Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by:
Date: June 20, 2012 09:25PM
Thankyou for all your kind replies, I'm hoping that by showing this website to my friends they might gain some insight into Struthers. One of the reasons that I was so appalled by the service is that the Church I was raised in had a proper old school Fire and Brimstone priest, he was known to refuse to marry a couple if he thought the Brides neckline was too low, but these are things he would sort out before the ceremony and the services would go ahead in the spirit of a wedding ceremony with the respect due to receiving the sacrament of marriage before God. As I was an alter girl and in the Chapel choir, I attended many wedding ceremonies and they were all, joyful and spiritual experiences. I use the name Religionless on here because I do not follow a religion, to be honest there are too many instances of mans interpretation of Gods word getting in the way of Gods message for my liking. What I do practice however, is tolerance and respect for other peoples beliefs, I have friends from many faiths, Rastafarian, Buddhism, Christian, Muslim.... and quite a lot of Athiests who also show the same tolerance and respect for others. Things that are quite devastatingly missing with these Struthers maniacs. However, whilst I am religionless, I am not faithless, far from it, I have an abiding faith in the Big Man and he knows it, so I want to ask you all if you would say a prayer for the Struthers people, for all of them, so that the ones in the congregation can find the path away from these loonies and so that the ones in charge have at least a little piece of grace with them, given by good christians, when they go to meet their Maker.