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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: I can see ()
Date: December 04, 2022 12:35AM

Hi Mixed.
Yes that is exactly how things are set up in the favour of these leaders it's a perfect swizz!also they allow known child abusers into the congregation unbeknown to the other people who attend their meetings. The leaders make the decisions for the others.kcf damage people and tell lies and gossip about them then discard them then move on to fresh victims.
I mean come on look at the posts about them and how many views they get for all these years and still no reconciliation. You lot are well known for your shenanigans Shame on you!!

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Mixed Biscuits ()
Date: April 30, 2023 02:21AM

I found this resource and thought I'd pass it on in case anyone finds it useful. A lot of websites about cults are atheist or neutral but this is a Christian website. []

Couple of interesting quotes:

"Sociologists looks for patterns in human behavior and in social institutions. As you read the following pages, a profile of pastoral and spiritual abuse will emerge. Abusive churches, past and present, are first and foremost characterized by strong, control-oriented leadership. These leaders use guilt, fear, and intimidation to manipulate members and keep them in line. Followers are led to think that there is no other church quite like theirs and that God has singled them out for special purposes. Other, more traditional evangelical churches are put down. Subjective experience is emphasized and dissent is discouraged. Many areas of member’s lives are subject to scrutiny. Rules and legalism abound. People who don’t follow rules or who threaten exposure are often dealt with harshly. Excommunication is common. For those who leave, the road back to normalcy is difficult."
Ronald M. Enroth, Abusive Churches: A View From Within

"Unlike physical abuse that often results in bruised bodies, spiritual and pastoral abuse leaves scars on the psyche and soul. It is inflicted by persons who are accorded respect and honor in our society by virtue of their role as religious leaders and models of spiritual authority. They base that authority on the Bible, the Word of God, and see themselves as shepherds with a sacred trust. But when they violate that trust, when they abuse their authority, and when they misuse ecclesiastical power to control and manipulate the flock, the results can be catastrophic.

The perversion of power that we see in abusive churches disrupts and divides families, fosters an unhealthy dependence of members on the leadership, and creates, ultimately, spiritual confusion in the lives of victims."
Ron Enroth, Churches That Abuse,

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: I can see ()
Date: May 08, 2023 03:09PM

Good post MB I will look into this further.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Matthew 7:23 ()
Date: July 16, 2023 02:02PM

No shame.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Deprogrammed0110 ()
Date: December 23, 2023 11:15PM

I’ve been reading all your posts with interest. I’ve tried other fellowships, and began to realise that the very nature of how the bible is presented, was engineered to be a paradigm of control “ Religion the opium of the masses” a tool used by the establishment to keep the people under control.
Scriptures edited by the early Catholic Church( New Roman Empire ), left out many important books and documents that would have rendered a very different message. A message of love, peace and kindness understanding that we are all “ one “ and what you do to others, instantly returns back to you. I derive great comfort from this simple message. I have watched over the years as the “wicked” hiding in their little KCF club, have received back what they have put out there. It’s quite shocking actually if you reflect what has occurred over the years, you couldn’t write it. I think that life is about learning lessons, I suppose if you fail to learn a lesson, the scenario is repeated in some other form, so you get the chance again.
Proper study of how the bible was compiled and by who is fascinating, and study of the books left out changes the message radically. Unfortunately “waking up” from the fantasy of “the cult” takes much research, and often trauma from the members. My lesson in this has been, the scriptures are set up to control and oppress the people, and in my experience going to other churches although, not as horrific as KCF. At the end of the day, the scriptures that govern their ideologies will produce the same result. I found “ God “ on my own when I was 10 thankfully, what a shock it was to me when I mixed with Christians, I thought they would know the same “loving entity”that I had experienced.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: I can see ()
Date: January 09, 2024 12:16AM

Yes the bible was decided by constintine and not god the book included any way and the doctrines.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Mixed Biscuits ()
Date: January 17, 2024 05:47PM

When you read the bible its riddled with contradictions. As an example look at Ephesians (attributed to Paul) which teaches that we experience a kind of heaven here on earth whereas 2 Thesselonians (which is also attributed to Paul but it contradicts Ephesians and is also thought not to be written by him) preaches that this is an age of suffering. It can't be both. First Thesselonians warns us to beware because Jesus will return when you're not expecting it (2000 years and counting bro), The book of second Thess says don't be decieved by those who say Jesus will return soon because all these things need to happen first (so its saying 1 Thess is a forgery). It then claims that the anti Christ will go into the temple of God in Jerusalem which is inspiring fundamentalists to rebuild the temple so Jesus can return. Beliefs inform actions and as we see the attempt to rebuild the temple and things like the use of Ephesians to justify slavery these actions, taken from forged and contradictory books, have real world consequences.

When we were Christians (and those that still are) harmonise it in their own ways or are taught how to gloss over/do the gymnastics it takes to make it all fit. The simple fact of the matter is that in the 27 books of the New Testament there are 10-13 forged books, 6-9 anonymous books, 1 homonymous & 7 orthonymous books and often the writers came from different schools of thought as to what Christianity should look like.

There's always a post hoc excuse why we don't understand it - "the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God", or there's a sin blocking you, or you haven't fasted enough, you're not doing it hard enough (do it harder!), god is testing you, blah blah. However the books ARE competing against one another, the writings of the NT ARE ascribed to respectable people to give them more authority (James is another example of this) and they DO have different ideas about how to do Christianity (James and Ephesians have very opposing ideas of how to do Christianity as another example).

When you start to put it all together and you realise it's a mess, that it was written and put together by man, it doesn't make sense to base important life decisions off it. If someone tells you how to live your life based on these contradictory, forged and misatributed books, please. Think about it.

Beliefs inform actions.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: I can see ()
Date: January 18, 2024 04:40PM

By eric dubay on YouTube
Only for the genuine ones not repeaters.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Mixed Biscuits ()
Date: January 23, 2024 11:32PM

Excellent video here that explains some of the issues with the bible and why it's important. It's also quite a fun video. If the presence of Satan makes you feel uncomfortable just remember Job uses Satan as a framing device too.

Even though its a fun video they interview bible scholars and it's all based off readily available evidence. It's important to understand that bible scholars are mostly people who either are or were bible believing Christians but have found that the text is full of errors and can't be trusted. If you were to have an interest in astronomy you'd go to school to learn about the stars. They would tell you to grab a telescope, go look and investigate for yourself. It's amazing when we're told about the bible and Christianity that you shouldn't go and investigate for yourself, or you shouldn't read certain things or visit certain websites. If the truth is evident then you will be able to find it for yourself. It's a puny god that can't overcome a feeble website or provide any evidence.

The video covers the Exodus and why it didn't happen. Why the story of the promised land and the Canaanites is full of holes. The battle of Jericho didn't happen. How Christian apologetics makes excuses for killing children. How child sacrifice was a big thing in biblical times (seriously, what do Christians have against children?!) Comparisons of the Old and New Testament and why the new covenant is worse (there wasn't eternal torment in the Old Testament for a start!) How prophecy and the prophecies of Daniel were invented later and how there are zero eyewitness accounts of Jesus in the bible.

It's for you to decide whether to be a Christian or not but you should know it's not based on anything factual or historic. When you make decisions about your life; whether to have medical treatment or have faith, whether to cross the street when you see a 'backslider' coming, whether to marry or divorce based on the bibles teachings, whether to believe a prophecy, whether to hide child abuse because the work you're doing is more important, you are making these decisions that affect and damage peoples lives based on lies and forgery. Don't take my word for it, go look for yourselves.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: I can see ()
Date: February 04, 2024 08:13PM

Faith is pretending to know things that you dont know

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