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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Deprogrammed0110 ()
Date: November 04, 2021 09:40PM

It is very distasteful of you coming here and proselytising zoejogle. We don’t like Christians on this site.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 04, 2021 10:59PM

zoejogle :

Please read the rules again, which you agreed to before posting here.

This is not the place to share your religious beliefs.

This is specifically prohibited by the rules.

The link you posted to promote religious beliefs has been deleted.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/04/2021 11:02PM by rrmoderator.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: I can see ()
Date: December 09, 2021 06:35AM

Some really good posts and links on here hopefully those who really need this help will be blessed.
Unfortunately CD constructed a nasty vindictive god of her own imagination and was obviously really troubled herself. Really sad for anyone to have a whole lifetime in such delusion. There was always a sense of us and them a persecution complex and look at what I'm going through oh look how I'm being tested!! Just trite rubbish really. Have your own life and friends in the fellowship if you want but dont be told what to do. If you want a relationship or friendship outside you go for it. These people have messed up lives with plenty of skeletons in the cupboard I can tell you dont let them interfere with your life. And if you have broken relationships that no longer go to kcf as much as within you for Gods sake be reconciled. That was a big theme years ago in kcf such a pity they dontpratice what they preach. Your as good as anyone of them. Get a grip !! Merry Christmas!

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Deprogrammed0110 ()
Date: December 19, 2021 05:23AM

Yes Icansee “Get a Grip” why would you even be worried what the nuts in KCF think?Or is this ammunition, that you decided to use, on people you don’t like on this site! How very KCF of you MOrk. Go and get proper help, you are not well, and grow up!
None of them has had an authentic thought in their lives. Some of them seemed ok to your face like Maureen Mckeown and Sally Healis, but then you find out they are totally untrustworthy and two-faced incapable of discernment, running back to Cheryl and Mary, with every private detail of your life, that you never gave permission for them to share. How’s that for a knife in the back. As Icansee has truthfully pointed out Cheryl was essentially mentally ill, with an obsession to do with controlling everything, including your thoughts and opinions and trying to find out if you masturbated! Meanwhile Graham and Mary supported this, and they are calling us cranks, hahahahah. A gay man who pushed down his true self, to pretend to be a Christian and we are the Kranks. See what strife Mork loves to create. A real bitter twisted jealous chip of the KCF block.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: isawtheway ()
Date: December 22, 2021 11:22PM

Hi all
Firstly i hope you Have a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Also some of us have had some bad experiences regarding KCF and some a lot more than others going by some of the posts i have read on here.
Maybe it is time for us to try and help each other to get through it all and start 2022 in a better frame of mind. I know this forum as let a lot of people vent there spleen and they've had good reason to do so.
But is it helping or making them feel worse about themselves. If you think i am trying to defend all at KCF i am not at all.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Deprogrammed0110 ()
Date: December 23, 2021 03:33AM

I will speak my truth as I wish
This is not a Christian Fellowship, it is a place for recovery.
If you don’t understand what that means. Go and do your research. I will not be censored by anyone, just because the truth makes you uncomfortable. We are all at different stages of recovery. Try to remember it is not all about you!

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: isawtheway ()
Date: December 23, 2021 06:28PM

Hi deprogammed
I don't know whether your recent post was aimed at me or am i just being paranoid. I am not trying to censor anyone and you are right about it being a place for recovery also the truth does not make me uncomfortable at all! I understand a lot of people were deeply hurt and were let down by certain members of KCF. Some of you were members of KCF for a lot longer than me.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Mork ()
Date: December 25, 2021 02:14AM

I read this brilliant book recently about a young girl growing up in a fundamentalist family. It really resonated for a few reasons. I can still remember growing up in the 80’s when there were so many ‘doomsday’ threats and it genuinely felt that we could be in the end times. Looking back it was all a little silly really but when your world is quite small these things can seem SO real.

Just popped on to wish you all well. However you celebrate the turning of the seasons I hope that there is a little more light in your life each day.

“This is the solstice, the still point
of the sun, its cusp and midnight,
the year’s threshold
and unlocking, where the past
lets go of and becomes the future,
the place of caught breath, the door
of a vanished house left ajar.”
Margaret Atwood.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Iamfree ()
Date: December 27, 2021 07:22PM

I have just been reading through the last few messages that have been posted. There are some good and helpful posts on this site.

Thank you Isawtheway and Mork for the seasonal good wishes.

I thought that this site was created for people to warn others about KCF and to voice concerns. I have deeps concerns about KCF.
The posts relating to cults and explaining what a cult is are very helpful. They prove just how much we were taken in and controlled by Cheryl Doyle and some of the leaders there.

That was many years ago - people who attend now will say that things have changed, it is all in the past, that Cheryl Doyle no longer leads them.

What concerns me is the people in charge of KCF today were trained by Cheryl Doyle, they were groomed by her. I dont see how things can have changed that much.
As we have seen on this site lots of people, including children and young people were very deeply hurt.
There have never been any apologies or even recognition of the facts that so many have been deeply traumatised by things that have gone on. If KCF has changed surely there would have been some sort of recognition of what has gone on there.

I wish you all best wishes for 2022

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Iamfree ()
Date: December 27, 2021 08:24PM

I have just been reading through the last few messages that have been posted. There are some good and helpful posts on this site.

Thank you Isawtheway and Mork for the seasonal good wishes.

I thought that this site was created for people to warn others about KCF and to voice concerns. I have deeps concerns about KCF.
The posts relating to cults and explaining what a cult is are very helpful. They prove just how much we were taken in and controlled by Cheryl Doyle and some of the leaders there.

That was many years ago - people who attend now will say that things have changed, it is all in the past, that Cheryl Doyle no longer leads them.

What concerns me is the people in charge of KCF today were trained by Cheryl Doyle, they were groomed by her. I dont see how things can have changed that much.
As we have seen on this site lots of people, including children and young people were very deeply hurt.
There have never been any apologies or even recognition of the facts that so many have been deeply traumatised by things that have gone on. If KCF has changed surely there would have been some sort of recognition of what has gone on there.

I wish you all best wishes for 2022

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