To answer a previous question from seekingsusan, No the leaders and members of SMC do not believe in Anihilation after death. They believe in a resurrected body and new life in an eternal realm. They get many things wrong, but, to be fair, not that.
Actually I was referring to the doctrine of Hell and whether SMC teach that the UNSAVED will suffer eternal torment in Hell - ie - forever - , or whether - after the appropriate amount of punishment, they are eternally “destroyed” and thus simply cease to exist. This is referred to by many as “annihilationism”.
"what is meant by revival in SMC”
I’d argue that the most widely accepted definition of REVIVAL involves masses of the unsaved feeling “conviction of sin” and becoming saved and thus born again.
This definition can be found and is widely accepted among evangelicals REGARDLESS of any charismatic manisfestations. This is what Witefield and the early evangelicals would have understood as revival. It simply refers to mass GENUINE conversions.
Clearly the SMC record on converting the unsaved is pretty appaling - given that in 30 years they have only grown to around 300 or so. And of this crowd a majority are going to be people who were already born again before they joined, or are children of SMC members.
It seems very strange that a church which supposedly strives so hard to be “obedient’ and “submissive” and “holy” that its record on going out to the masses and actually
converting the unsaved is so appalingly poor.
One wonders if SMC is in fact more of a parasitical organisation that merely preys on those already saved with the promise of greater spiritual experiences.