There is no line to cross, Daughter of Dorcas, for several reasons. Not only is there the first amendment with directly protects me, but Mike is a public figure, opening him up to even more scrutiny, and I put satire at the top of everyone of my videos. And even then, if all that magically goes away my video would just be taken down by YouTube and that would end any potential issues. I wouldn't even need a lawyer or have to spend a dime on the defense in even the worst case senerio because the issue would be laughed out of court. And if not I'd easily win and the cost would not go to me anyways. But you have the right to fantasize about us getting in legal trouble all you like.
As for Father in Heaven, well, I believe that if there is a God, and if he is worth worshipping, he he'd be a good God. And I cannot imagine a God who who severly punishing me for fighting against the progressions of a cult.
If you believe in a God who would punish me for practicing my natural rights, then your God sounds like a terrible God and I would want nothing to do with him anyways, let alone worship him. Fortunatly you cannot speak on behalf, so I have nothing to be afraid of when you try to aver that he's angry at me for doing something you don't personally like. I adise you think more carefully before you try to speak on behalf of God again. I also cannot speak for God but I can say that any just God certainly wouldn't apreciate someone throwing around his name in a method to indirectly threaten someone. I will not stop making videos or exercising my right to free speach just because Daughter of Dorcas says her God will severly punish me for it. That's shamelessly absurd, and I would hate for people to mistake that as what your Christianity is all about.
Furthermore, you stated I am taking away any chance that you might have in getting TPC leadership to take you seriously to get a forum. Do you have any reasoning behind that, or is that just another attempt at demean me? Why would Mike associate my videos with you, or any of you?
Here's the bottom line, Mike is not a man of love and he does not care about opening a forum with you and embracing you with loving arms. And he never will. He is a man of secret memos, silencing, fundraising and recruitment, authoritarian ranks, and power. You can hear it in his voice. You can see it in his eyes. He's working for toward a full blown cult. And this is knowable by looking at his past with Tony Cunningham, who I was told took 50,000 american dollars to start an orphanage and bought his son a porche. His daughter, nothing. Tony doesn't like women munch and allegedly doesn't let his wife speak in public. BUT Mike refers to Tony as his spirtual authority. Sound like he's ready for an open forum of love to you?
Finally, you said "very Christian founding fathers."
You know your historically wrong, right?
There are LETTERS between Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin making fun of Christianity. Franklin even called it unintelletual in his autobiography. WHo told you they were Christians? Because they lied.
The founding fathers were primarily deists, which is closer to atheism than it is anything else. Others, like Thomas Paine, author of "Common Sense," was directly an atheist.
Those are historical facts.
I have to say that the satires and parodies have been a source of humor for me. While they tend to be a bit over the top, there are enough granules of truth that it provides a type of releif like, "I'm not crazy" after leaving turning point. I think that these videos get to the core of what is happening in this church.
Aven, I think you are a very talented young man and I hope you do find Jesus Christ and have a personal experience with him. I feel that you have captured some of the hurt people feel from this forum and provided an outlet for those who have a satrical sense of humor. I believe that God has brought you to this place for a reason and I would that you be accepted here and allowed to speak your heart and mind. I believe you have captured the wickedness of what a cult can do to people and the self seeking purposes these leaders typically possess while bringing a church body straight into hell. The people at TP worship Mike and Cyndi and other leaders. It is wrong and anti-Christ.
I hope that we on this forum can provide you acceptance and communicate to you that some of us do appreciate you and your humor and the creativeness you have is pretty amazing. When this is all over, hopefully soon, or maybe never, I hope you can put your talents to a better use because I think God could have very good things in store for you. I think that cultish church's dam all Christians in the eyes of non-believers. I used to hate all Christians. What a bunch of hypicritical idiots. Mike and Cyndi case and point. However, I learned much later in life that people spoil Christianity and disabuse it. So, I learned not to put my faith in people because they always disappoint, myself included. Instead, my eyes must soley be upon what he did for me and continues to do in my life.