What Braveheart has described about the esoteric nature of Turning Point's and Raidant Life's inner circles is exactly what Scripture speaks of when it decries Gnosticism or the spirit of GNOSTICISM--the idea that there is SECRET KNOWLEDGE or an INNER CIRCLE of spirituality that some just aren't able or are unwilling to attain.
Now, this is not explicitly stated at Turning Point. In fact, Mike claims to giggle at such notions. HOWEVER, the spirit of gnosticism is alive and well at Turning Point, whether stated or not, and the ones on the inside love their position and behave in a condescending and superior attitude toward those on the outside. Oh yes, they're "nice" and "helpful" to the spiritual have-nots, but they keep them in their place unless they are willing to give the double honor, toe the line, and buy into all the specifically Turning Point teachings (the ones that make TP superior to all the other churches in the area--"Turning Point DNA," remember that phrase?).
Anyone care to talk about this or to rebut my perspective here? This would make for a good discussion, since I think we've likely seen, been exposed to, or been a part of the workings of the "inner circle" at Turning Point, which by the way, is significantly different than any other inner circle I've seen in churches I've been to. To me, it seems to be more than just an annoying church clique--it's a clique with a sharp edge.
That may be the reason why people like Tony & Mike don't want to have this kind of public discussion with the members of the church!!!
This brings me to another observation that I have seen in the Radiant Life church and we are seeing it mirrored at turning Point Church.
Call it “Esoteric Christianity” or the inner circle as many people have observed here in this blog.
I challenge you to evaluate this next statement.
To believe you are an esoteric is to believe that you are on the inside of something and everyone else is on the outside of it.
The idea of making something purposely complex or creating a pseudo-culture for the purpose of alienating others is what the pseudo-intellectual esoteric does.
They create an environment of the haves and have-nots. They separate into two classes, those who are spiritually enlightened and others who have not arrived to such deeper spiritual meanings and understanding.
Some things are naturally esoteric take brain surgery. Not every has a working understanding of brain surgery or can perform brain surgery. So the person who was studied the practice of brain surgery is naturally esoteric.
Now relate that to historic Christianity, did Jesus create an esoteric attitude or pseudo-culture?
While much like the brain surgeon, I believe we can agree that Jesus was on the inside with his relationship with his heavily father, God.
But did he run around in an esoteric manner, looking down on people, because they were on the outside with God. NO!
In fact His life was to bridge that gap to be the way to the father!
So my question for you is, do you see in esoteric attitude and the leadership in your church?
Are they approachable?
Can they be transparent and honest with you?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2009 01:58AM by LearningPoint.