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Re: Turning Point Church Skagit Valley-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: May 15, 2010 01:12AM

Fearless Dave Luster how dare you bring up the berean's in the book of Acts to try and make it look like you are going to scripture to give us the Truth. Thats what people
on the Forum have done to expose you and your spiritual father false Apostle Mike Villamor. Dave are you going to share how the prosperity health and wealth gospel is a big lie from scripture or are you going to twist scripture like your spiritual father false Apostle Mike to make it look like the blab it grab it gospel is the real thing and the church has had it wrong over the past 2,000 years and your false Word-Faith buddys have it right. Why under the Elders of your church are you president and your wife vice-president and you have false prophet Cyndi and your spiritual father false Apostle Mike as your Apostle oversight and counsel? Dave wouldn't it make more sense to have the Father in Heaven and the Holy Spirit as your Counsel? Dave now is your chance to confront Mike using the Word of God. Dave you said that things taught by man from a pulpit are not biblical and you are going to the Word to give us the Truth, not what a man from a pulpit has said. Did not false Apostle Mike teach from a pulpit. Now you can use the Word of God to show us how the covering of the Apostle and how we should show double honor to are leader with gifts is false teaching. Don't forget to staighten us out with all the false doctrines of the prosperity, positive confession, Word-Faith movement, name it claim it, blab it grab it, health and wealth gospel. Dave are you suffering from schizophrenic christianity? Fearless Dave have you lost your way.

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Re: Turning Point Church Skagit Valley-Tell Your Story
Date: May 16, 2010 11:03PM

Symptoms of an Unhealthy Church

1. Abusive leaders base their spiritual authority on their position or office rather than on their service to the group. Their style of leadership is authoritarian. (I am an Apostle; Im the prophetess therefore...; Im the pastor and I say...; I am your Covering...;)

2. Leaders in abusive churches often say one thing but do another. Their words and deeds do not match. (You need to love well;)

3. They manipulate people by making them feel guilty for not measuring up spiritually. They lay heavy religious loads on people and make no effort to lift those loads. You know that you are in an abusive church if the loads just keep getting heavier.

4. Abusive leaders are preoccupied with looking good. They labor to keep up appearance. They stifle any criticism that puts them in a bad light.

5. They seek honorific titles and special privileges that elevate them above the group. They promote a class system with themselves at the top. They desire to be number one and they require everyone to refer to them as "Pastor" or "Dr."

6. Their communication is not straight. their speech becomes especially vague and confusing when they are defending themselves.

7. They major on minor issues to the neglect of the truly important ones. They are conscientious about religious details but neglect God's larger agendas.

from the site: []

Other articles worth reading:




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Re: Turning Point Church Skagit Valley-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: May 26, 2010 10:14AM

I want to be a frickin billionare Jon's latest twit from TP Skagit Valley Church sister church of TPCWOC:
Incredible night at Encounter. The Spirit moved mightily in prophetic & Healing. After months of chronic pain, my shoulder was healed!


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Re: Turning Point Church Skagit Valley-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: May 30, 2010 12:56AM

TP Church Skagit Valley fearless Dave Lusters sermon from last weeks freedom series on great faith has me a little confused and I am still trying to figure it out.

Dave says that the Holy Spirit does not convict you of sin. ( in beginning of sermon and from last week)

Dave says that the Word of faith movement in what they promote is that God is good and his word is good, but your not and you need to declare on the goodness of God.
Dave says, thats not true, I tell you that incase someone accuse me of being word of faith. I heard them talk bad about word of faith people before. You believe someone is going to give you a Harley, there is some word of faith. ( around 12:39 into sermon)

(Later around 20:18) Dave says people that think I am a heretic for using the bible. I throw that out there for all those who listen to my sermon and post them on the internet forums and bad mouth me. Are we having fun at church yet.

I did my best to try and write down what Dave said but my hearing is bad so I hope I heard him right.

Dave attended the Word of Faith conference at Casey Treats in March and just had a false word of faith teacher from TPCWOC Market Place Ministry come and give a sermon a few weeks ago on how to become a frickin billionare.

Now is Dave trying to distance himself from the word of faith because of the pressure of the Forum.

Dave what other doctrines of the word of faith movement are not true? What doctrines that your spiritual father false Apostle Mike taught you that are not true?
On the Holy Spirit the bible is helpful to us in pointing out man's various sins, and the Holy Spirit is quick to convict us concerning any unconfessd sin in our lives.
Dave I am trying to understand what you are teaching.
Lets have a open debate on these very important doctrines. I invite you to have the courage to come on the Forum so we can have a healthy discussion.
You have Gods Word and if I or some one else has called you a heretic for what you beleve in. Please help us understand your position on all the false doctrines that the TP church has been accused of.

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Re: Turning Point Church Skagit Valley-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: May 30, 2010 01:21PM

I was at the christian book store today and looked at the book "Destined to Reign" by Joseph Prince, the secret to effortless success, wholeness and victorious living. Dave Luster came up with that the Holy Spirit does not convict you of sin from this book and has been pushing it and wants everbody to read it.

(on page 134) Does the Holy Spirit convict you of sin? That is a very good question and the answer is really simple. Now pay attention to this because it will liberate you. The bottom line is the Holy Spirit never convicts you of your sin.

(on page 139) For generations, the body of Christ has been defeated and put under a constant siege of condemnation from the accuser because they believe wrongly that the Holy Spirit convicts believers of their sins.

( I don't know about you but when the Holy Spirit convicts me of my personal sin, I go to 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I looked up a book by Bill Bright," The Holy Spirit" the key to supernatural living. And Bill Bright says that the Holy Spirit does convict (believers) you of sin. Dave is getting his false doctrines from a book like his spiritual father the false Apostle Mike who came up with the double honor stuff and the covering of the apostle from a book. Jeff Rock Barnes is now on this possibilty thinking conquest and now fearless Dave Luster is getting all goofy. Bill Bright and Joseph Prince can not be both right on the Holy Spirit. One of them is wrong. Which one is wrong? I have been a christian for a long time and the Holy Spirit seems to makes me aware of my sin more now then before , i believe so I can confess it and be cleansed. If my thinking on this is off base please correct me.

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Re: Turning Point Church Skagit Valley-Tell Your Story
Posted by: UndeniablyLivid ()
Date: June 01, 2010 11:17PM

For David Luster: If you are SO concerned that people will think you are a Word Faith teacher and you truly do not want to be categorized as such then....why not just start preaching the WORD OF GOD. Choose a book in the BIBLE. Go through it verse by verse. You may be amazed at how the lives of the people in your church will change just by teaching them the Word of God. Do you not remember that the Word is living and active?? It has POWER to change lives. But frickin (yes I can use that word because YOU allowed it in your FRICKIN bulletin) self-help CRAP will not change lives. Why can't you f***in get that DAVE? WHY?? I will never understand this. You are a preacher/teacher called to TEACH THE WORD OF GOD. Dammit Dave. Why don't you JUST DO IT? And while you're at it. Going to hear Creflo Dollar at Casey Treat's church pretty much puts you in league with the Word Faith camp -- now doesn't it? Have you even taken the time to really learn what Creflo and Casey believe. Go ahead. YouTube Creflo. Then repent. FRICKIN REPENT! Your beliefs and your teaching sicken me! So thankful I found a church where the Word is actually preached. Pure and simple. The Word of God. WOW what a frickin concept.

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Re: Turning Point Church Skagit Valley-Tell Your Story
Posted by: ostracizedone ()
Date: June 03, 2010 11:26PM


How To Fleece The Flock For Fun And Profit

The False Apostles Exposed With Humor and Truth ! If you don't get it you probably never will ! Good Luck !

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Re: Turning Point Church Skagit Valley-Tell Your Story
Posted by: ostracizedone ()
Date: June 04, 2010 11:16PM


This is not about an opposing theology or viewpoint on Jesus,this is a war for the souls of men,come out from among them,this is about your life !

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Re: Turning Point Church Skagit Valley-Tell Your Story
Posted by: ostracizedone ()
Date: June 09, 2010 02:49AM


Total Posts Rick Ross Destructive Church Forum...11,396

Total Non Radiant Life Cult/TPWOC Posts...............5,565.....48.84%

Total Radiant Life Cult/Tony Cunningham Posts......2,989.....26.22%

Total TPWOC/Mike Villamor Posts...........................2,842....24.93%

Combine Total Percentage Of Posts On
Radiant Life Cult/Tony Cunningham and TPWOCult/ Mike Villamor.......51.16%

Over 51% of the total posts on an Cult Education Forum are attributed to the Satanic twistings of a Spiritual Father/Spritual Son team Tony Cunningham and Mike Villamor...............What does this leave to doubt?

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Re: Turning Point Church Skagit Valley-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: July 15, 2010 07:48AM

Vision Cast Sunday
Date: Jul 25, 2010
Time: From 9:00 am until 10:30 am
Location: Turning Point Skagit Valley Church Worship Center

715 W Division Unit A
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Map link

( Vision casting by TP Skagit Valley Church, TPCWOC had there Vision casting not to long ago with false Apostle Mike Villamor, now it looks like Skagit Valley wants to go down the same path, has Dave Luster been looking at false Apostle Mike Villamors crystal ball again for vision and direction?)

Join us on Sunday Morning for an excellent opportunity to hear the vision and direction of Turning Point Church in the upcoming months. God has been moving tremendously in our midst and we are excited to peer into the future. Adults will be treated to a morning light brunch during both the services. Normal children's programming will be offered for all ages.

Please be attentive to arrive on time to ensure everyone is properly seated and cared for

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