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Re: R.B. Thieme Jr., Berachah Church Houston, Robert B. Thieme Jr.
Posted by: CucumberMelon33 ()
Date: June 22, 2023 10:50PM


I am wondering about former members experiences with the teachings surrounding parenting and discipline of their children. I personally wasn't a part of this church but am trying to understand a friend of mine.

I appreciate your opinions and responses.

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Re: R.B. Thieme Jr., Berachah Church Houston, Robert B. Thieme Jr.
Posted by: Truthtesty ()
Date: September 06, 2023 04:28AM


The first thought is of the simple definition of a destructiveness of a hurtful "cult".

Every military officer in the US armed forces has usually stood and gave speeches in front of soldiers, sailors, or airmen by the hundreds under strict military authority. Though undoubtedly Thieme learned his speaking skills from the military, this was one of Thieme's shortcomings of his interpretations. Thieme confused (He isn't the only one) the authority of corrupt man (In Thieme's case strong military authority background) with the perfect authority of God. For those who follow Thieme's every word as if it were the perfect Word of God, it causes spiritual corruption (as opposed to spiritual freedom). Though it may not feel like corruption at the time to the thiemite, deep down they know that it is. This coruption does manifest itself sooner or later physically, spiritually and emotionally.

It is the annointing that teaches []

Also for false authority in the church [] and can use search function on this website for more.

While a "positive" parent has a choice to physically leave, the child "positive" or "negative", is usually forced to listen to through repeated attendance and/or Thieme tapes ad nauseam. The destruction manifests spiritually, emotionally and physically both parent and child. The parent is able to leave, while the child is usually not. The child is not fully developed. This leads to many destructive behaviors: isolationism, a "retro" backwards of identity immaturation, child often repetitively repeats what they have memorized from Thieme with no interest in social belonging, cuts all hair off like Thieme, copies Thiemes mannerisms and identity, unable to form their own ideas often children just follow the Thiemite "re-education camp" prejudices, us vs them, calling people spiritually "bad" names who don't agree with thiemites, and more etc...

Iv'e seen thiemites so consumed and obsessed with the false rat wheel spirituality of "rebound" (not a greek word in the bible) repeating it so often that they lose functional control of their own mental faculties and bump into walls.

But? That's 1 reason that thiemites outwardly social appearances are so "perfect" to the public, to cover up what's really going on inside.

It's a real travesty and completely unnecessary.


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Missing 4Shared Contents
Posted by: beetfarmer ()
Date: July 16, 2024 12:29AM


Over the past week I have read through this forum to gain insight into the doctrinal system in which I was raised. I was not apart of Berachah, but one of Thieme's offshoot doctrinal bible study churches. One resource was particularly helpful: the 4shared files compiled by user orangeperuviscacha (current link: []).

I used the Wayback Machine to find all of the old files that are not currently available, and I have attached a screenshot of the former files. What I am primarily interested in is the file named "RB Thieme Jr files.pdf".

Unfortunately these files are no longer available and this forum has lost activity. I'm hoping that one of the long-term posters, like TruthTesty, has this pdf downloaded and can share it with me.

Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2024 12:32AM by beetfarmer.

Attachments: 4shared wayback.PNG (91.2 KB)  
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