Regarding the question on the film The Godfather, Im not really sure what the relevance is to this thread
It has to do with the arbitrariness ( and hypocrisy in my mind ) with which Struthers leadership pronounce one thing to be "Kosher" yet another not.
It has to do with the famous "in the world but not of the world" distinction and how christians should apply it.
It has to do with whether its allright for an adult to read shakespeare ( is it ? ) but not watch any movie that depicts a sinful activity. Whether it is ok to read books but not watch TV or a particular movie ( or go to the cinema ).
It has to do with whether one should first examine the past life of an artist, as well as their beliefs, and only deem such an artists works "Kosher" if the persons life meets Struthers Criteria.
It has to do with whether its ok to view a nude painting or sculpture ( is it ? ) but not watch "The Godfather"
It has to do with whether in some mysterious way, reading or viewing a work of fiction, somehow lets "satan in".
I would be curious for example to know if Mozart or Beethoven are forbidden to be listened to, after all - both these people indulged in activities and lines of
exploration and thought that go against christian teaching and in some cases really were quite disgusting.
It has to do with whether a christian who populates their own personal library with nothing but literature obtained from the local christian bookstore - ( and in the SMC case of course - every book Hugh Black ever wrote ) actually learns any more about how to live the christian life and "True Spirituality" than another christian who maybe prefers to keep their religious book collection to just a few bible translations and then stocks his/her library with some of the finest literary works the world has produced.
How much about the real human condition can someone soaked and limited to nothing but the way of struthers really know about the human condition and how to speak to it, if they are forbidden from actually interacting with anyone outside the "fold" - unless of course its absolutely necessary to earn a living, survive, or preach to someone. ?
Consider all this half rhetorical if you wish, but I am definitely interested in the answers.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2011 08:14PM by Clive.