The fact is that we along with many others made and fulfilled our commitment to the TPC Stewardship campaign. The fact is that Pastors Mike and Cindy along with the Elders of TPC diverted funds from the Stewardship fund to the operating budget. That is not what we or others gave that money for nor was it disclosed to the people who gave the money. If TPC takes in on the average of $69,000.00 per month, then the operating budget and salaries should be predicated on that figure and not $109,000.00 which is the target monthly budget figure. If TPC members have to live within their means, they should expect their church to live within its demonstrated monthly income. Since TPC is a top down organization Pastors Mike and Cindy and the Elders have acted in a way which is financially irresponsible and unethical. If the church cannot afford to pay Pastor Mike $15,000.00 per month, then why is it? If a member of the paid staff has to rely on a food bank every week to feed their family, why is TPC paying Pastor Mike an obscenely large salary? The financial accountability of TPC leadership has been abysmal. My husband and I do not like being manipulated or mislead – we were lied to by omission and failure to disclose. A lie by any other name is still a lie.
No one who is on the TPC payroll should be an Elder or a Deacon because their conflict of interest in dealing with the day to day business of running TPC is to much to overcome. That includes Pastors Mike and Cindy. It is called AVOIDING EVEN THE APPEARANCE OF IMPROPRIETY. It is a cornerstone to any set of personal values. Unfortunately, Pastors Mike and Cindy have ignored that and it has infected others who line up to rubber stamp whatever comes out of Pastor Mike's mouth. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and Pastor Mike is a mere man and needs to be held accountable for his actions in his position as senior pastor of TPC. But that is not happening. The Elders are acting as Mike's hand picked yes men.
And then Pastor Jackie, stood up objected to the elephant in the sanctuary, which is the direction that Pastor Mike is taking TPC but failing to disclose to the body. Pastor Jackie stood up because she did not want the members of TPC to be merely a wallet or checkbook for Pastor Mike's blind ambition. Before Pastor Mike becomes anything he needs to become someone who the Lord wants to use to go to the nations.
James 3:13-16
Do you want to be counted wise, to build a reputation for wisdom? Here's what you do: Live well, live wisely, live humbly. It's the way you live, not the way you talk, that counts. Mean-spirited ambition isn't wisdom. Boasting that you are wise isn't wisdom. Twisting the truth to make yourselves sound wise isn't wisdom. It's the furthest thing from wisdom—it's animal cunning, devilish conniving. Whenever you're trying to look better than others or get the better of others, things fall apart and everyone ends up at the others' throats.
Part of the prerequisites for an Elder is that their house be in order. Pastor Mike TPC, your house, is not in order! Making fun of others who have been offended and hurt and who have left TPC and used this forum to voice their hurt because of your actions in your sermons as the butt of jokes is the sign of someone who is immature and who seriously lacks wisdom. How can someone who acts so immaturely lead a church or be an apostle to anything?
I have spent a lot of time on my face praying for Pastor's Mike and Cindy, the Elders, the Deacons, and the staff of TPC because if TPC self-destructs the damage to the reputation of the Bride will take Marysville area churches decades to repair. It is not to late to repent and ask for guidance from the Father who loves to help his children if only they repent and ask for his guidance.
Daughter of Dorcas