Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
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Date: March 24, 2009 05:12AM
LearningPoint, Excellent post!!
Wounded Warrior - I like what you said, especially the part.... "I like Cyndi but I find that it was difficult to be around her because her perfectionist ideals become evident as she states she has never said a swear word, she WORKS on becoming better and better."
I think the word, WORKS she used - says it all. The problem is that since the fall, man has always tried to USE WORKS TO EARN GOD!! Works cannot earn God. We can become as righteous as we want but without the saving grace of Jesus Christ we are still lost. Our righteousness is as FILTHY RAGS...
Even if Pastor Cyndi has walked "righteous" her whole life - according to scripture that is nothing to boast about. For even if she breaks no sins with her mouth, she breaks them in her heart because she is boasting of her own righteousness. And God tests our hearts - not just our actions.
If I recall - JESUS WAS APPROACHABLE - by sinners, children, and the sick. Yet, the ones that thought they were righteous and set themselves apart from the "sinners" of their day were Pharisees. Didn't Jesus rebuke the Pharisees harshly because they were blind and prideful?
I don't know about anyone else, but I get so tired of Turning Point using fear, guilt, shame, discouragement, and threats to keep people from finding TRUTH! (....Talk about the works of the devil!!)
Why is Turning Point constantly defending themselves. If they are innocent in these claims, they would not need to defend themselves week after week after week.
If I lived in L.A. that would be my social norm. A "norm" is what is comfortable, familiar, predictable and safe. We as humans tend to adapt to our norm. Then we try to justify it, resist against anything that comes in opposition to it and then naturally try to protect it. If a person is taken out of this norm there will be a gambit of emotions - fear, confusion, worry, anxiety etc. That is why a woman will stay with a husband who beats her or a gang member will struggle leaving their gang "family" ties to find safety, health or happiness. People may be injured where they are. They may find themselves sad or they may lose their identity all together. But unless they have walked outside the world they know for some time, knowing true freedom, they will return time and time again to the familiar.
Confusion will come when we start to consider something "new" or different. That is an understandable and a NORMAL response for anyone. Yet, the enemy also likes God's people bound. They are weak if they have no knowledge, truth and freedom. Loosen the chains with truth and expect a little turmoil. But after awhile, you can look back and see everything so clearly. You will wonder why you didn't question earlier. Why you didn't fight for what was right before now. You will come away a little stronger, braver and smarter to the works of the devil.
Please, do not be fooled that Turning Point is the only way. There are other amazing churches out there. Do not be taught to FEAR the unfamiliar. A church that God will bless does not instill fear in its members. They do not have to defend themselves. They push them toward freedom, not away from it. They are open, honest, and filled with approachable people. They do not condemn other people. They do not condemn other churches or denominations. They do not keep secrets or hide behind lies. They are not afraid of questions or giving answers. They do not have power trips or control issues. They do not need to use intimidation or manipulation to "direct" their members. I could go on and on.
All of these vices are from the devil! And if you are feeling them just because you want to know truth - it is likely the DEVIL CONTROLLING YOU, NOTHING ELSE. He will try to STOP you from finding truth, because he hates it. THERE IS NO TRUTH FOUND IN HIM!!!
God said "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE." He did not say - "Turning Point is the way, the TRUTH, the life."
I plead, do not be swayed by either us or Cyndi's sermon. READ FOR YOURSELVES WHAT THE BIBLE REALLY SAYS. SEEK TRUTH FOR YOURSELVES, NOT WHAT SOMEONE ELSE TELLS YOU TRUTH IS. LOOK FOR ANSWERS. After all, God will hold you accountable to whether you knew Him....THE TRUTH...or not, in the end.