Daughter of Dorcas
Turning Point Church does indeed hold an annual meeting to discuss the budget with the body. However, just because something appears on the budget does not mean it will be funded and that funds will not be diverted to some other line item depending on income. Since the average income of TPC has not met the target budget amount in YEARS, that creates a problem. I would think the best thing to do would be to revamp the budget and have the income and line items balance instead of always having a deficit. That is not my opinion, that is scriptural. Living within your means is a story that is repeated more than once in the Bible. It is a class that Elder Olin and his wife teach to the body at TPC.
Yes, DofD. I agree. That was what I was saying when I said that budgets are theoretical. Actual numbers are an entirely different thing, and if no one is holding anyone accountable for the actual numbers, the budget that is presented at the annual meeting is not only meaningless, but also deceptive--and by this time, a flat out lie (in the name of faith, I'm sure--like other exaggerated numbers and accounts of stuff) since this has been going on for years.
This stuff is NOT OK!! Why are we second-guessing ourselves about whether or not it's bad to call out these terrible dysfunctions, lies, and abuses of power? It's not rebellion to stand on truth, to stand up to authority that is abusive. When the apostles were questioned and flogged and ordered by their religious authorities to stop preaching the truth of the gospel, they said (in essence), "You decide what's right: to obey you or to obey God."
When it comes down to obeying, we're bound to obey the truth, not lies. To remain in the truth, you have to "rebel" against lies--to put on your armor and use it for what it was meant to do. Stand up to the lies. Check out the Word of God and know what it says so you CAN use your shield of faith and your sword of the Spirit effectively. As Painful Journey said and as so many others have repeated on this thread: DO YOUR HOMEWORK, TURNINGPOINT! Then unapologetically take your stand in the truth. It is God we serve, not people. Mike and Cyndi did not shed their blood for you, Jesus did! You owe them nothing in this life except love. Did you know that? That truth is in your Bible...I challenge you to go find it. Please don't passively follow a human authority down the path of life. Jesus alone is qualified to do that. Those Chuck Swindoll quotes from "Tell the Truth" were right on the money. Did you read them? Please do! Please, please please let God help you think and make decisions by His Word and His Spirit. You are allowed. You are instructed, in fact, to keep in step with the Spirit (see Galatians 5).
Be Bereans!!
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2009 07:45AM by LearningPoint.